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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. I guess my question is "where are you going with this?" Is it a game theme or film/tv? It "sounds" fine... t boomcityrock bang really, I was expecting something quite different. I know I'm "old", but has rock really changed that much? just keepin' it "real" holmz... see what I did there? my most humble thanks to @craigb I kneel at thine feet m'lord
  2. I get a pretty loud "click" as the tune starts, tried it twice. Otherwise, Beautiful! t
  3. If only I was that fluent in melodyne! t
  4. What'd he say? How will I ever un-see this? ?
  5. I see what you did here, you're making me look beyond that sexy sax man out front to see the guitar player! Well until 2:48. That's some sweet tone my man. As always, well done! ? ? hoarding my thumbs t
  6. There's some "noise", almost like a "vinyl" effect, but not quite. Rain? Very nice soundstage. A trifle on the long side for me, but I'm a "3 minute" kind of old rocker; at the 4 minute mark you gotta be bringing me something. but I do truly love Low Spark of High Heeled Boys, so there is that... ? t this was done in Cakewalk?
  7. Was there supposed to be a video? Or are they still just "teasing"? how very ik of them mybad... t
  8. An Ampeg SVT, Super Valve Technology. In the day I considered my 100 watt plexi stack to be "1 volume unit". The SVT was likewise, 1 volume unit. Somehow I missed the acoustic coming in... t https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampeg_SVT
  9. Yikes, you are creeping me out! I love it! What's that creepy show with the Zombies that's a big hit? I don't watch it. But this? ? t
  10. track8, a little impersonal a title; this was a lot of hard work I'm thinking. I'm loving the guitar, and them horns is tres sexy! Is that a wah, as in your foots on it? Or something programmed? Your chops are killin' me dude, you're "schoolin' the hell outa me"! I'm a guitar player so the horns are a bit loud when doubled up with the guitar. That kick is so working for me on this one... thumbs, Thumbs and more t
  11. Barry, I'm going to compare and contrast a little bit here. Both your tunes are first rate. Background Roar is way more sonically (maybe that's not a word, but you get the picture) sophisticated. A Little Bit is a lot just centered, and stripped right down, nothing wrong with stripped down, but: The kit, to my ears, isn't "pleasant", nothing like the drum track in Roar: where's the hat, cymbals? And that snare (ouch). If you're going to stay with that single rhythm guitar, I'd double it, and pan each hard right and left; open up that middle a bit. The bass sounds a bit too Jack Bruce to me, I love my Marshalls, but the SVT rules the planet for bass. If "growly" is what you want, more power to ya; I get it! When those background vocals hit, that's all I can hear. Pan those bad boys wide, open up the middle for that lead vocal. As I said above, this is top notch songwriting. This is a "rough" demo, which is good; get it down. That's the 10% that is creativity, now for the 90% sweat equity making the record. Roar should be a blueprint for moving forward... t
  12. You're too kind! Lots of Georgia Satellites too... t
  13. DeeringAmps


    That's because we are guitar players, not drummers! Don't feel alone in that...
  14. I think you mean "I've been a musician a long time, took some time off".... I feel some Springsteen influence and a bit of Detroit's poet laureate Bob Segar. And I mean that in the most respectful way! Great storytelling, fine performances, the engineering and mixing are a craft that only "practice" will improve. Do it, do it some more; lather, rinse, repeat over and over... Well done my brother! ?? t that load of thumbs, from the national stockpile, showed up this morning ? oh, Yes, in spades
  15. What can I say Wookiee; I am a fanboi. You never fail to deliver! You must be feeling much better... t Now you gotta start on part 4; the Muse speaks, the Wookiee Must Obey.....
  16. Yeah baby! I’m loving that breakdown into the pre-chorus. If I’m behind the glass on this we’d change the chorus; its a love lockdown not sure when you’ll be around its a love, love lockdown cos you’re in a different town staccato on that love, love lockdown change it up just a bit... ? t
  17. I'm sure that fire was considered a bit of "magic" in our earliest hunter/gather societies. (former student of anthropology here)
  18. Alive and well here thanks! Yeah, I think I did too... Well except Its lovely, had to laugh when the last video subject mouths "WTF"! Print it! t
  19. Total moron here. WTF did craigb do, that I did not to embed, the vid? TIA, I hopes... t please step by step...
  20. Yep! The whole kit! Don't matter, great tune! I've completely run out of thumbs the last few days. Some are due soon from the national stockpile; I'll be back... t that's a "button tight" ending
  21. Yes, I think I've commented on her art work in the past. I think Star's critique is "spot on". Not my genre, but to my ears (and eyes) very well done! t
  22. DeeringAmps


    You've kind of fallen thru the cracks here on this one. This is the third time I've tried to listen, interrupted on the first two, finally got thru to the end. What kit are you using for the drums, just a bit "muffled" to my ears; not a "deal" breaker. Can't help with that one. Overall ? t
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