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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Um I'm not what you used to translate my response to you but it wasn't anything like above. I responded to your questions asking you what you found missing from your workflow to understand why you didn't like it. Nothing more than that.
  2. The plot thickens. All this for mandatory hardware virtualization. ? https://www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/ok-microsoft-you-win-im-buying-a-windows-11-pc/ This is a good read too with links to checkers. https://www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/will-your-pc-run-windows-11-even-microsoft-cant-say-for-sure/
  3. Can you post a sample file from there so we can take a look?
  4. As mentioned before my fix only affects a very specific dropout code. If that isn't your issue it's a completely different problem
  5. Yes a per fader history queue would be much more useful than a simple undo history that forces you to go from most recent to least recent. Yes mix recall currently requires you to make the decision to take a snapshot.
  6. If anyone has Win 11 installed and running feel free to send us any compatibility issues you might encounter.
  7. I think obsoleting laptops that are 4-5 years old is borderline ok. However with desktops its a different matter since many build them to be upgradeable. I typically spend a lot to buy a top of the line desktop just so that I can upgrade it. I expect it to last at least 7-8 years because of this. My 2015 8 core PC is still perfectly capable for what I use it for. The windows user base doesn't quite have the same disposable hardware mentality as the Mac base so its a tough sell from Microsoft.
  8. You have to use MBR2GPT.exe to do the conversion. I spent more than half of Saturday dealing with switching to UEFI. I had 2 redundant recovery partitions created by buggy windows installs that I had to manually delete before I was able to use the MBR2GPT.EXE tool. I had to watch a bunch of YouTube tutorials before I figured out how to do that. Not for the faint of heart - I was afraid I would brick my system but it worked fine after I deleted the dead recovery partitions. Different tool to find out which one is in use and which is dead! If anyone needs to do this I can hunt down the videos I found that helped. The annoying thing is after all that work I got the CPU incompatibility message. It would have been far more useful if they listed all the problems at one time rather than piecemeal.
  9. @Miki Fabian are you sure its the same problem? This is NOT a new issue with this release, but a preexisting mono bug that I fixed due to feedback from JL. What version of Cbb are you running when you say latest version and are you getting dropout code 12? Its a very specific issue so we need to be careful not to conflate it with other bugs. I've sent you a link to a build with a fix for the aforementioned issue. Report back if it fixes it.
  10. There is no change to the actual synth port naming. It just wont put the prefixes into the track names when you insert synths.
  11. @Josh Wolfer why not use mix recall which is designed specifically for this? And light years more powerful because not only can it recall fader moves for a subset of tracks, it can also recall envelopes and actual plugin settings. Arguably plugins are equally part of the mixing task these days. Mixing is a complex and very user workflow specific task. Someone might want to undo only fader moves on a single track but has moved a dozen other things after that. A simple undo stack is not useful for that. This is why we have per parameter undo memory (albeit only last value state). It could be extended to remember more than one value I suppose. However it seems like we already have all the tools there with mix recall. If anything we should enhance that feature rather than adding new less powerful features.
  12. Reminder we are very close to releasing the final 06 update. If there are any blocking issues related to this release please report them ASAP. PS: As per requests the audio ports for friendly names no longer include the numeric prefix and I've also removed the prefix for inserted synth tracks. There are also a handful of additional bug fixes.
  13. @buildanax can you please send the minidump file from the crash ASAP? There is info in the crash dialog that allows you to locate the dump file. It also shows whether the crash is in a plugin or the application.
  14. Just because a couple of other DAW’s do it isn’t an argument for doing it. Tying fader movements (mixing operations), to the undo system is mixing and matching two completely different workflows. One is changing the data and the other is signal flow. They are two complete independent things and IMO should not be coupled. People do little changes to vol/pan interspersed with editing all the time. Having it in the same undo history will be very error prone and undersirable. If there was a mixer undo stack it would be completely discrete from the editing stack. Mix recall is a much more powerful system for managing fader state. And as pointed out we have a single per track level of undo for mixer state already. Also saving and restoring gain has little meaning when you have envelopes inthe project since they override the mixer when automation read is on. It would have to do it in offset mode which few people use anyway. Too many downsides to this which is why we don’t intend to do it.
  15. Just starting a thread here to discuss Windows 11 compatibility. While we don't expect to have any issues with Cakewalk running on Win 11 getting your PC running it is a different story You may have read about the announcements that Win 11 only supports PC's with newer processors (Intel 8 gen and higher) and that it requires TPM 2.0 hardware support. In fact many of my PC's fail the upgrade test because I don't have TPM support and my CPU (though quite capable being an core Intel) is an earlier generation. Here is a new blog post from Microsoft where they appear to be potentially dialing back the requirements. I hope the requirements get relaxed because they seem a bit restrictive to only allow systems with TPM 2. I've seen some reports of soft and hard blocks for installation. Will be interesting to see how this evolves.
  16. Well if you don't get a crash dialog what do you mean by crash? If you get a crash dialog it will list the dump file name. Post a screenshot or video of what you see when you save.
  17. Moving the volume fader wont override automation that already exists in the track since the envelopes control the fader. What you are looking for is offset mode.
  18. You can already undo faders to their last value. Right click on any fader and choose "Revert to..." To apply to multiple tracks use quick grouping. There are no plans to make this part of undo - it would be very confusing. There is also mix recall that allows you to save and restore mix snapshots that is a much more powerful way to do it. Please post these topics in the feature request section not the early access thread.
  19. Are you using any Steinberg plugins that utilize syncrosoft copy protection? Do you have autosave enabled?
  20. If you have a project where this is reproducible contact me and I can try and troubleshoot it with you using a beta build.
  21. Check out Voicemeeter it gives you an ASIO driver to send from Cakewalk
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