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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Intro bgvox a little light (should be more like after the verses). I'd shorten up the second intro section a bit. Is it a 4 bar pattern, I'd have to listen again, but its not "building" like the first section, hence I'd shorten it... That "call and response" in the second verse; guitar up a bit (bridge pickup might bring it forward, like the solo) But don't walk on the vocal. WARNING! This is your tune, so your vision. These are quick notes I made as the tune rolled. More Doug, and more than anything, I appreciate its your voice! t
  2. we players of the black standards have to stick together...
  3. I liken EZD and Superior Drummer to Brian Wilson walking into United Western Recorders and handing the charts to The Wrecking Crew. Hal Blaine is sitting at the kit, and away you go. The grooves and performances contained in the ToonTracks libraries are a "work made for hire". I paid for them... Now they are yours! If you require any more assistance just reach out via the PM on the forum. Glad to help... tom I find most of grooves require a little "massaging", but all were laid down by drummers, not guitar players. need I say more?
  4. Interesting thought, I honestly didn't notice it did not have a drum track. Stands on its own just fine; your voice, your production..... t
  5. Claudio, you are creepin' me out man! Shades of Her Satanic Majesties Request. Good work, stay on it! t
  6. What have I been smokin'? Could have sworn this was track8? Going with my initial response. Kick is "working" for me; YMMV..... Especially in the context of the guitar tone, which is not a "warm and fuzzy big box" Gibson; well mostly, I'm at 3:30ish now. Still not an L5.... NO! t I would print it, but, serve Your vision, remember, I'm an old (heavy emphasis on that old) rocker.....
  7. Here's a quick example of what EZDrummer 2 can do with its search function. a_little_bit.cwp Not trying to proselytize here, and bear in mind here I have a rather "extensive" collection of ToonTracks' midi content. Its akin to getting a "deal" on an inkjet printer, only to find that the "ink" is where they make their money... Its general midi drum clips and should work with whatever drum VSTi you are using. Just replace the TTS-1 instance they are assigned to with your VSTi of choice. Let me know if you want some help. t
  8. Jerry's work is amazing! @jsg Perhaps you could share some of your mastering technique. Everything is "balanced" and pretty loud; you master or hire it out? Keep sharing please... tom
  9. Me too neither! Another avant-garde collage, keep 'em coming. you started something at that 3:01 mark; heavy like Grand Funk!* t *fz is smiling...
  10. yes, can't track of who is/isn't a ToonTrack user!
  11. Lather, rinse, repeat! The "Jack Bruce" bass is growing on me; I must admit. Now the bgvox is "supporting" the lead, much better. I forget, you're using EZD? If so "drop" a two or four bar kick and snare (don't "tap" it) in the search field, it'll kick back a bunch of "patterns". PM if you have issues with it, we'll get it sorted, you'll love it. Much better my brother, and the song deserves it! t
  12. DeeringAmps


    I'm liking the bass and drums at 1:21 that's for sure. Guitars are happening now; nice tone! Well done, a bit on the long side (for me). But, you held my attention right up to the end! ? t
  13. Don't do that! Your style is your style. That's one of the tough questions when producing, are we after the Artist's style, or is the Artist after the producers style... t
  14. Wow, we kind of let you fall thru the cracks Steev. Nicely done! Some big shoes to fill. t
  15. number 9, number 9 Jesse I love the tunes that have structure, but these are really special. Keep it up man! Push that envelope... t the outro might be my favorite part. as always, a fan.........
  16. Well done Keith! I think this one is in "the can". Bring us another... Like that ending, I was sure that last note was going high. You fooled me! t You played the Paul on this one? Black Standard; right?
  17. DeeringAmps

    The Two of Us

    You've got it "outlined" for sure. The bgvox need some work to "blend" with the lead better. That one guitar is pretty "wet". There's almost a "flutter" effect on the slide up to tempo on the intro, more like the tape is coming to speed. Did you edit up to it too closely? The fade-in starts mid note? Anyway, you got your tune (that's 10%) now you got to make your record (90%). Good luck, keep us apprised. t
  18. Beyerdynamics DT 990 (open back) for listening Beyerdynamics DT 770 (closed back) for tracking if I was only buying 1 set 770's... t
  19. ain't that the truth! armed with a good guitar and a great amp, you can conquer the world... t
  20. Good on ya Wooks! Come Together t
  21. More rockin' Kirby from Doug! Man, I'd mix it slightly different, but that's just a "season to taste" thing. I'm a fan. keep on rockin' in this covid world... t
  22. Does it show up on the wav bounce in CbB, or just the mp3 export?
  23. I'm feeling and hearing it now!! Oh that sax is sexy, keep that man away form my wife! t
  24. So many great things to comment on! Everyone knows I'm a fan. I'll limit to one: Your bass tone, oh man. I be luvin' that! As always, top shelf, top shelf. I'd like another double please.... t
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