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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    Galaxy HD 1

    Dean - thanks! I'm going to have to look into this ghost code you mentioned. Never heard of it. I think I'm going to do this one again but without the audio clips from the movie, as per your suggestion. Besides I'm not sure if I'm violating copyright laws with the short clips but I'm not selling anything and this is just a hobby. Jack - thanks!
  2. Really nice Rex. Sometimes less is more and your song proves it here. The audio seems a little out of sync but could just be my internet. -Bjorn
  3. And it's not even Halloween yet! Larry, I wasn't sure where you were going with this until I noticed the "alternative" instrumental description. I like the mood exploration of the guitar, well that's how it hit me. Nice one. -Bjorn
  4. That opening banjo hooked me right away. Really like the laid back vocal style. The instruments all fit together so well too. Great job! -Bjorn
  5. In addition to the wonderful video production and song writing, have to also comment on the lyrics... Wow. Makes you stop and think. Nigel, how do you get your videos? They seem to be tailor made for your music and not clips you'd find on stock video sites. Do you do them yourself? -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx

    Galaxy HD 1

    Galaxy HD 1 Galaxy HD 1 is one of the most distant known galaxies, about 33.3 billion light years away. This project didn't come out space music enough and I was going to start over but decided to insert some audio clips to make things more interesting. The clips are bits of dialog from the movie 2001, HAL 9000 vs Dave the astronaut. Thanks for listening/comments. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx


    Jack, your songs have really nice backing tracks but the vocals always sound a bit similar. I don't mean the lyrics but the tone and vocal treatment and cadence just seem the same in every song. So a bit more variety? Well, just my 2 cents trying to be helpful. -Bjorn
  8. Wow, great guitar work and super awesome drums. I like the almost Chinese string instrument (erhu?) in there too. Great job! Enjoyed it a lot. -Bjorn
  9. Thanks JohnB I appreciate the input and I totally understand. LarryT Yeah, I tried to keep it simple, musically at least. Thanks for the input.
  10. Skeptical Mind **edit** I decided to pull this one after viewing it a few days later. Somehow projects can turn into crap overnight. Also, the lyrics may have stepped over a line.
  11. Although not at all what I usually listen to, still I love your music. Your voice has kind of a Charlie Pride sound to it which takes me back to the days when my family took cross country trips and all you'd hear on the radio was good old country music. Not sure how receptive an audience would be today but their loss. The ooohs and aaahs work very well. Nicely done there. I like the harmonica but I thought it was hanging back a bit? No matter though. I always look forward to hearing your next song. -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx

    Program Me

    Very cool! Really like the tricky intersecting rhythms which become hypnotic after a while. The intro could maybe be shortened some more and the main synth part extended. Or not. I envisioned this as opening credits soundtrack in a movie where the kind of abrupt ending takes you right into the story. -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx


    Like a cool breeze on a balmy summer evening. Such a beautiful voice. -Bjorn
  14. High energy is right. What makes it even better is knowing the performer is getting into it as well. Nice job! -Bjorn
  15. Quite the toe tapper Freddy. Love it! -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx

    Yellow Panther

    Hints of the Pink Panther theme. Nicely done! -Bjorn
  17. I keep hearing I am the Walrus. Really like the drums, always there and dependable, keeping proceedings on track. Nice one Jesse. -Bjorn
  18. Love it. You have that one line: The suns gonna rise, the world keeps moving on Very catchy, so it seems to me it should be emphasized more, like a chorus. Or put it in again at the end of the song. Well just a suggestion. Always enjoy your songs. -Bjorn
  19. Definitely prefer the 2nd version although the faster tempo of the first one lent itself well to depicting a storm. I like the main theme (very nice!) that comes in right at the beginning and then you return to it a couple of times. I was thinking it could work well if you had a calmer "after the storm" part featuring that theme. Anyway, impressive playing. Really enjoyed it. Beethoven approves. ? -Bjorn
  20. Hi John, I don't think I'll ever warm up to the genre you do but I certainly respect the musicianship and esp your lyric writing ability. Love that flute! -Bjorn
  21. Steve Love the stories you weave in that wistful nostalgic style you do. Really nice accompaniment going on in the background which adds so much to the vocal. Is that you in the photo? -Bjorn
  22. Hey Daryl Sitting here in Starbucks and I"m being transported to a very pleasant place listening to that heavenly choir. Just beautiful. "current mrs daryl" -Bjorn
  23. Very nice job getting all those photos out of the album and into a video. I like the references to the technology back then. Weird how VCRs and DVD players were so high tech and now they're becoming ancient history in our life time. One crit: maybe too much zooming in the video? -Bjorn
  24. Ross, I'm loving the theme introduced earlier but it really shines beginning ~4:00. A bit simpler orchestration here maybe and with a great sounding flute. So now I've listened to this a few times and gotta say this has huge potential. Keep working on it and submit it wherever you can. -Bjorn
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