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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Mage_et_lentCan you share a link to the project that has the slow load.
  2. Even before you posted this I was going to ask if you had the cubase generic low latency driver installed. It has nothing to do with Cakewalk and multiple drivers. The generic low latency driver is a wrapper driver for WDM that tries to manage the audio device and causes bugs like this when cakewalk simply enumerates the ASIO drivers, which happens at startup time. Most likely what happens is this driver is initializing the device to 44.1 and conflicting with your settings in Cakewalk. You should report this to Steinberg.
  3. The first thing I would try is open the exact same CPW on a different machine and see if you get that dropout. The dropout is unlikely to be related to the disk since the code is different for disk underrun errors. If you share a link to the project and its reproducible we can look into it. PS: Also I’m not sure if you are aware of it but you can completely disable dropout detection via preferences | configuration file. If its an intermittent dropout this might be useful to do.
  4. No it has nothing to do with that. The only PC module that was (mistakenly) exposing MIDI was the console emulator. PC modules should never need MIDI.
  5. @István Máté This is explained in the release notes: Are you saying that sends to hardware outs are affected? That’s not expected
  6. If you are hearing glitching that goes away it would appear that the plugin is using enough CPU that is close to saturating one core/thread. Does raising latency improve it? Also try turning off load balancing esp if you are running at low latency. Load balancing is more useful at moderate buffer sizes.
  7. If "Allow Arm Changes during playback/Record" is checked it preemptively prepares files for recording for all tracks with active inputs. If something prevents the files being created, you will get that message.
  8. Can you send me a direct link to the dump file if updating the redists did not fix your problem?
  9. Which version were you running prior to 09? There are zero changes that would affect audio streaming in 09 compared to 06. If you are seeing something its coincidental. Also, Windows 10 vs 11 presents no change to the actual code so we aren't doing anything different for Win 11 as far as audio goes.
  10. Send us a crash dump file and it may help isolate the root cause.
  11. Pretty unlikely to be directly related to this release, since there is a very bounded set of changes. Attach a crash dump and we can see what the cause is.
  12. The reality is that it's an incredible amount of work to support any new protocol and deal with the inevitable bugs and confusion. VST3 is flawed in many ways and its design is a bit strange, but at least it is extensible. Decades ago in the 2000's, Cakewalk started an open plugin standard discussion with all DAW and Plugin vendors. The specification was in discussion for over a year, and nothing came of it despite it being way better than anything out there at the time. Often, it's not the best thing that sees adoption, there are many factors.
  13. Yes, I just tried your project. As David mentioned, this is how the internal mechanics of bus solo works rather than a bug. It's incredibly complex to determine the dependencies that need to be activated when soloing something due to speghetti routing via sends and aux tracks etc. What happens is because the drum bus is sending to the sidechain input (which is actually a hidden bus internally) the drum bus gets activated as well. You could argue that it's a shortcoming of the intelligence of the bus solo mechanism, but it's not necessarily as simple as that. For example, the output of the drum bus might be indirectly feeding another sidechain of the track in which case there is no recourse but to output from the bus. In general, when it's determined that a bus is required for a sidechain the ENTIRE bus gets activated currently. If you need the bus output to be silent when soloing the track, set up the routing differently or mute the drum bus. The sidechain send will still be active in this case since its a pre-fader send. You can even use grouping to toggle the button states. TLDR: Combining bus solo and track solo is very complex especially if you have intra bus routing like sidechaining. It works for 99% of use cases but is not perfect. -- If you are interested, here is the net result of the solo states computation on my machine, after soloing the SI-Electric Piano 1 instrument track. The [x] means an output is active. You can see that the algorithm enabled both outputs on the drum bus (out 1 is the sidechain send) [x] 2 Master bus '--- None ---' [x] Out 0 [x] 92 Normal bus 'Master' [x] Out 0 [ ] 93 Normal bus 'Preview' [x] Out 0 [ ] 94 Normal bus 'Metronome' [x] Out 0 [ ] 110 <M> Track bus 'Matrix Data Track' [ ] Out 0 [x] 135 Master bus 'Focusrite USB ASIO: Output 1 + Output 2' [x] Out 0 [ ] 150 Master bus 'Focusrite USB ASIO: Output 3 + Output 4' [x] Out 0 [ ] 154 Master bus 'Focusrite USB ASIO: Output 5 + Output 6' [x] Out 0 [x] 156 Track bus 'LRS track bus' [x] Out 0 [x] 158 S Track bus 'SI-Electric Piano 1' [x] Out 0 [x] 159 S Track bus 'SI-Electric Piano 1' [x] Out 0 [ ] 160 Track bus 'SI-Drum Kit 1' [x] Out 0 [ ] 161 <M> Track bus 'SI-Drum Kit 1' [ ] Out 0 [x] 163 S Track bus 'Sonitus:fx Compressor(Side Input)' [x] Out 0 [ ] 164 Normal bus 'Drum Bus' [x] Out 0 [x] Out 1 [ ] 2047 <M> Track bus 'Track 6' [ ] Out 0
  14. There is no pressing need to update the signatures on the dll's. Thats really the only change. There is no direct link to the full installer because it would be excessive load for everyone to download. If you really need it for some reason, contact support or uninstall and reinstall the application. You can also roll back 2 versions consecutively and then update again and it should fetch the full installer.
  15. Indeed a side chain is internally a bus and will sum all sends to that side chain. Soloed buses are not coupled with tracks so if your solo a bus you will also need to manually solo other other tracks that aren't dependent.
  16. @David Baay please check your PM’s. we sent you some info and questions.
  17. Thanks everyone for checking out the latest EA. We plan to release this officially tomorrow. We just updated the build to which includes a couple of important fixes. If you see this, we'd appreciate it if you tried it out before we release tomorrow.
  18. No not at all. More like our (small) team has been working on some other equally important things. CbB is a pretty mature application and it's not always necessary to add new features but rather refine what we have.
  19. If the internet is gone permanently, I think you will have far worse problems than not being able to use your DAW You can authorize cakewalk via the offline auth mechanism but yes that requires at least a remote internet connection somewhere. Pretty much most software today is tied to some sort of activation mechanism, its just how the industry has evolved.
  20. For me any product its actually more than the sum of its features, but its workflow. If a product has a million features but the workflow doesn't suit me, I don't use it. Time is too short to waste on things that aren't intuitive to you.
  21. Thanks for using Cakewalk software. It has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 4 years and is more stable and performant than it has ever been. In general, if any DAW meets your workflow and needs there is no need to keep endlessly looking elsewhere because you will waste more time learning new tools. And believe me when I say this - every product has flaws and bugs despite what you might hear from anyone else We're also working on something exciting that will be announced relatively soon so at minimum hold out until then ?
  22. Thanks to some tests from @David Baay I have isolated the issue that causes the UI to be unresponsive after stopping when there are hundreds of tracks with certain prochannel modules. It is fixed it for the upcoming release. The issue is easily reproducible if you have 200 tracks containing the console emulator. The reason for the delay on stop is because the console emulator ends up blocking the user interface under certain conditions. I have worked around the plugin issue in our code. Edit: This fix is included in the 2022.09 official release.
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