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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Yes, RME does handle MMCSS properly from the get-go, back in 2008. I'd worked with the driver developer together on this and we came to an understanding. If it's enabled in the driver, they set the thread to pro audio priority. However, I think it defaults to MMCSS off. BTW even though cakewalk shows it as 18, it's really running at priority 26. The only way to see that is by running Process Explorer, however. We don't have a way to programmatically get the true MMCSS priority of existing threads unfortunately so it shows as 18.
  2. @Helene Kolpakova To clarify you are saying that both the multidock and the browser sizes / collapsed state is not being retained after open, correct? Please deselect a workspace and redo your test. It's possible that the workspace is restoring the view sizes to what they were in the workspace. Remember that Workspaces are a way to set a project to a certain view configuration so if you don't want this behavior, you should select None as the workspace. Note that the Advanced workspace as shown in your screenshots, is authored with the Window Layout settings checked. This means if advanced is selected, it will always restore the window layout to the workspace, overriding what's in the project. You can also make your own custom workspaces without the Window Layout checked if so it wont try and force the layout of the workspace. Additionally, you can turn off Apply Workspace on Project Load from the workspaces menu as below. This should prevent the workspace being auto applied when you open your projects.
  3. Please don't mix multiple issues in a single thread. It gets very confusing for others to follow.
  4. Well, its important to report the version where the problem occurred It was being implied that the latest release introduced the drawing problem when in fact it did not. So the history is that back in July, I changed the startup code to work around a bug in Vienna Ensemble that was wiping out queued windows messages to draw the app. I changed it to not defer the final app redraw and instead do that synchronously. The result of that is that it "opens the stage" so to speak too early now, before some other parts have completed drawing. This makes it look a bit flickery. We now ensure that we handled all queued redraws before showing the final app.
  5. Glad that its fixed some of your problems. Some bugs really need repros to find otherwise it can be impossible to triangulate. After working with @Helene Kolpakova I got a reproducible case for the browser drawing bugs and crashes and that made it much easier for Ben to fix. It was still very complex though. Mark has now added support for quick group delete fx as well as bypass effect so it will be in the final release. I agree with this. Unfortunately there is no concept of effects selection so delete applies to the last selected object. However the fact that it deletes some random clip or object that the user has forgotten about and is potentially not visable has also bugged me since the beginning since it can lead to data loss. Obviously there is room for improvement in that area. I don’t blame you for the confusion. I’m just following the guidelines for the ASIO spec. (which I actually disagree with since I think its misguided information and the host should be setting thread priorities not drivers, because realtime audio threads need to behave identically as a group) If its showing time critical by default when enable ASIO MMCSS is off in cbb, there is a possibility that the driver is NOT setting the priority to MMCSS. If its showing Realtime, when you enable MMCSS then it means we were successfully able to change the driver’s thread priorities to match our engine threads (which is a good thing). Unfortunately in Windows its very hard to check existing MMCSS priories accurately so its possible that that the driver is actually setting MMCSS, but just not a high enough priority. The best way to check (assuming that you can identify the driver thread for your ASIO device) is to run Process Monitor and look at the priorities for the ASIO driver. For MMCSS it must be running with a dynamic priority of 24 or higher to be a pro audio thread. See this thread for instructions. There is some confusion here. We have both soft and full public EA releases. The soft releases are only announced on the forum. This release was originally supposed to be much smaller so we chose to make it a soft release. However it grew legs and turned into 2022.11. We chose not to publicly push it until release in this case. When we release obviously everyone will get update notifications. (If it was a public EA you would have got an in-app notification) We don’t publicly expose the full installer because its large and incurs higher download costs. However if you need it ask support or PM one of us and we can send you a link when the full release is available.
  6. @HOOK Yeah, that's pretty useless I can't tell either. Same issue with Focusrite. If you install the latest 2022.11 early access build, I added a tooltip to the performance module that shows the thread priority. If you run that build let me know what it shows there. Thats the only way to know.
  7. It should work. I just tested it with my Arturia Keylab and plugging in the device while CbB is running works fine. I get a device inserted prompt and when I choose yes, the MIDI device works fine, and I am able to record MIDI. Are you getting the device Inserted prompt and choosing Yes? Sometimes if you unplug and replug multiple times in a session you won't get the prompt because we avoid displaying redundant prompts. If not, you can also CTRL-click the "Reset Audio and MIDI" icon on the toolbar. This will force Cakewalk to reload the driver. If that doesn't work either the issue is with your device.
  8. AFIK Z3ta doesn't output MIDI so I don't think it's possible to do.
  9. That is not a crash and is normal. A crash causes program termination. Timing for loading of views can be system dependent. There is no change I know of that could cause a behavior change here.
  10. @HOOK you can try it in whatever build you have thanks. The 2022.11 EA build is quite solid however and we'll be releasing in a few days so there is no risk to try it. It also has a readout for the audio thread priority in the performance bar tooltip, which makes it easier to check what the driver is doing.
  11. Every quick groupable operation is custom code. You don’t get it for free. We’ve only made the most commonly used features quick groupable.
  12. Is the label persisting a new issue? Automation being orphaned is as intended but the plugin placeholder should be removed. I’ve never seen this… When a plugin is deleted any related envelopes are orphaned and can be reused for something else or deleted. They are also kept in case you undo the delete, in which case they are reassigned to their parameters.
  13. Replace is not intended to handle routing. You will have to set that up manually.
  14. PM me the link. It may be days before it gets reported by support.
  15. There isn't unless the plugin notifies you via its UI. We could try and detect denormals coming out of plugins and indicate it in the effects window but that may not necessarily catch all cases.
  16. I'm not sure what you are referring to as a crash. There is no crash in your video. It just shows the views loading normally.
  17. Are you using the mic in WASAPI shared mode? Thats the reliable mode to use USB mic devices. I have a mic hooked up right now and it works fine (Shure MV-88)
  18. Saving after safe mode wont help because safe mode doesnt physically remove the effects. Most likely you have plugins in hidden tracks or buses. If you don't find hidden tracks send a link to the project and I can take a look where they are coming from.
  19. Some plugins internal state must have gone bad and got saved. By deleting and reinserting it probably reset whatever was bad.
  20. Just create a send from the effects bus to an aux track. Arm the aux track and record and you will get the wet output recorded. Simple Instrument track--->BUS [effects]---> MASTER Send | \---------> Aux track Also read this topic: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.13.html#1750199 In particular Capture the performance of guitar effects in real-time Here is the minimal configuration:
  21. Besides bug fixes, @msmcleod has an extra surprise Christmas present feature that we'll be including that should make quite a few people happy
  22. Your video doesn't show a crash or anything actionable. Please make a fresh thread and describe the problem in detail. If you have a crash include the dump file. Also it looks like you are using a custom theme. Switch to the default Tungsten theme and retest.
  23. @Traveler can you do a test. Download process explorer from here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer Then launch Cakewalk with MMCSS off. Find cakewalk.exe in process explorer and right click and choose properties From the window that opens switch to the threads tab. Try and find the Apollo ASIO driver thread in the list of threads. The thread will have the driver name in it hopefully. Send a sreenshot showing the ASIO thread details.
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