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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Noted. We'll try and improve it in a future release.
  2. I'm not sure what issues you are referring to. There are no problems with scheduling so there is no need to change the default thread scheduling. Re severity, 7 is the most strict setting. The default is 1. 7 should be used for troubleshooting.
  3. Yes you have to download it before you get a chance to run it A second message will appear after the download successfully completes.
  4. You can run it directly from the notification that pops up after the download completes, Why are you going to the download folder? If you do it this way Cakewalk will shut down and update itself automatically. No questions asked.
  5. Thats weird. Is there a component from axeedit running in Cakewalks process space via a plugin or something? Otherwise mouse handling from another app shouldn't affect messages sent to Cakewalk. Its possible that its a mouse driver issue also. You could run Spy and have it watch mouse messages sent to the Fractal app and see if there is any activity there (There shouldn't) while operating the mouse in Cakewalk.
  6. Like Jeremy mentioned I recommend starting with the "Basic" workspace that looks like this. This has the minimal set of tools you would need in a DAW. As you need more you can switch the workspace to advanced or another preset.
  7. @Jeremy Murray-Wakefield This issue isn't known of internally. Can you please attach a small project that exhibits it? You can attach it to this thread or PM it to me. We haven't changed anything related to the matrix in quite a while so its unlikely to be a regression.
  8. @Lonnie Dawkins I don't follow what's you mean by bus is in solo mode. Can you attach a project and the track templates you are using that exhibits the issue?
  9. @Wong Jian Ming selection group approach is the best solution for this problem and this was one of the main reasons for this feature. While you can use solo for take lanes its not really intended for use across multiple tracks. This is because tracks can have different sets of lanes depending on whether they were recorded separately. This help topic explains the use of selection groups for comping.
  10. @Thomas S Carlisle Good troubleshooting. The application doesn’t explicitly look at files on your desktop. However the browser uses a shell component that we have no control over that may be enumerating files in the file system. I wouldn’t worry about privacy concerns. Its not cakewalk looking at the zip file, its the windows shell Windows in some cases can enumerate files within zip’s since it allows browsing into them. Creating or opening project files themselves do no attempt to look at any other folder other than the project folder. However if the project opens an instance of the browser (as most templates save with the browser open) the windows browser shell component will to enumerate files. I will double check again but AFIK it should not explicitly be referencing your desktop unless the project was saved pointing to the desktop folder. Perhaps you can post a screenshot of your browser view showing the file browser. Perhaps you can send us a link to the corrupt zip file since it will make it easier to reproduce the issue. Regarding logging, we do have logging but its primarily intended for beta builds and even so you have to know what to log. We certainly wouldn’t be logging hangs in Windows components.
  11. You can capture a "hang dump" from task manager and upload and send me a link to analyze. There are instructions in the FAQ for problem reporting.
  12. Something external has reverted your Cakewalk version to 2021.18. as the message says you will need to reinstall.
  13. That's listing a stack overflow in ucrtbase.dll is most likely a redist problem. What version of Cakewalk are you running? Try installing the latest early access release.
  14. This is fixed in the latest early access release. Please download it and verify if it solves your problem.
  15. @Herbert Miron Its possible that one of your plugin's is corrupting memory leading to this. If you have already tried safe mode and loaded the project without any plugins check if your Microsoft redistributables are up to date by following this link. That installer should repair your redists in case that is the issue. Do you get the issue only with that project or any project you try and open?
  16. Yes I can confirm that this is a change in behavior. We'll look into addressing it for the upcoming December update. Thanks for your report.
  17. Cakewalk isn't a DPI aware application and so it relies on Windows to do the scaling. In some scenarios text in menus may not look very crisp as a result of this. Are you sure that you are running at the native resolution and Windows is not set to do scaling in display settings?
  18. @Greg Wynn Nothing in this release I know of that would cause that. What levels specifically were reset? Can you send the CWP file you used prior to opening it and show what the levels were in the prior version? You can easily roll back and verify if the levels are what you expect. Take screenshots before and after.
  19. @Matthew Simon Fletcher Could you send a link to your template so we can try and evaluate why it takes long?
  20. This is addressed for the next release. Its not a bug as such but was a missing case. Melodyne or any ARA plugin pre reads the audio and streams it as needed. I've now added special handling for ARA plugins to mute their output during override recording and comping.
  21. Exactly, there is no universal way to set the buffer size.
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