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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Same impression here as above. Lyrics could be compressed a bit for clarity (though not much) and the tempo could be picked up a few. Or make some cuts in the ending which is somewhat repetitive as is. Vocal is very good and guitar is excellent.
  2. Sven This sounds so upbeat and perky until you pay attention to the lyrics and then you say wtf? And that's what's cool about the song. I can see this playing during the opening credits of a dark comedy like Harold and Maude, something like that. Nice to hear someone else with an off the wall sense of humor.
  3. Douglas Another great rock song though I have to say it sounds a bit like your others. Not that that takes anything away - I like the song and I admire the musicianship - but I think you could vary the formula a little. Love the guitar and vocal as always.
  4. Me Too on the comments above. The singer has an appealing unique voice but I couldn't understand most of the lyrics. Aside from that, very good production on the song. Sounds professional.
  5. bjornpdx

    So Cold ..

    Hey Mark Wow one of those songs that takes me away to some tropical beach, pina colada in hand. Well maybe that's just me. Gonna play it again. I like it.
  6. John B While listening I kept thinking what a perfect song this would be for Valentine's Day or an anniversary. Just beautiful lyrics. The emotion behind your singing came across very well too. Great job on this!
  7. Lee Really like the overall minor key sound. Great vocal and production. And I so relate to the political and medical lyrics . Take care.
  8. John B I didn't mind the length at all. You need the time to bring in all the parts and make them fit in a musical manner. Great job on the arrangement as usual. One of your best I think. Thumbs up!
  9. Paul You have a talent for lyrics and in this song I know exactly of which you speak . Been there. Those "stops" didn't work for me but that's just me. Enjoyed the song as always.
  10. bjornpdx


    Wookie You really should develop the part starting around 2:48 into a new song. Very nice beginning there. UTK? Another acronym everybody knows except me?
  11. As a casual listener comparing the two versions I think the original sounds better. Not being a sound engineer I can't tell you exactly why but I did notice the stereo separation seemed a bit better which gives the original version a fuller sound. But my subjective opinion takes nothing away from what you've done. The musicianship and the sequencing are excellent, esp considering the tricky (to me) timing.
  12. Thanks David...I think ? DeeringAmps, Daryl, freddy, Douglas Thanks for the encouraging comments.
  13. thanks Mark. I really do appreciate the comment. I forgot to mention that the lyrics are there in text if you go directly to the Soundcloud page. In case the vocal isn't clear...
  14. One of those songs with a beautiful melody that puts you in a good mood. Very nice! The vocal track volume was a tad too high imo but didn't take anything away. I did notice a little static (?) at the beginning and maybe it continued throughout but again it didn't take anything away from enjoying the song.
  15. The Great Divide I posted this a while ago then took it down because I didn't like my vocal, what else is new? But I'm re-posting it now despite its faults because of my very strong feelings about the topic. I'm a mellow fellow so those feelings actually surprised me. So this is just my opinion told in a song. I tried to mangle the vocal to hide the overall bad tone of it. Maybe that worked? The vocal does sound clear in the mix so I think I got that right. Thanks for listening.
  16. What I like about GC is that they never call me "sir" I'm old enough to be their grandfather but they always say "How you doing man?" Makes me feel young.
  17. Daryl "don't need specifics/when i'm trying to eat" I laughed out loud on that one. Good song. I liked it.
  18. Jesse Your songs are all so different from each other and yet the same somehow. Don't know what that means really but it's a good thing. What I really like about this song is the changing mood of the backing track and the kind of sci-fi sounds you put in. One of your best imo.
  19. bjornpdx

    Hot Dog!

    Mr Freddy One of your best IMO. I know you said electric blues/rockabilly but the song takes me back to that good old toe tappin' rock n roll of the 50s. KaChunk sounds pretty close to Chunka but it is different.
  20. David Sounded like you're sharing your stream of consciousness thoughts. I truly hope that making music brightens your day.
  21. bjornpdx

    Empty Rooms

    Paul This song and your previous song Take it on the Chin have a nice nostalgic mood to them. Guitar playing is top notch as is the vocal. Big thumbs up.
  22. martin Excellent guitar work. I thought the drum intro went on a bit too long and didn't lead in to the song naturally. Except for that nit, I enjoyed the song.
  23. bjornpdx


    David and Paul Thanks so much for listening and commenting Tom I checked out the sitar and yes indeed it does spike over zero around 5K. I guess I didn't find it objectionable though. I really wanted a better performance from it but will have to keep trying. Adding notes by way of the PRV isn't ideal for this instrument. Madras, Oregon and Madras, India. They're worlds apart - geographically of course, but mainly cultural. Madras, Oregon and Portland, Oregon. Worlds apart politically. ------------------------------
  24. bjornpdx

    Bama Coast

    Mark I shouldn't even be commenting on this forum since the hearing exam I had couple of weeks ago showed a marked decline in the speech frequency range. Anyway, I like the song but it seemed to me that the vocal could be brought up a bit but maybe that can be explained by the previous sentence. Not sure if you were going for a southern rock sound, but to me it has that kind of down home, country road feel to it. I have a theory about that sound and that's... add2 chords. Something about those chords just brings it out. So just want to ask if you did indeed use add2 chords? Just say yes ?
  25. Keith The intro did remind me a bit of Pink Floyd (Dogs of War?) only because you mentioned Roger Waters. Power of suggestion. This is the 2nd song I've heard from you and this comment is pretty much the same. I like the song, especially your vocal styling. Great lyrics. The buildup in the mix works very well too. And I'm sort of scrounging around for anything to critique. Totally subjective opinion but the brass instruments didn't seem to fit. IDK, just stood out to me. I really like your music. Hope you have more to post here.
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