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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Tom That was my go-to piano, the Kontakt Grandeur plus the NI Raum plugin for spaciousness. Thanks for listening. Max Thanks for listening. I did play the melody part and then I went in and fixed all the mistakes. Doug Thanks for listening and the comment on the composition. The other Tom Thanks for listening. I like ambient dreamy stuff once in a while. The genre is hard to write because of the long sequences where you have to get into the flow of it at different points in the song. The voices? Did you hear voices?? Hmm better get that checked out. Nah, it's a Sound Iron VST called Mimi Page Light and Shadows, some unusual vocal stuff from this vocalist.
  2. bjornpdx

    Tuesday Morning

    Tuesday Morning This started off as space music but evolved into more of an ambient/easy listening genre. Thanks for listening.
  3. I like songs that are easy to critique like this one. Everything about it is just excellent, the music and the production. Thumbs up my man.
  4. Wow, I can only imagine the work it took to put all this together. Just excellent. Got a question. About 1:15 and elsewhere in the 1st movement is an instrument that sounded more like a traditional synthesizer doing some arps to me. Is that what it is or is that a bassoon or oboe?
  5. bjornpdx

    The Two of Us

    Rex You said you were working on the BGV and what you did is very effective. Blends in nicely with the voc. The wahwah was a bit too heavy for me, kind of took something away from the mood of the song. All in all a beautiful song. Excellent lyrics too.
  6. bjornpdx


    I already commented on your SC page but here it is again. This is the best song I've hear from you, Wookie, I recognized the M1 aaaahs in there and some of the other synths. Made for a nice morning listening to it a few times with my coffee.
  7. bjornpdx

    Corona Corona

    Great job Freddy! It's wonderful that people are appreciating those whose every day jobs are essential to the rest of us.
  8. My one and only experience with a psychedelic is recreated every time I hear a song from side 2 of Abbey Road. Just to add a music reference to this forum.
  9. I'm liking this one a lot, Doug. Not much to critique IMO, maybe could be EQ'd a bit brighter IDK. Really liked that lead in ~ 0:35. Something in there sounds like a 60s band to me but can't put my finger on it.
  10. Thanks. Works for me. Just have to make a few edits for my VSTs.
  11. bjornpdx


    Hidden Symmetry Thanks for listening and commenting. I just kept my usual slouch while composing this. Doug Thanks. I hope that Kraftwerk sound will make a comeback some day. Fat chance I think. Tim Thanks. I think every song has a story and it's interesting to hear how they came about. Makke Thanks. I love seeing those old 40s and 50s movies about Hygiene and Popularity etc. Can't believe they were taken seriously back then. And the student audience at that time probably didn't. Tom Thanks. It was a fun project. It had languished for a while and needed something and I believe you had an influence in my adding in the old movie soundtrack stuff. David Thanks. You live long enough and you see changes that are directly opposite to what was believed years ago. Like in Reefer Madness. Bajan Blue Thanks. Yes! Klaus Schulze was (is) one of my heroes. Amazing what he did with those old synths.
  12. I listened to the 2nd song in the links just above. Sounds good to me. Lovely song and well performed too.
  13. bjornpdx


    Very promising song, just needs some more time spent on the mix. I think the voc level is just about right and the bgv are very good.
  14. Love it! Very Eno-esque. I'm totally chilled out. Love the title. The music takes me right there to that harbor. And I kind of liked that good old vinyl scratch sound. Haven't heard that in a while.
  15. Wow there's some time distortion, slo-mo vocal vs speeded-up instruments. You could average the two but it wouldn't be the same. Jesse, your songs are never boring.
  16. Mix is great. I felt like I was in the center of the room. I thought the vocal could be bumped up just a tad. I always look forward to hearing another of your songs.
  17. The vocalist is excellent as is the whole production but I agree with Tom above about the violin; it does seem a bit shrill. In fact to me the violin just didn't seem to fit in with the song. And that's probably because I'm not accustomed to hearing them so up-front outside of a symphony (except for fiddle in country music). Not taking anything away from the violinist who certainly has the chops as you said. So, just one person's take on it FWIW
  18. Barry Welcome to the forum! Well, maybe not constructive criticism here, just a comment. The mix and all sounds good to me but I'm no sound engineer. Just wanted to say that the story and your lyrics are absolutely top notch. And your voice has that rugged quality to it that's perfect for the song. I know what you mean by background noise. What I hear is the distant freeway plus tinnitus, but I pretend it's the soothing sound of a river. ?
  19. Missed this the 1st time around. I'm impressed you came up with the lyrics so fast. I could hear the Lynn and Daryl styles in there for sure. Nice melding job. Lynn, that kind of swirly vocal fx you're using works really well. Thought I'd lost my internet when that silent bit came in. ? Congrats on an excellent collaboration.
  20. Tom Truly unique sense of humor you have there! Teeth to piano keys - nice. The WTF at the end - nice. The burning building - hmmm. Really liked the music (esp the Gamelan (?) intro) and the performance is excellent as usual. You always brighten the day for me.
  21. David Wait, you're the classical guy, not country. Really good song and your singer makes it authentic. That aaaah kind of took me out of it at first but on 2nd listen I thought it worked very well.
  22. bjornpdx

    A Small Collage

    Tim, 1st track I hardly ever listen to Christian music but the ones I've heard have some catchy melodies and this one certainly does. Couldn't help thinking that a soul on fire kinda means you went to that other place. ? 2nd track You mentioned you're going for a combination of contemporary music with hymns. This seems a little too far in the hymns range IMO. 3rd track Voc is too up front. Instruments might be a bit heavy on the reverb, but have to say reverb can pump up the emotion when listening to the lyrics. Your excellent voc delivery comes out as being sincere in what you say.
  23. bjornpdx


    Tom Berlin electronic = Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, those guys from the late 60s to 70s ( and where I still live.) Yeah, Reefer Madness. All the paranoia behind that and now it's legal almost everywhere. Thanks for commenting mark Thanks. Seems like unrelated dialog makes otherwise routine music a little more interesting. freddy Thanks. I'm stuck in my man cave for a while so making the best of it.
  24. Doug Nice intro - drums into guitars The bgv aaaahs worked really well mix sounds good except maybe at 0:57 and 2:00 - guitar panned too much? You certainly have that guitar solo down. Always look forward to hearing your latest.
  25. makke Sounds like a galloping horse to me. Cool to play those old traditional songs with plugged in instruments. Nice arrangement and very well played.
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