On the Bose cans here the bass guitar is a little light (not well defined), and Bose are pretty "hyped" in the low end.
Otherwise well done man!
Welcome to the forum...
Exactly, its a file size thingy; no worries! @bjornpdx pretty much said it all as far as a critique, so I will simply comment as a "listener"; WOW!
This is definitely at least a Top 5er in your catalog Wooks!
Furred, fuzzy goody goodness! and then some!
I just got hit by the "bomb" (6ish on the counter), way kooooool...
Ok, I gotta make one critical comment, and it ain't critical by any means; the sound stage is just gorgeous!
Wookiee, man oh man...
thumbs just wouldn't say enough
You mentioned VST3, maybe I’m late to the party but, SampleTank 3 didn’t work with the VST3, it runs fine with the VST2 dll. I didn’t upgrade to ST4.
You’ve got it right. I would Solo the buss, then solo each panned track to check its “position”. Assuming that you have a stereo effect on the buss, that could be the cause of a “phantom” center. Test each track with the, reverb I’m assuming, on and off. Since the introduction of aux tracks I put the common effect in an aux and send it to the Guitars buss as well. That way each guitar can have it’s own level of effect.
More Doug being Kirby!
A little more "dirt" on the vocal this time, eh?
I've mentioned this before, A Gray Colored Sky definitely has a "sound" and a "vibe".
Note: My ears are not at their much "battered" best lately (tree pollen allergies).
The guitar on the left seems to "dominate" just a little too much, use your best judgement.
All 'round; more thumbs to ya baby, continue to rock on!
Welcome to the forum Dave. Not my genre, but I'm thinking this is pretty spot on for Synth-Pop.
It grooves right along. First rate vocal, well done.
I'm thinking a little top notch mastering and you've got a radio ready single.
Opus Obscura, I like that! Play that "funky" music, bring that funky guitar up just a bit.
Oh I like that breakdown at 3:20 ish. That riff, yeah bass, horns; Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
I don't recognize the speech...
Thumbs, thumbs, thumps!!!
Jesse, yikes sometime in the dark something happened to your voice!
It's that dam cat, ouch.
Oh, man I'm sorry!
you should credit your lovely assistant!
thumbs to both of ya!
Here's a peace offering, I've got a track for you!
right click and "Save Link As"
Long story, I have a plethora of midi tracks, some I've done, some I've bought, and many I
"harvested" years ago. Somewhere I had found a program that scrounged the net for .mid files.
Here's a sample of the track Fooled Around
PM if you have any issues or need some help!