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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. On the Bose cans here the bass guitar is a little light (not well defined), and Bose are pretty "hyped" in the low end. Otherwise well done man! t Welcome to the forum...
  2. Naughty, Naughty; wait, isn't that a song? [tube]http://youtu.be/syhrz_AMLQU[/tube] I give up! how do you imbed youtube vids?
  3. Not my genre, and you got Me dancin' man. Yikes! Pretty cool, keep it up... t
  4. Exactly, its a file size thingy; no worries! @bjornpdx pretty much said it all as far as a critique, so I will simply comment as a "listener"; WOW! This is definitely at least a Top 5er in your catalog Wooks! Furred, fuzzy goody goodness! and then some! I just got hit by the "bomb" (6ish on the counter), way kooooool... Ok, I gotta make one critical comment, and it ain't critical by any means; the sound stage is just gorgeous! Wookiee, man oh man... t thumbs just wouldn't say enough
  5. Are you using Drum maps? If the toms aren’t in the map, no sound. t
  6. You mentioned VST3, maybe I’m late to the party but, SampleTank 3 didn’t work with the VST3, it runs fine with the VST2 dll. I didn’t upgrade to ST4. t
  7. Actually the correct answer is: Mars Bonfire no “?” mark. As he said, Ed lived the answer. I don’t doubt that! ?
  8. The music plays, but just the one picture. t
  9. To quote Hoyt Axton: "gawd dam the pusher man"
  10. I got close! Its is now! JOEMENTUM THE BJORN MIX
  11. Right, that sums it up! No vid...
  12. You’ve got it right. I would Solo the buss, then solo each panned track to check its “position”. Assuming that you have a stereo effect on the buss, that could be the cause of a “phantom” center. Test each track with the, reverb I’m assuming, on and off. Since the introduction of aux tracks I put the common effect in an aux and send it to the Guitars buss as well. That way each guitar can have it’s own level of effect. t
  13. Do a “save as” and the unused tracks should be “cleaned” up. t
  14. Carlos said: “even if we really don't know each other, I feel I do:” I know Larry, you know Larry, but more importantly, Larry knows us!
  15. More Doug being Kirby! A little more "dirt" on the vocal this time, eh? I've mentioned this before, A Gray Colored Sky definitely has a "sound" and a "vibe". Note: My ears are not at their much "battered" best lately (tree pollen allergies). The guitar on the left seems to "dominate" just a little too much, use your best judgement. All 'round; more thumbs to ya baby, continue to rock on! t
  16. Welcome to the forum Dave. Not my genre, but I'm thinking this is pretty spot on for Synth-Pop. It grooves right along. First rate vocal, well done. I'm thinking a little top notch mastering and you've got a radio ready single. t
  17. DeeringAmps


    SLAMMED, Please excuse my SHOUTING, but even with your warning, Youch! As I said re: Biro, where do you want to go with this? t
  18. Opus Obscura, I like that! Play that "funky" music, bring that funky guitar up just a bit. Oh I like that breakdown at 3:20 ish. That riff, yeah bass, horns; Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! I don't recognize the speech... Thumbs, thumbs, thumps!!! t
  19. I can hear the kick! Thumbs up for sure! t you might add -new mix to the title, I totally missed yesterday that you had updated the tune...
  20. Jesse, yikes sometime in the dark something happened to your voice! It's that dam cat, ouch. Oh, man I'm sorry! t you should credit your lovely assistant! thumbs to both of ya!
  21. If I told you, he'd have to, well you know....
  22. Here's a peace offering, I've got a track for you! fooled_around.cwp right click and "Save Link As" Long story, I have a plethora of midi tracks, some I've done, some I've bought, and many I "harvested" years ago. Somewhere I had found a program that scrounged the net for .mid files. Here's a sample of the track Fooled Around PM if you have any issues or need some help! t
  23. Hey Wooks, I’ve downloaded, I’ll get out to the studio later. Be safe brother, you might have to shave those furry paws to keep them clean. ?
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