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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. So what is this ONE that I just signed up for?
  2. Shocking! I kid, my friend, I kid. ?* how many times do you think my misses has heard "Bapu made my do it?" t * i am know by many names MrHatLady is one of them.... that is all for now
  3. That's why I posted... I get you're busy, we all are, and you have to pick and choose. I hang here not on BandLab, maybe that's to my detriment. What's that line the classical teacher tells 'Lighten' in Crossroads? "You can't serve two masters" t
  4. Well done, thumbs up man. Steve you're as talented as any on the forum and I've become a fan! Just remember, you want feedback, you give a little feedback. (ok, I'm down from the soapbox) t
  5. This is truly what I admire (second or third) most, always outstanding mixes from you Bats! t
  6. I feel your pain my brother. Keep exorcising those demons. I do truly hope that "everything's under control"! 'cause we luvs ya man... t
  7. “The brass was played in by me. I found that if I hit the key right it would bounce making it sound like the trumpet player was double tounqing. No piano roll or corrections made later. Same thing with the pianos” I’m even more impressed!! t
  8. To quote FZ “Jazz isn’t dead, it just smells funny “. I kid, I kid; but seriously where’s the love my brothers? We review those who post, post, post, but never review? Then hang Star out to dry?? shame, shame, shame... ok im down from my soapbox! Tom little “t” Deering I signed because I’m serious about the shame!
  9. I own the album so I already knew this was a “hottie”! t
  10. Really like the doubled vocal. I’d probably pan that guitar that’s walking on the vocal. I’ve made reference in the past to Hooker and J Reed; man can you tell a story. Thumbs, thumbs, thumbs my brother. t if I could story tell half as good I’d quit my day job; wait a minute, I’m gainfully unemployed.
  11. Short? It’s 7 minutes Wooks! ? Always loves me some furry fuzzy. Or is it fuzzy furry? So glad to hear you’re on the mend. Things can get a little dull without ya! t
  12. Actually the “real” west was full of Jewish cowboys. Got a coffee table book my wife’s tanta Patty gave us about it. Bobby Zimmerman and Petty, I hear that. That solo sounds very synthy, what’s your signal chain. The B3 swell coming out of the solo is top notch. Rushed? If you say so. I’m happy to throw a thumbs up atcha! t
  13. Very nice soundstage on this one. Definitely see this in film/tv. Maybe “hear” this. t
  14. Hey Doug, A few crits here. The rhythm guitar on the left needs some high pass. The transition into the pre-chorus is a little rough, especially the first time through (1:41mark I think) I’d drop this a half, maybe a whole step, you’re struggling a bit on the high notes. Tune to Eb and give it a run. Not near as “polished” as usual, but I get the impression this is still a work in progress. Just my nickel98. A fan here, keep ‘em coming. t
  15. Jerry, as always I’m a fan, love your stuff. t
  16. Pretty bass heavy in the car. I’d balance it to the kick a bit more. Nudge the vocal up just a bit? Nice solo, tasty. Cool how the high “you” morphed into the guitar out. Thumbs up, work the mix a bit, or not. Your song, your production. t
  17. Kind of feel like the hero is walking into a dangerous situation here; close? Then the feel changes. Gotta watch those “assistants” in Ozone. More so I find with Neutron. Ozone 9? t
  18. DeeringAmps


    I like it Paul, with a nod to John; well done! t
  19. Go to Harry Fox, pay the license fee. $17, done it for all non-originals I’ve posted. t
  20. I heartily agree. It’s all about “touch”. Listen to Dan, as always, he’s spot on. Liking under your (my) skin as well. I closed that window before posting. t
  21. Push the fader up on the vocal, simple as that. Other than that, thumbs up. Oh, and better pics of the Paul.
  22. DeeringAmps

    3 am

    I love the sense of space you’ve created. Very cinematic sound stage. I was hearing voices in the left can at one point, right? (I hope so, voices, that’s creepy if not) Whole lotta thumbs from me, even if the voices were just in my head! t
  23. Remix or not, your choice, enjoyed it. Good advice above for a day when nothing else is cooking. Poor Michael, lucky us! t
  24. Tom has, as always, given a very thoughtful and through review. I concur. Some fine guitar tone. t
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