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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. As always, professional quality sound and video. Very impressive.
  2. I don't think I've heard you play acoustic before. I'd pick the acoustic version if I had to choose a favorite mainly because it sounds a bit different from the Kirby style I'm used to. Not sure what that means really but it's a good thing.
  3. Very nice! You know how to use your voice (inflections etc) to get the most out of the lyrics. Well orchestrated too. And weirdly I got a Jethro Tull kind of feel from the song.
  4. Seemed like the voc was panning L and R, but maybe that's the stereo separation? Kind of a nice effect though. Might be a bit too much treatment on the vocal, couple of glitches here and there. Writing a song for a woman goes way beyond a card and flowers. So don't worry about it, she'll like you. ?
  5. Amazingly intricate arrangement. Love how the instruments interact - kind of a playful feel to it. More I listen the more I like it! Impressive as all get out how you orchestrated it into such a cohesive piece.
  6. The vocal stylings of Wookie and now capital T Tom! (I'm assuming that's you behind the mic.) Not too shabby either. A touch of Tom Waits perhaps? Just you, the piano and those wonderful lyrics. Love it!
  7. Keith, Love the bass line throughout. Great build up to the Welcome bit. Skillful production made the tune sound truly epic. Horns kind of surprised me - not sure if a good or bad thing but totally subjective. We have another winner!
  8. Daryl Wow, just wow. I'm sure that three minute video took hours and hours to put together but well worth the time and effort. Something to be proud of for sure.
  9. Barry, Beautiful song and well performed but most of all I admire the heartfelt honesty in the lyrics. I understand how cathartic it is to put your feelings down on paper, in words you can look at. It's even better to put those words in a song which you've done so well here.
  10. Cool toe tappin' beat and nice synth work. I like the song and the lyrics but the vocal synth is a bit over the top and too out front in my opinion. I can't sing either.
  11. Felt like it took too long to get going and some parts were too drawn out, but have to say I was impressed by how all the tracks blended together. Nice job.
  12. Boy I really like this. I always pay more attention when listening to classical because it's way beyond Music 101. Lots of ingenuity and awareness of music theory to appreciate. It's difficult to get the dynamics done right when entering notes via PRV or notation editor, but sounds like you did a good job there too.
  13. Wookie, thanks for at least trying to listen/watch my video. Tom, I tried to sing but the range of notes was beyond me, even after changing the key a couple of times. It's times like this when you appreciate a good voice. There's a saying "It's the singer, not the song" which I never understood, but I do now.
  14. bjornpdx

    Hobo boots

    Cool tune and great performance. Really like the tone of the guitar. Must have been a lot fun to record.
  15. David With that title in my head, the horns kind of sounded like car horns and sirens. Nicely arranged and thought out. I enjoyed the listen.
  16. bjornpdx

    Losing Hope

    Not your typical metal tune, esp the piano and the vocal, but a very good song. The organ stood out to me, as did the excellent guitar work.
  17. Wookie Whoa I didn't realize I was in Danger listening to the Wookie voice. Yeah, very Floydish it is. I like it. Pretty cool delay you have going on the vocal along with some extreme panning. Very laid back tune and well mixed. Sounds good.
  18. Love it! Top notch and very cool indeed, the video and the music. I knew about ergotism but didn't know its connection with the witch trials. I checked out your sinister frogs video too. You guys deliver a message with a great sense of humor.
  19. Nice perky pop. You had me toe tappin' once the song got going. Good transition to the reggae bits. Buzzy bass got a little distracting after a while. The robotic voice fit in very well. Nice job.
  20. Don't know about the UFX but my UCX came with a power supply which is rated 100-240v 50/60 hz input and 12v 2amp output. However I never use it since the UCX is powered by firewire connection to the computer. I think you need the power supply if using USB.
  21. That came out way more negative than I'd intended. Sorry. Adding your music to videos from the 50s/60s is a great idea and your project has promise. I liked the scratchy record player at the beginning and the '55 (?) Chevy scene so I was waiting for something to develop from that. Just wanted to suggest that you tie the scenes together such that the viewer sees some connection among the different clips. Thanks for posting.
  22. In SO if you mute an instrument track in the arrange view, it doesn't show up as muted in the mix view (and vice versa). So if a VST isn't playing it might be because you forgot that you had muted it in the console. If the console isn't in view then you're not seeing that red Mute button and you wonder what's going on. Presonus has their reasons for doing it that way but they really should give you the option to turn off that feature. Maybe in v5? Please?
  23. Good concept but you should put in more effort, such as developing some kind of a story or theme. I'm just hearing audio loops and seeing really basic video effects.
  24. I remember Martin Mull from Fernwood Tonite. Didn't know he was a musician, so I learned something. Fun lyrics for sure. Lots of words that rhyme with Mull! I did notice the clicking sound that Tom mentioned above but it didn't take anything away from your performance.
  25. jsg - Generally accepted meaning of the saying is: efficient use of time -> more productivity -> more money earned I always thought it meant that time is valuable, so you shouldn't waste it like watching one video after another on YouTube all afternoon. David, Doug, Tom Thanks for listening and commenting.
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