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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Well, after listening to all the great songs and musicians on this forum I feel kind of stupid posting my song about Beanie Weenies. Emeraldsoul Tom posted a song a while ago about mixing up a batch of... something. Forgot what it was but it was funny and I decided to write something along the same lines. I tried playing the guitar part live but I kept messing it up so I used OTS Stratosphere. I've never eaten Beanie Weenies but I like the name so I went for it. I still haven't eaten Beanie Weenies even after making up a potful in the video. My wife tossed it out because it wasn't all that great.
  2. Very intricate and detailed arrangement. Sounds really good.
  3. You really know how to rock it out and how to get it to sound so good too. Not sure if you've already fixed the glitches mentioned above, but I didn't really pick up on them. I always enjoy tuning into your music.
  4. An old standard but I love how you played it. A+
  5. I'll just say ditto to all the comments above. I've been hearing more classical music around here lately and I'm starting to see how the genre is so good at telling a story without words. So yes, a journey in the woods and meeting frightening creatures
  6. Very nice tune and well sung. Really like the chord changes and arrangement. I like the references to the chapters in your life, especially interesting hearing it from the point of view of a high school (?) kid. Brings back a lot of memories.
  7. Sounds really good on my speakers and headphones. Impressive production, very professional.
  8. bjornpdx

    This Love

    Rex I'm more of a melody, lyrics and composition kind of a guy so most of my comments lean in that direction. I have a hard time pinpointing things like how something should be EQ'd for example. Anyway I really like this song because the melody is so so good as are the lyrics. Not sure what it is though but the vocal just needs .. something. Bit more reverb maybe? Well, I know that doesn't help much but that's how it came across to me. So just an opinion here from one listener who likes your music and wishes you the success you deserve.
  9. bjornpdx

    This Is Your Life

    Yeah I don't know what the lyrics mean, but that's okay! I made up my own story. Impressive voc track. Whatever you did there, it was just right. Song arrangement is excellent. Big thumbs up!
  10. bjornpdx


    A fun tune. Sounds like video game music.
  11. bjornpdx

    Mondo Lynn

    Beautiful! The music put me in a nice mellow mood.
  12. Excellent! I have you pegged as an EDM kind of musician and it kind of throws me off on hearing what sounds like a traditional Christmas song. Love the video too.
  13. Well written and well performed song. One of those songs where less is more which lets the emotion shine through.
  14. bjornpdx

    Cool Water

    A+ Lynn, this is definitely the best song I've heard from you. The mix is so impressive - everything is clear and nothing dominates. If I had to critique anything, I'd say the vocal could be EQ'd down a bit. Seems like you're developing a recognizable style, eg the beep booping synths in the background. Keep it up my friend.
  15. Jesse I always listen to your songs but I don't always comment because I never know what to say most of the time. But I always like them.
  16. Nice. Has that epic feel to it that makes for a good movie soundtrack. It needs a unifying theme that stands out more, something that the song always returns to after a few verses. Other than that I thought it sounds terrific. It brought into mind all kinds of sweeping landscapes and adventures and such. Unless that brownie I had a while ago had something to do with that. Nah, just kidding. I really did like the music and it did carry me away.
  17. Well, this post just changed my plans for the next couple of days. ? So when you buy the bundle can you pick and choose before you download it? Or do you download the whole 50GB(?) thing. And then you can choose what to keep. Thanks
  18. Thanks for thinking it 's worthy, and sure go ahead and use it. No need to put my name in there though, since the line isn't totally original to me.
  19. bjornpdx

    Cool Water

    Lynn, I'm getting a log-in page with that link
  20. Ms Thunberg's words and her delivery of those words are powerful and your music and images make them more so. You asked for suggestions. How about something like: Today's history books show us that one side or the other was correct in some deeply divided issue of a previous time. What will a history book written 50 years from now say?
  21. Freddy The doo-wop bgv and the triplet playing piano define 50s music and you nailed it. Like you mentioned the song needs a little more development but it's pretty darn good as is. Really like that outro bit starting at 3:15
  22. Cool concept. (Is it still okay to say "cool?" asks the Boomer) The lyrics were kind of muffled/indistinct so I didn't catch a lot of the words so maybe providing the lyrics in text form would be helpful. I really liked that you used the old Allan Sherman song, the Hello muddah, hello faddah bit tying in so well with the message.
  23. Gary Well the vocal sounded pretty good to me. I have a couple of de-essers and I can never get them to work well for me. Sometimes I just split the waveform around the ess and reduce the volume. Kind of hit and miss though. Craig Anderton has written about vocal techniques. Here's one of them: https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/how-make-your-vocals-twice-good-part-1
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