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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Martin, I see you've already posted the new mix, I often wish OP's would leave the original mix available for comparison. The snap was intended to emphasize the 2 and 4; IIRC. Kind of like the percussive "scrape" that's a integral part of Hendrix's cover of Hey Joe, or the constant wood block in All Right Now. The "snap" was "loud" on the original acoustic mix. I don't think I found it distracting in the electric mix. I'm sorry I influenced your final decision. This is your song, your production. I will repeat my request for the lyrics though; With You is about as far as I've gotten. In French would be fine, perhaps preferred. Tom
  2. Rex, I've held off commenting for awhile. It seems you take every suggestion/critique to heart and run off and change the whole tune. Gotta "commit", print it and move on. And remember "do as I say, not as I do"; commitment is hard... All kidding aside, another good tune! Tom
  3. Moving right along Martin, sounding good. Yeah, I think so; it was really loud in the first mix. Maybe Martin will post the lyrics. Tom
  4. Hey Jesse, As always I'm intrigued. Somebody wanted "structure", well there you are! Pull the vocal up a bit will ya, I'd like to catch all the lyrics. Ever a fan, Tom
  5. Being a guitar player, of a certain age shall we say; I get the "time warp" thing!
  6. Ok, genres are "hard" for me to pin down, so thank you for that. This is not in my "roundhouse", but I stayed with it to the end; so well done! Had to google "polymath", guess my "liberal" education is getting a bit "musty" 45 plus years on... Thumbs up on Power dat ***** as well. Maybe its the guitar that comes in at about 1:30? No, you had my attention from the very start; great groove. Among the Dark just popped up as I write this, I like this one too. Please don't take any of my remarks as "flippant" or "condescending", I'm just not a "genre" guy; its either good, or not... Tom ***** I was afraid of that, boy the software is touchy! Its a title for cris sakes!
  7. Three months in? You're doing fine! Got to start working on your "touch". I tend to "push" the note, meaning move the string along the fret for my vibrato. I was "instructed" on the "correct" form by a fiddle player once. The finger is "anchored" and you "rock" the finger tip. Yeah right, that ain't the way I seen BB, Clapton, et al. do it... Actually I tend to play acoustic that way, and some notes I "sting" like that on electric. You have to "find" your voice; not trying to give a "lesson" here. That GR patch is just a bit "wet" for me, I'd pull the verb down just a tad... Tom
  8. Nicely done Paul. The eighties, so Huey Lewis and the News eighties? Catchy chorus, always a good thing. Post some more... Tom
  9. Nice bit of songwriting here! Interesting story line, well told. The vocal effects are fine IMHO; your song, your production. I just need a bit more "realism". The midi guitar solo; I play guitar, 'nuff said. The brass patch, hey I struggle mightily here too so; "let he who has the great brass library throw the first critique"; right? The hats are great, the snare, we need some ghost notes, a "pickup up" here and there; not just the obligatory tom fill every verse>chorus>verse>bridge transition. (run on sentence, I know) I like the tune, this is a great demo, these are the areas I would concentrate on if I'm behind the glass on this one... Tom
  10. These were a "deal" for me, only because a had I few left over reg. codes from my last "six packs". But I would title the EZKeys as West Coast Ballads. Is it just me or do most of the EZKeys libraries seem too "ballady" (balladie? Am I coining a phrase here?)? Tom
  11. Great stuff Bat, so funky! Love that bass! Pull the main guitar up a couple of dB? So the Barber provides the "endless" sustain? The original or the updated "compact"? T
  12. I think it has been established that when Assistant informs you an update is available/necessary, it is just "good practice" to manually install it. That is all for now children...
  13. I think now we can talk about "classic" Kirby! Doug you definitely have a "style". Keep it up my brother. One little niggle, maybe its just my right ear. At about 1:20 and 2:40 there's a little, for want of a better word, "pedal" part on the guitar, panned hard right; probably a one-five thing. Its a bit loud, for me anyway. Tom
  14. Jesse, Here's a link to the Rick Beato video; Can You Hear the Difference. He compares V-30's, Green Back 25's, G12-65's and Fanes. It's all in the context of comparing a Marshall to a Park amp, apples to oranges in the case of your Twin. Also, none of these would work in a 2x12 for this amp though... T
  15. DeeringAmps


    Man oh man, Mark is right; that is a top notch performance! Now the niggles, if that's ok. The band is way too loud, put them on a buss named SUBMIX and pull the fader down 3db at least. That vocal is Way Too Pretty (and the Martin as well), to hide in the mix; its not "lost" but, the band is walking all over it. Tom "Pretty" is a term we Baritones use to describe natural Tenors, because we are jealous...
  16. Jesse, That transformer set is a "beast" and will deliver a HUGE clean sine wave. The equivalent Bassman (UL taps) was still "clean" at 120 watts into a 100 watt power soak. The cooling fan on the soak was "screaming" so I "woke" up and backed off; I have no idea how much clean headroom was left! Choose your speakers carefully, that's a lot of power! I'm a "pre-Rola" snob so I can't comment on current production. Although I've had some luck with the Greenback 25's; Vintage 30's not so much. But none of those would would work without a couple of 4x12 boxes, so... Rick Beato has a video up running various heads into several different cabinets. I think one was loaded with G12-75's maybe, and Rick and the gang seemed pretty happy with that speaker set up; you'd be right on the edge with a pair of those. Pull those UL taps and re-wire the output stage and this transformer set is a "bomb". You get a "thumb you in the chest" monster, that's what I did with the Bassman 135. The only "issue" with Fender Master Volume models in the 70's is the pre-amp is so "clean" there is nothing to "Master". I "fixed" that on the re-build as well... Tom
  17. Are you running the Early Release or the final release 2019.12 build 26? As I said above I was having "issues" on both rigs. 2019.12 build 26 is showing no issues. I didn't make it into the studio yesterday, I plan on updating the studio rig today. I wouldn't remove CbB without first updating to 2019.12 build 26. T
  18. Are you running the 2019.12 Early Release? I was having an issue where I was no longer seeing the hits as well, I just updated the office rig to today's release and all is well here. I didn't run the problem project before the update, and maybe the "issue" was only on the studio rig, that's running 2019.11 I've been porting the project back and forth from the studio to the office and can't remember if the issue was common to both rigs. I'll check the studio rig later today and report back; pre and post update to 2012.12 Tom
  19. You know I've never struggled with "stage fright" BUT; I've always had my guitar, and/or a mic stand to "hide" behind. And of course, always in a band setting. Alone like that, as Jesse said, on a large stage; and as ZincT said, with just the piano accompaniment. She did kill it, she is a "diamond"! Tom
  20. DeeringAmps


    Back in the day it was a tossup between the Korg and an EMU Proteus MPS; went with the Proteus. This does bring back fond memories. As always, a delight! Keep on keepin' them fuzzy paws busy Wookster... T
  21. DeeringAmps


    Beautifully done! I must admit I'm woefully ignorant of "Indian" music, beyond all the Harrison pieces, and Ravi Shanker at Monterey Pop. I don't get a Raga feel at all here, not that that matters. Correct me if I'm wrong, this is you on the Cello? Remarkable! One of my wife's uncles is a cellist, and a quite good one as well, the other uncle was the Stud Lead Guitar; whoops, check that, the Principal Clarinetist for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra for many years. He lead me to believe that that is in effect, the Stud Lead Guitar Player (my words, not exactly his) of the band or Orchestra as it were or is or; well you get my meaning. So, as I have rambled on here aimlessly let me summarize; Two BIG Snaps, and a backfield in motion! (google it, its hilarious) I don't think just thumbs up was gonna be enough...
  22. Bats, you never fail to deliver (I've probably said that before, so deja vu all over again?). Beautifully done. I don't have the original, so I can't comment on how the unobtainium drive pedal improved things: sounds nice though (I'm not a pedal guy, perhaps that has had a negative overall effect on my playing? but I digress) EZDrummer on this one, which snare is that, nice solid pop to it methinks. Overall I a bit of a Rush feel to this one, and I mean that in the very best way. So two thumps up (I will not use that emoji I thought was a thumb yesterday, Yikes!)!! T
  23. Didn't Jack Bruce say that Bach was the ultimate bass player? I think he did, so how's about an EB1 (that's the violin shaped one) into a wildly overdriven Marshall Super Bass for the Contrabass? I'm kidding, I kid (mybad, I'm sorry, sometimes I can't help myself). All kidding aside, very nicely done; please do share some more! Tom this bad boy does go on for awhile...
  24. As always a big "Well Done!" my man. That R8 looks like a very sweet ride indeed. Rock On! or jazz on as it were/are... T
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