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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. DeeringAmps


    I'll throw a quarter on the table as well. T
  2. Derek, On first listen, I wanted to slow the track down a bit. Kind of feel like the track is pushing your phrasing a little too much. By that I mean you've got a nice "touch", but no time to dwell on the final note and "milk" it a little; there's your blues, that vibrato. But, you could slow yourself down and take that moment to make those "money" notes sing. This is not criticism, I just want to hear you really deliver, its in there, you've got the "touch". My one crit however, would be the organ leads are not strong enough; I know you want to break it up, but you got to deliver there too. Overall I'm liking it. Tom
  3. DeeringAmps

    No Clue

    There is some low end "funk" (no pun intended) on my Bose cans. Hip tune, never would of thought of the cello for the "lead"; cool! Like the way you worked the unk in with the f-hole; nicely done! A big "thumbs up" from me... Tom
  4. Good tune, coming of age thing; I like it! However, I think we're still at the "demo" stage here; needs a little more "polish". Take a good hard listen, there's spots where the bass kind of drops out and leaves it a bit lacking. We have the acoustic guitar carrying the track, then the electric piano; put it all together. Love the electric tone on the intro, use that some more in the verses/chorus maybe? Just my thoughts, as always; your song, your production... Tom making the listener "search" for the tune? take us straight to the song, add a link to the podcast for context.
  5. Yeah, I shot a question to Jim to make sure I wouldn't be downgrading the 1TB I would be replacing... (its not full yet, but I also have a 1TB regular SSD with samples I don't use as much)
  6. @cclarryGood advice actually, maybe I should take it to heart! Thanks
  7. Some metal midi, but we're already onto deal three... The Classic EZX $22 But see Lars' post for best deal here T
  8. Lars, you really is supa-human! Old school here, I include a text file in the download folder. T
  9. High praise indeed, and well deserved. Just took a listen myself (actually found it on the old forum with the forum search, who'd a thunk?), and stuck around for more of your work; I am impressed! You should add a link in your post. Oh, I'll do it! Tom
  10. A little Joe Walsh vibe me thinks! As always well written, played and produced. The next tune up on the album is a hottie as well (a little Floydian influence) Show a little love for a forum member, it’s a great record. Tom
  11. Songwriting, performance, production; all top notch! I wouldn't change a thing, print it, bring us more! Mucho thumbs up! Tom I too had a listen to the rest of your work. I must concur this is my fav (most "polished"), but all in all very nice work.
  12. Fine tune, as has been mentioned drums could be "dressed" up a bit. My two cents worth; I'd put an acoustic "rhythm" guitar on it. Keep it simple, open chords, something to "glue" the whole thing together. I know that ups the count to three guitars, but that's what I'm hearing... Tom
  13. Can you spell "avant-garde"? Keep on keeping on Jesse. As always, a fan, T
  14. I've commented on this one before, and I do like it! But, today; Middle of Nowhere is my favorite. Hope the release is going well Bats. T
  15. This one is melancholy, but I'm sure that's what you were going for, so well done. Very sparse, but I think it conveys the message. "piano/vocal" demos, "guitar/vocal" demos, are just that, "demos"; but I think this one stands alone well. Is that what you meant by "deconstructing" your style? Tom
  16. I agree with the reviews above; in spades! But (oh boy, here it comes), if I'm producing, I want you to vary the melody here. So hard to medicate alone when you're sinking like a stone I think the melody needs to descend on "stone". (are we in D, so stone would be C st D o B ne; and the way you "riff" on it, maybe C D B A G A. And maybe I've said too much?) Your song, your production, but that's what I would lobby for if I'm "behind the glass" on this one. Tom
  17. Nicely done. Not sure if you are using the ambiance included with the samples, or something on the mix overall? That's the only thing maybe "lacking" to my ears; a verb/delay that ties the whole orchestra together in one space. And trust me, I'm still searching for that one "major production" verb myself (or the settings that "nail" it with the many I have). Tom
  18. A little U2 feel here? Unless what I think are "jangling" guitars down in the mix is a synth. I was going to agree with emeraldsoul on the drums, but hey; your song, your production. I do agree on the vocal processing, well done! Tom
  19. Did you mean Tommy stock up again? Mostly only my sisters call me Tommy!
  20. You hooked me with the stylus drop and the "ticking" scratch in the vinyl. From the title I was expecting some Wild Man Fischer or Captain Beefheart, but alas, some real 21st century King Crimson maybe? Anyway, well done, well done indeed; definitely throw some thumbs up for sure. From Somebody to Love to Pink Gong; pretty broad palette here man, good on ya. I'm a fan, no doubt about it; even without your outstanding vocalist, you are gettin' 'er done! Tom
  21. That's you on the background vocals too? Nice. I can hear some Roy influence there. Maybe just a tad brite? Especially that guitar hard right around the :55 mark and again later, its during the I'll never be...The walking wounded. Tele maybe? Could be the Bose cans... Thumbs up! Tom
  22. Always love me some slide and pedal steel (notice I didn't say pedal steel guitar? I can play a guitar; pedal steel, not so much) Another tender love song (that matches the hat!?). Story well told. Tom
  23. Très bien sûr! (english translation "very nice for sure") Your song, your mix; but for me the guitar on the left is just a bit too loud. Don't know if its the level or the effects, but the guitar on the right "sits" better in the mix on my "cans". All in all, well done! Tom
  24. Bjorn, Martin and Gary have said it all. Really beautiful! If the "dry" version is not de-essed; Leave It Alone! If it is; Leave It Alone! Take a listen to some Carrie Underwood, there's plenty of "harsh esses" there. Again, simply gorgeous. Tom BTW, I get decent results with FAbFilter ProDS.
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