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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. I found 'em, but I do have a toothache...
  2. I have $161 in jam points, this is a whoo hoo moment; right? IK is so confusing, do I do this in the store or through the custom shop?
  3. Ok, I have no free will! I must have Sunset Studios!@cclarry what's the best buy? Do NOT Demo, You WILL Buy! t dam you, cruse you... this GAS will be the death of me!
  4. DeeringAmps


    So you lost me at but I dig the piece! Had me sitting up straight; I remember all the videos they foisted on us in the late 50's early 60's... t especially Refer Madness
  5. Actually I have "Studio", which for me is total "overkill". However, I was doing a cover of "oh Darlin" and was able to change one of the "stabs" to a 7th chord to move from the I to the IV. Pretty cool! But trying to pull one bad note out of a chord, not so much, evidently the "harmonics" were the issue; that and my lack of experience using the software... t You pays your money and takes your choice.
  6. Al, I opened a .mid just last week, and no TTS. What? Saw your post and thought, what’s changed. Then of course, @scook reminds us; “check your settings”! What’s changed, my midi output of course. Doh! t
  7. During the intro can we "smooth" the transitions in the pad a bit? Maybe the same patch on two tracks so they segue with a bit more overlap? Well played, man I'm envious... cool change there at 2:45 ish. Nice bass line. thumbs man, thumbs! t
  8. Oh definitely! Yeah man, I can feel the sand in my trunks! and the gawd dam sunburn.... ? t
  9. Very good Steev! Straights I get that, but kind of a Springsteen vibe too, and I mean that in the best way. I's put a bigger verb on that snare, but hey its powerful as is. Maybe just a bit more level on the organ when it comes in at 4:02? And I'd use that same organ in the outro. Just me, but hey; your song, your production... thumbs up, fer sure from me! t
  10. Jerry's work is pretty incredible. My wife loved it! t
  11. I love "great lungs" if you know what I mean! I think Tom is right, it didn't "jump" at me the first time; but taking a second listen I think I'd fix that. prolly rite again there too... Thumbs up gents, amazing what we can accomplish with a little collaboration! t
  12. I thought it was the upper right! ?
  13. DeeringAmps

    Dance Tryout

    kakku welcome back. Glad to hear you are doing well. Not my genre but held my interest to the end. A little abrupt at the end, but its your tune. Stay healthy and get some more songs done to post! t
  14. Another well crafted bass line John, you seem to get a little more out of Trilian with the key switches than I do. A little different than your usual. Well done! t
  15. and what has he done with cclarry... t He’s been resurrected!
  16. Tell her "No Dice!" Totally will screw up your "selective" hearing. That's the only thing making "old age" bearable! Well that and my "adult onset tourette's"; I can say anything I want and the Americans with Disabilities Act protects me. Sorry to hijack your thread Lynn, I think it sounds great! Your tune, your production! did we review Defying Gravity? another good one! t
  17. Studio, that's the upgrade to what we got with Sonar, right? t
  18. @Carlos Ok I did some critical listening with the DT990's (open back) & DT770's (closed back). I felt there was no discernible difference in the HP-60 and the UFX headphone outs. Now true story, at 68 my ears are "compromised" and not just by age. I have more than "just a bit" of tinnitus; so take what I experienced with that in mind. What I was surprised by was how close the DT's were. Both are very "present" in a good way, with well defined low end. I also tried some K270's, Ultrasone 650's (very thin actually), neither were as "present", nor as balanced in the low end. I have a set of Sony MD something, these are retro fitted (can't remember the vendor) with "cuffs" that pretty much let no bleed out. I use these when tracking vocals or acoustic guitar. Better than the K270 and Ultrasones, put not near as present as the DT's. I do hope this helps in your quest. Do I remember right, we discussed the DT's in a thread before, and you, at the time, were not a fan? tom
  19. @dantarbill Is this an average for the whole song or does it show the tempo changes? t
  20. @Carlos Longtime RME user here. BabyFace in the office (the original), UFX in the studio (again, the original; as I said, longtime user). The DT-990's sound great on the BabyFace in the office (headphone output). In the studio UFX outputs 1-2 drive the Adam A7's and outputs 3-4 drive a Presonus HP-60 headphone amp; all good, all around. I'll take the 990's out to the studio today and compare the HP-60 to the UFX headphone outs, then report back. In the studio everything is "closed back" for tracking, not "ideal" for critical listening... tom
  21. Paul, It might be necessary to change the parent folder. If I’m following you right, it sounds like you are doing a “save as” but in the same folder ie: Song/song-v1.cwp then versions -v2 -v3 etc remain in the same folder? The earlier versions point to all the takes, edits etc. if you save as Song V4/song-v4.cwp only the files for that version will be saved. hope that all makes sense. t
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