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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Adding tracks is instantaneous. If you are you using a control surface disable it and test again. Also what audio interface and driver mode are you using? Certain drivers are known to bog down the system so use a process of elimination to find out what’s causing the issue.
  2. Did you actually get a crash dialog which shows the dump file location? If not it was not detected as a crash.
  3. I didn't supply the instructions to clean uninstall the app I doubt that was required to solve this issue. But yes there should be a caveat that doing that will remove any plugins installed to the VstPlugins folder.
  4. I think there is an actual bug here however. If I move the mouse over the left of a track and scroll, and then immediately move the the effects bin it scrolls the view properly. However if I wait a couple of seconds with the mouse over the effects bin it wont scroll anymore. Will look into it and see. why that happens. Edit: its actually not a bug. in CbB we support scrolling the FX rack unlike Platinum. So its attempting to scroll the rack instead of the tracks view. You can verify by adding plugins to the rack. We'll see if its feasible to improve the behavior in the future.
  5. Have you tried starting Cakewalk without your audio interface plugged in? PS please change the title of your post since we have isolated that it is unrelated to 2022.02 Also, another couple of things to try: Start cakewalk and repersonalize by holding down CTRL when clicking the Cakewalk icon. Respond to the prompt and allow it to re-personalize. Check if this resolves the issue. If that doesn't work add the line below under the WinCake section in Cakewalk.ini that is found under %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core. Then try starting the app. If it crashes send us the dump file. [WinCake] ExceptionHandlingSeverity=7
  6. If you look in task manager do you see a cakewalk.exe process after the splash screen disappears? Usually issues like this mean something is causing the main process to terminate. Try and backtrack to any changes you might have made earlier since you mentioned that it was working earlier.
  7. You can easily verify if it's specific by rolling back to the prior release and retesting. If it's a problem that appeared days after updating chances are it's unrelated.
  8. This thread is for feedback specifically about the 02 release. If you have a general issue and need assistance post it on a different thread.
  9. Right as you guessed we have a timer to prevent inadvertently changing control values. People complained about accidentally changing values while meaning to scroll so this delay was added to alleviate such issues. I don’t remember if scroll wheel works on the effects rack but it it is treated no differently from other track or mixer controls.
  10. The error message you list is not ours but from the Microsoft installer from the redist itself. This link seems to indicate that your windows installers may need repair. https://thegeekpage.com/the-feature-you-are-trying-to-use-in-on-a-network-resource-that-is-unavailable-in-windows-10-fix/ Also read this. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/all/the-feature-you-are-trying-to-use-is-in-a-network/80d4be22-aab6-47f0-a7dc-8a3131fc8df0?page=2 It seems that a registry entry on your pc may be pointing to a non existent drive which may be confusing the Microsoft installer. Check the path that it lists in the error message and follow those links.
  11. @Twaddle did you follow this procedure and still have no success? BTW your post isn't about running Cakewalk. It's that you can't run the installer...
  12. Sends are treated similarly to outputs. So if a bus is deleted, any sends to it are assigned to “none” rather than being deleted. Its probably there to allow the user to reassign it later otherwise you would lose settings and send automation. Also to facilitate undoable bus deletion so multiple reasons.
  13. Well, its a plugin crash what help do you need? You posted the text file not the dump file.
  14. We install all redists that are REQUIRED by Cakewalk so using the installer provided should address any Cakewalk related issues.
  15. Not all companies can keep up with the latest versions that is normal. However waves does test with Cakewalk and report issues to us. Changes on incremental releases are very unlikely to affect global compatibility.
  16. Doubtful. It could be a general hang in the system or even a bug. Hard to say without the ability to reproduce it. Is it happening consistently with your project? However smaller buffer sizes can expose certain bugs or race conditions more readily so its a possibility that you may not run into it at a larger buffer size. In any case there is a simple resolution to switch to the default scheduling model.
  17. Great. That error message is primarily for diagnostics in cases where some tracks are inadvertently set to output silence. You can disable it by setting the "WarnSilentBuses" flag to 1 in the Initialization File section in preferences.
  18. Incorrect information. CbB started development from the last version of SONAR Platinum. The first CbB release was in fact identical other than a few bug fixes. There were exactly zero teething problems other than transitioning the activation system and some installer changes to removed bundled 3rd party licensed plugins. There is no comparison to any prior version of SONAR anymore. Cbb is a vastly improved and more stable program with thousands of bug fixes and hundreds of new features since then.
  19. @LittleStudios you are using the "aggressive" thread scheduling model. The error code 19 means "Multiprocessing the audio tasks timed out waiting for completion". This is likely some corner case with your project that is leading to this. "aggressive" mode is not heavily tested so I suggest switching back to the default thread scheduling model. This is completely unrelated to the current update btw.
  20. Check if the track has sends that have been assigned to "none". That can also cause this issue. If you can't find out why send the cwp file and we can take a look.
  21. I've fixed the underlying issue that would leak buffers so it should be no longer a problem. A warning isn't appropriate since the user could be in this state while manually creating patch points and routing them.
  22. That's a different issue. Are you referring to tracks assigned to "none"? Depending on your export settings they may have been getting skipped since they are not audible. The OPs situation was that that he had buses assigned to patch points, but the patch points were not assigned to a track so it was leading to a boundary case.
  23. You should remove references to the dead patch point then. Why keep patchpoints that are no longer in use. You had buses that still output to those patchpoints. These are corner cases that cause issues like this. Edit: @gmp I've identified and fixed the underlying issue that could lead to this dropout happening for next release. It will work ok with patchpoints that are partially connected.
  24. @gmp the issue is caused because you have the first two tracks going to the Vocal Mix bus. However the Vocal Mix bus goes to a patch point Aux S/PDIF which is not assigned to any track input. This is a corner case that leads to the buffer overflow. Why is this patch point being used if its not assigned? I added a new track and assigned its input to Aux S/PDIF and the problem goes away. I'll see if there is a way to catch this case and handle it better.
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