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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. makke Sounds like a galloping horse to me. Cool to play those old traditional songs with plugged in instruments. Nice arrangement and very well played.
  2. bjornpdx


    Posture This started off as Berlin school electronic music but it wasn't going anywhere. I had some public domain videos from Prelinger Archives so I took some dialog from a 1953 movie about correcting your posture and plunked it in. Seemed logical. They made a lot of educational movies in the 40s and 50s for public schools, most of them pretty laughable today. The one I used is about a girl who isn't popular because of her terrible posture. The acting is bad but it has a happy ending.
  3. Can't wait to hear the final version. I think you're on to something here.
  4. JohnB - Thanks! Americana feel - I like it. I was going for an old style country song so maybe I succeeded. Lynn Thanks! Feeling is mutual. It's great to be able to collaborate regardless of the distances, time zones and quarantines.
  5. David Sounds really good to my ear. You have a feel for how the instruments should work together. Bit of a disconnect between the image and the music so I'm not sure what the story is. I like the music though I thought it needed something more in the background, more strings maybe? But I don't know anything about orchestral arrangements so I'm just a casual listener offering an opinion, whatever that's worth.
  6. Tom, as someone who dabbles in video I am highly impressed with yours. Loved that 1st shot of the sheep with the "troubled soul" audio. All the cuts and fx make for a video you have to watch to the very end. Great job!
  7. Tom and tom Thanks for listening and commenting. I didn't notice those couple of glitches. After listening to the same song over and over it's supposed to sound a certain way. Anyway I fixed it. Thanks
  8. Steve Wow, took me back to the 60s. I thought it was the original version at first, that's how close you got to it. I'm never sure what a "cover" is. Seems like it's either a re-creation or it's a re-interpretation of a song. Anyway, nicely done version. And your voice is very good.
  9. JohnB Even though a somewhat different genre than your usual posts I still recognized the style. Well done and with good production skills. I especially liked the gliding lead synth.
  10. bjornpdx

    Dance Tryout

    Kakku Good production and perfect for the dance genre. Are you using a Vocaloid plugin or something for the voice?
  11. I posted this song last July but I wasn't happy with it so I took it down. The problem was the vocal track (me) so now I asked Lynn if he'd do it and he graciously accepted. Thank you Lynn, it sounds great! I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago that said: It's Not That I'm Old. Your Music Really Does Suck. I always wanted to write a song with those words so here it is. Thanks for listening.
  12. Bat Excellent as always. I'm learning about masking issues and freq carving like you're doing. Do you use a special plugin to do that or do you just use a general purpose equalizer? Thanks
  13. "Video Unavailable. This video is private. " says the YT message.
  14. Doug It was great working with you. Thanks. geeare1 Thanks for commenting. The Bolder Sounds violin sounds authentic to me. Trick is to put in all those key switch articulations to give it a better performance.
  15. Lynn There for a while I thought it was just me not hearing the voc well. Thought maybe it's time to get hearing aids (like my wife is always telling me). Anyway, the voc track could be boosted a bit IMO. I like your musical style which fits your voice well.
  16. bjornpdx


    Doug You should see if your town would use the song on their website if they have one. I liked the vocal treatment, subtle but effective. I never have trouble understanding your lyrics - always very clear delivery. Catchy guitar accompaniment. Really like the flute (or some kind of pipe). The keys at ~3:30 are a bit loud IMO. I think this is one of the best songs you've posted.
  17. Tom Guy sounds a bit like Lyndon Johnson. I'm no sound engineer but I know a good mix when I hear one and you have it here. Very well balanced and everything in its place - not so easy to do.
  18. Nah, she liked it. And you know my comment about the headphones was only good natured joshing.
  19. I clicked on the Buy button then selected the Upgrade option, then logged in and got the same message ZincT got above. "As an owner of Session Guitarist - Electric Sunburst you qualify to install and activate this version. " Which means I got the $49 price. I bought Session Guitarist separately about a year ago since it wasn't part of the Komplete version I have.
  20. our minds are made up, no more hesitation now the nation's gonna reach that destination just climb on board 'cause the movement's begun I'm talkin' about joementum something like that ?
  21. bjornpdx

    Amazing monday

    I second the comments above but I also wanted to say that I like that bit about the smile across the room and how it changed the mood of the morning. That's just a wonderful observation and one that I think we've all experienced.
  22. Thanks Wookie. I appreciate the comment. Tom I was hoping someone would comment on the fiddle and what you said is just what I had expected. Yeah it seemed to me the fiddle was too busy most of the time and being more distracting than contributing anything musical. I tamed it quite a bit but apparently not enough. Thanks.
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