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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Lots to like here, that is for sure! Thumbs up, thumbs up. Now, there’s always a but, lots of low end, but I would like a bit more definition on the kick and bass. Both are better on the cans than in the car. Not muddy, just “there” but not well defined. There’s a high pitched percussive element in the right can that’s just a bit too loud on the Bose cans here. I love the tune. t
  2. So all that distortion is the 350, or the layered synths? Pretty saturated. At times it sounds pretty heavily gated, or is that the synths cutting off? Keep it moving forward. t
  3. Hey Keith, I’ve come to really enjoy these pieces from the “vault”. Always find your use of effects interesting as they aren’t just static, so you must of been working the effects as you “worked” the mic. At that same time Cakewalk was controlling my synths and effects as well as the sequencing, and syncing to my Tascam 688. Anyway, well done. Are you re-mastering these in CbB?’ Maybe you should describe your effects chain for that, I think a few of us would find that interesting. t
  4. Yeah, lots of kick and acoustic guitar, not so much vocal. Needs a little work John, then bring it back! t
  5. Always love me some tasty guitar work and solid grooves! Thumbs up. And bad ***** bass never makes me sad. t A cross between an ***** and a horse is a mule. Or assume makes an ****** out of u and me. I hate being censored!
  6. David you should expand on this. I won’t mention the “D” word, but maybe you should find some different artwork... t
  7. So I got the 30 second clips, sounds good. Kinda reminds me of Seattle in the 90’s. Please take that as a compliment. I guess I’ll have to check out the Spotify app. t
  8. Great groove on this one John. I love the intro, this is the album cut, now finish the “radio mix”. Great drum track, very open and clean mix. Thumbs up man, maybe even “two snaps and a backfield in motion”! t
  9. Jerry, You really should link this from your post in Songs. It’s a great read and I’m afraid it will get missed by most of the community. t
  10. I think I’ve mentioned in the past I think this one’s a hottie! t
  11. Ditto, although at times the kick seems to be sitting on top of the track; on the Bose cans here. Like the grinding guitars! t
  12. DeeringAmps


    More fuzzy goodness from Wookie’s furry paws. Keep em coming Wooks! t
  13. First of all, welcome home Jerry! As always I very much enjoyed your latest work. Especially the way you worked in the modern voices. Though I’m just a guitar player, I’ve always been inspired by your composition and orchestration. Can only imagine how enlightening it must be for those who aspire to follow in your footsteps. t
  14. I'll echo the above comments, interesting piece. One little niggle here, when the bass hits at measure 17 its kind of woofy (for want of a better term) comes and goes a little bit there; and then never comes back. Its like the low notes are there, a bit overpowering for me, then the upper notes either don't sound or are much softer. Stood right out to me and I had to go back and check the score. This is staff view in CbB? t
  15. More “Jesse” from Jesse. As always; a fan my brother. t
  16. Exorcising demons is an important role of songwriting. Hope this helping! A little noodling at the end, your song, your production. Really liked the “live” feel on the drums. What are you using for drums? Bring us on another... t
  17. More “Kirby” goodness. 3 top 10, 29 top 50; looks like things are going well. Thumbs up Doug! t
  18. You took it down; no worries, I got the record. Think I mentioned back in December this was a favorite! t
  19. DeeringAmps


    The hat certainly is not dominating the track on the Bose cans here, and the groove is solid. Lots of guitars sounding very good. Solid vocal with some really fine background vocals. Love the B3. The tune is “flying”, well done, big thumbs up from me! t
  20. Love the tune! Absolutely “killer” drum track. I realize the guitars are not “carrying” the tune, but I would bring the solo up. Deal breaker? No. Other than that little niggle, great mix Ed. Thumbs up for sure! t almost forget, cool vid
  21. Easy Paul, I like it! Don’t go getting down on yourself. Bring us on another, songwriting is a craft. Lather, rinse, repeat... t
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