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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Plus points there! ?’s t almost forgot to mention, you can like and comment at the click; no xtra charge…
  2. DeeringAmps


    I’m a fan, so you knew I was gonna love it. I think the guitar is just fine, the vocal is sitting on top, right where it should be. Classic beat on that intro, ?. Chalk up another great one ☝️! ? t
  3. its at the very bottom of this page: Under the heading Cakewalk SONAR > download
  4. All I did was authorize Sonar. That worked. t
  5. Different experience here. I had no issues subscribing. The problems started when trying to change the monthly sub to yearly, to take advantage of the 30% off offer. But frankly, BL did me a favor. As soon as “pricing” is announced/offered I will cancel Backstage Pass and buy in. Clearly YMMV when dealing with BL… t
  6. DeeringAmps


    Trilian user as well (started off with Trilogy). Very convincing here, nicely done! t
  7. Well played Steve! A fitting tribute, to arguably, the premier guitarist in the Allman Brothers Band. RIP Dickie. t
  8. DeeringAmps


    Much enjoyed. I'd tag this as "jazz" a bit more than "folk, singer songwriter"; but what do I know about genres (and I mean that literally!) Yes indeed. ?'s ? t of course, I "liked" and commented over at SC. Don't you wish everybody did?
  9. Smooth and sexy sax there my friend! ? t do I have to mentioned I am subscribed, have "liked" and commented?
  10. Very nice, very intimate. Liked and commented over at SC; saw some familiar faces there; nice! t I know I've mentioned this before, but D'addario Flat Tops will virtually "kill" all the squeaks in an acoustic guitar performance...
  11. ?'s Like and comment over at YT. Love the bassline on this one. Reminds of Entwistle and Cassidy. ? t
  12. I don’t remember the vocal being so forward in the original. Everything is sitting perfectly in the mix. @garybrun you’ve done a masterful job here. (see what I did there?) Two very fine performances here by both of you! ?’s ?’s ?? t
  13. If the slots are a bit wide, maybe not. Lots of builders use super glue, especially on re-frets. It’s kind of a crapshoot. t
  14. This would/should fall into the category "return merchandise" and no duties should apply. However, convincing the UPS counter clerk of that might be difficult to impossible. You could try super gluing the frets down, but obviously the neck is not "right"; and you don't want it. You sure that's what you want given what you received? Can you spell Warmouth? That's the direction I would go... Good luck, "I feel your pain", t
  15. Fixed that for you. and I am, happily, in the same boat! t
  16. Unfortunately I can’t tell you. Purchase made, but not installed. I’m on a road trip… t
  17. WHAT, @Bapu no “installed “? I know, I know, they was installed long time ago… I did score the “Scores” midi (see what I did there? So cleaver) With some BestCoin it was $7 and change. Will I use it? At that price I buy ‘em all… t
  18. BandLab.com/products/cakewalk is NOT the full installer (I’m on my phone, couldn’t check) t
  19. much enjoyed Wookiee! ?'s ? t
  20. 1) While Win 7 is no longer "supported", some report it is working fine. 2) Yes. Gotta go online to download it and online authorization is the easiest route. But after that you don't have to be online to run it. 3) Yes, those are the supported formats (although no one uses the so-called "bun" files anymore. YMMV) 4) That I do not have an answer for... t
  21. @icu81b4 hit the "W" key, that will take you to the Start marker (if you hit it twice it will take you to Measure 1 Beat 1. Hit "Ctrl+End" and that will take you to the End marker. What I don't get is Start and End show in the Markers view, but you can't edit their placement; had to do that "manually". HTH, t
  22. Then all is not "lost". You had to do it anyway! t
  23. Can you spell PayPal? Rarely do I use my CC on the web. Bad enough that PayPal has access to my CC and banking info, but beats having the CC at risk everywhere... t
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