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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Focusrite interface, right? Playback and Recording>Driver Mode; set that to ASIO. MME isn't going to cut it. Driver Settings>Playback Timing Master and Driver Settings>Record Timing Master Both those have to be set to your Focusrite; it should list it as ASIO Focusrite USB Analog (1) something like that. There are some other settings to set, but that should get you started. Report back and the community will get it sorted and you'll be making music in no time. Tom
  2. Hey Martin, My high school French is a bit "rusty", so I can't comment on the lyrics, melody is good. That clicking sound effect, its just a little (a lot maybe) loud for me. At first I thought it was the nut on one of the acoustics "popping"; you know when the string is tight in the nut and lets go "bing!"? Are the acoustics just a little dry, maybe? Overall sounds like you're making good progress, I like it! Tom
  3. I guess I'm trying to convince myself this is a no-brainer price and I "have" to buy it...
  4. I bought the Vegas 14 Pro Bundle, it was 2 years ago; right? Do I "need" HitFil Pro? Tom
  5. Don't feel bad, I struggle the same way. That's a big boy all right, it sounds nice. T
  6. Now that's some smooth jazz! I like it, very soulful. So if I'm behind the glass on this one: in the intro, the arpeggio into the chord. You've varied the arpeggio just a bit (excellant), but I think I would make a little change on the chord. I'm not good at "that's a sus 4 with a 2 in the root", but on the 2nd and 4th repeat I'd change the one to a 7th maybe? I hope I'm making myself clear. Just a tiny difference in that voicing; subtle. But as I said above, very soulful, well played; other than that tiny change to the intro I would leave it alone. Tom big Gibson jazz box on this one?
  7. Now this is some truly "classic" Freddy J! I feel for you Freddy, both on xmas bills and the lost hard drive. I paid the bill yesterday; I took it pretty "easy" this year. Tom btw, enjoying Christmas Blue as I write...
  8. Simply gorgeous! I salute you fine Lady and Sirs! Tom If you told me this was AK & Union Station, I would say I'm not surprised...
  9. Classic Band, Classic Hit; these are tough to cover. You're having fun, and rocking out; that's all that matters. The chorus is suffering a bit without McVie on the bass though... Tom
  10. Hey Wayne, I'll do these one at a time; starting with Good Life. The intro guitar, panned hard left? I'd center it up like the solo. Vocals are a little too laid back in the mix (not a critique of the performance). The call (vocal) and response (guitar) makes this really stand out. Love the horns, but not sure everything is working in the same "space". This is a fine "rocker", just not sure the mix is doing it justice. As always, your song, your production; just some things that jump out at me. Tom
  11. You can send as many tracks or busses as you want to the main out.
  12. I guess I got to give in and get into the Xmas spirit, and thank you for that! That Black Beauty does look like a sweet ride. Nicely done. Tom
  13. I've got to agree, the only "weak" link here is the horns. Well done! Actually your tone at 2:24 mark is very nice, then the fuzz as well. Tom
  14. Got me grinnin' like a cat eatin' thistle, that is fur shur! I does lurvs me some beanys and weanies . Actually the wife and myself made a batch earlier this week, used becan instead of weanies; but its all good. Best thing about it? Culd bean samich the next day; my momma didn' raise no fools! To Thums Up! T
  15. DeeringAmps


    A little more "cinematic" sound stage on this one (except the electronic drum kit, and I would think you have that "right"). So the ambiance is in the patches? Not overall on the mix? Nicely done! T still no bpg tele? dam ?
  16. Feel like I'm waiting for the aisles to clear after a packed house action/thriller as the credits run. Your furry paws continue to rain goodness. Tom You could add a bit more ambiance to that "kick" or timpani; just a thought...
  17. So the awesome parts all come to a blend that sounds . . . very much . . . as if they are all in a computer. Which of course they are. I get no larger sense of "performance space" in your piece. (Whoops the quotes kind of got jumbled up there, but I think you get the meaning) I've mentioned before that getting that "professional" cinematic sound stage is the one thing (well lots of things really) that eludes me (and certainly others). I own "tons" of reverbs (don't we all) but evidently don't have a clue how to use them properly. That not withstanding a Big Thumbs Up from me, Tom my only 'issue', I didn't hear no black pick guard tele in this one; what gives?
  18. Plenty of "low end" on my Bose cans, but as Harry said the bass line is not real distinct. If that's by design leave it alone. Three hours? Remarkable! As always; great tune, performances, production, etc. Tom So the rhythm guitars, double tracked panned hard left/right; do I have that right? Do you send them to a buss and mid-side that to keep the center wide open? Just curious
  19. If any delay is tempo synced you’ll get a pop. I’m guessing that if a patch has any tempo synced effects, same result. T
  20. Beefheart, Zappa, Wild Man Fischer; I/we have mentioned them all in the past. Jesse is without any doubt a very unique talent; I think the last tune he posted I described as Avant-Garde. I'm sticking with that. Jesse, I'm sure, when the muse hits, and she fancies some traditional Pop/Rock, he will pursue it. In the meantime, I say "Jesse, avant-garde on my brother"... T Just a note, this tune has way more "structure" than some he has posted.D Doesn't make it "better" or the less structured "worse". Its his art, he's hung it on the wall, enjoy or not: that's up to you.
  21. Another big "Thumbs Up" form me Nigel. Sounded good here! Good luck with the release... T
  22. I'm going to concur with Spak and Amiller. But just a reminder, while I hear the influence, I think Doug is unique. T
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