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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Love how you take an old traditional tune and bring them back to life using modern instruments and techniques. -Bjorn
  2. Sven Welcome to the forum. I'm listening through headphones. Sounds good overall but I think the low end could be boosted. -Bjorn
  3. Steve, I really like this one! Lovely melody, a bit classical sounding. I think the strings need to be toned down a bit and maybe not so much swell to them. I thought the tempo was too fast on first impression but now I'm not sure. I like the bird like high pitched flute (?). Hope you do more of these. -Bjorn
  4. Very nice. I'd suggest bring up the flute a bit and add a little reverb to it. -Bjorn
  5. I'm still stuck in the previous century so I had to Google hyperpop. Did you use the matrix view in Cake to make the song? Seems like it could be useful for this genre. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx

    it's your move

    Jack, I really like the bassline that holds everything together so well. Could you post the lyrics since they aren't that clear. -Bjorn
  7. Nigel, I don't know how you do it time after time. Beautiful video artfully accompanied by your music. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    More Like Me

    Thanks Doug. I also have Leonard Cohen's singing talent. ? Thanks Nigel. Didn't think I'd ever hear anyone say "nicely sung" I do appreciate that. Wookie, Thanks. Rhythm guitar is RealGuitar using one of its patterns. Lead guitar is Indiginus Renegade. Lynn, Thanks again for your kind words.
  9. Sounds good. I was expecting the chorus to be different from the verses, but every line seemed to be the same melodic phrase.Nothing wrong with that but IMO the verses could use more variety. -Bjorn
  10. I was thinking this is almost like watching a play with the music moving the scenes along. I like the dramatic singing and the haunting song of the woman. Excellent production.
  11. bjornpdx

    More Like Me

    Jack, thanks for comment. Yeah, probably too much reverb, I agree. Andy, thanks for the comment. You're right, I should have used RX8 (which I have) but didn't do so here. I like your smoke alarm story. ?
  12. Sounds like a Wookie-tune to me. Nice arrangement and well done. -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx

    More Like Me

    More Like Me The solution to relationship problems is this: You should be more like me. I posted this on the old forum some time ago. Thought I'd try for a better vocal track and this is about as good as it gets. Thanks for listening/commenting. ----------------------------------------------------- Everything about you is so organized Everything around you is alphabetized You know I love you, I love you dearly But why can't you be more like me? I'm always running a little bit late My slacker attitude I celebrate The clutter competition - I win the prize Living with me you gotta compromise You can hear a faucet drip a mile away You can see a spider web behind the stairway Disasters and catastrophies are what you're watching for I don't ever notice the cat puke on the floor You're the prettiest woman I know you know I'm such a lucky man Yes this I know But life would be perfect now don't you see If only you could be more like me When I get home just want to unwind You want to know what's really on my mind To read between the lines is never my intent Whatever I said is just what I meant Bills come around they can wait a bit Don't worry so much, you can let 'em sit The house could use some work I admit Meanwhile how about we fool around a bit? Don't adjust the thermostat Temperature is fine just where it's at Do we really need to drive to the mall The day is going great doing nothing at all You're the prettiest woman I know you know I'm such a lucky man Yes this I know But life would be perfect now don't you see If only you could be more like me
  14. Really like the lyrics and the kind of sparse piano that enhances the sentiment. The drums are subtle, just enough I think. The "autotune" effect stuck out to me. I have to use Melodyne with my vocal track all the time. It's really good but can get tricky if pushed too far. I enjoyed listening to your song. -Bjorn
  15. Yeah, I never heard of the massacre either until recently. Says something that it wasn't known to the general public for all this time. Good of you to dedicate a song to it. -Bjorn
  16. I'm picturing a bunch of chanting trolls in a deep dark Finnish forest. Very nice sound to this one. -Bjorn
  17. Like a walk in an enchanted forest. Nice one! -Bjorn
  18. How many more Westerly Sessions are you planning, Doug? Your output of music is amazing. The vocal here seems different than what I'm used to hearing, maybe your voice "going higher." Whatever, I like the change. And as usual your musicianship shines here again. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    No Worries

    Paul B thanks for listening and taking the time to comment Jack C I must have thousands of audio textures to choose from, too many. Thanks for commenting David Thanks. There is a Swedish crime show on PBS. Haven't actually watched it. Makke Thanks so much. Nigel Boy I'm going to have to watch that Swedish crime show now ramscapri I wasn't sure about putting the vocals in so appreciate you mentioning them.
  20. bjornpdx

    The Journey

    Tim, that's pretty darn good for an hour at the DAW. I didn't expect the synthy sound in there but I thought it fit in very well. Nice one!
  21. I read somewhere (can't find link now) that Windows 11 fixes the problem a lot of people have (for years now) of app windows rearranging when computer wakes up from sleep. This is for multi monitor setups. So if you've carefully put PRV and console windows on one monitor and track window on another monitor, then after the computer wakes up all the app windows have moved and you have to move them back. This link shows how you can get the fix via MS Insider Program https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/avoid-unexpected-app-rearrangement/
  22. Tom, I got one of these LED signs on Etsy. Pretty cool. Just google studio LED lights for more suggestions. -Bjorn
  23. The audio sounds great! Video suggestions? Well, I'd be more than happy to be your camera man and video/audio editor out there at your fjord. I could use a sanity break. ? -Bjorn
  24. bjornpdx


    One of those less is more pieces. So nice, esp when the cello comes in. I saw Dan Keen Orchestral Swells in the Deals section couple days ago and picked it up. (free!) Going to use it in a current project. -Bjorn
  25. I always block them and report them as spam. Not sure if that's helpful but I have noticed fewer of those messages lately. -Bjorn
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