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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Cakewalk has supported event based WASAPI since 2008 when it came out.
  2. You can save MP3 excoder settings, if you save an export task. Click the "Add Task to Queue" button and before it saves the task it will prompt you for the MP3 encoder settings. Once you save the project with the task you can recall the same task in the future with the sae setttings.
  3. The cynicism in this forum never fails to amaze me. Why on earth would we or any sane company in our field want to hold users' data hostage? You do realize that we are one of the only DAW's whose project files can be opened in pretty much any prior version of the app? Would we do that if we wanted to hostage projects? If someone really needed to, they could open their projects in any prior product like SONAR 8.5 and get most of the data out. We also plan to have free versions of all our apps so if users needed, they could use the free limited versions if they never owned a Cakewalk product ever. The bigger question to ask is why anyone who cared about their music in any capacity would not want to pay a reasonable fee to support the development of a product they use.
  4. @sreams no changes in this area and it's working fine here. There are two things to check. 1. Only waveforms for unique clip wave files are rendered in parallel. i.e. if you have 100 clips that all come from the same wave file then they will only display when the full wave file has been rendered. IOW parallel rendering is per file not per clip. 2. Parallel rendering is controlled by the aud.ini variable "EnablePicCacheThreads" not the multiprocessing setting. Check if somehow that variable got set to 0. Try importing a bunch of wave files into a new project and then select all and choose "recompute waveforms" from the clip properties. They should render in parallel.
  5. Yes it only hides the VST2 when an equivalent VST3 is available.
  6. And why are you cross posting here? Mark already replied to you and explained that its completely unrelated to the EA. The purpose of any EA is resolve any issues that are NEW or regressions.
  7. Yes this is the simplest solution. No need to use plugin manager.
  8. @Harley Dear thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is the whole point of early access so we can squash any unnoticed issues. Even bug fixes can expose problems so its critical to have a bigger pool of users such as you do final tests. My only request is that rather than making new threads, any EA related issues should always be reported in the main EA thread. Otherwise we risk not seeing it.
  9. So you're saying we need to putrefy Sonar to make it greener. Noted ?
  10. Just to clarify in case some people are confused with all the FUD, what we just released was a good faith early access update for users of CbB, just because of the long wait since its last release. It is NOT Sonar which is a different version that we will release later (most likely as a public beta initially). The implication that this early access was rushed is doesn't make sense. This update has a very small set of changes that were made over a period of almost a year and have been widely tested internally and by beta testers. In my experience most problems that get reported with any new release tend to be either environmental or issues that are preexisting and completely unrelated to the new release. If there happen to be any NEW problems report them in the EA channel and we'll investigate them.
  11. There shouldn't be any more crashes than the older versions but if you can send across any dump files we'll certainly look into it. Please post any problem reports in the main EA thread. The primary changes to the current version of CbB are bug fixes and Microsoft tool updates, nothing major has changed. Re Sonar I can assure you that pricing will be very reasonable. May be even better than you expect Regarding the integration with BandLab the new Sonar is greatly improved in this regard. It also supports direct project interchange with the new Cakewalk Next product which is natively integrated with BandLab. For example, in Next you can download a project from bandlab and use it exactly as it was with its native effects. Then you can transfer it to Sonar if you so choose for mastering etc.
  12. The current version is not a beta, its an early access version. Its fully tested but we wanted end users to verify it before we release it shortly. There is no guarantee for how long the older version will be remain active once we release the final version, since as explained older versions rely on deprecated functionality.
  13. I think you are reading too much into it. There is no timeline to phase it out currently so it will be around awhile. No need to be concerned, users will be given plenty of time to make up their minds whether the new Sonar is for them. 6 months is just the standard reactivation period that has been in place since the start. That said, for anyone using CbB regularly it seems like it would be a no brainer to upgrade to a product that will be supported and receive updates, instead of using an older unsupported version. Hopefully the new features and the cool new UI will be exciting to most users. The reactivation requirement is for multiple reasons - Cbb/Sonar/Next are all connected apps that integrate with the BandLab ecosystem. There are often backend changes, that require cached state to be refreshed to work properly, not very different from the reason digital certificates and cookies expire. Additionally, these changes require us to change the application to continue to work properly, which is why we occasionally need to do updates that in turn refresh activation. The other reason is to ensure that for support purposes we have users running on the latest versions.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by carried over. Sonar started from the same code, so it has all the features that CbB has, and more, besides having a more modern scalable UI that works well with high DPI monitors. With one exception. Theme manager will not be supported in the first version of Sonar.
  15. The price would be very affordable so there is really no need for panic. (less than what anyone paid for SONAR platinum) We expect that most people who actively use CbB today should have no reason not to upgrade to a paid and fully supported product.
  16. To be clear, there will be no more feature updates or bug fixes to the CbB codebase. The only reason it's being kept active for now is to provide users time to transition to the upcoming (paid) Sonar product. If you do intend to use Cakewalk please consider moving to Sonar (when its available obviously). We also plan on having a public beta release for it soon once the user interface is complete, so you can make up your mind. There is no change from the workflow of Cbb so the transition should be effortless. If you have requests or bug reports continue to post them but they will only be fixed in the new Sonar release.
  17. This error typically is caused by timeouts from the browser communicating with the application. It can be caused by external issues like an AV blocking socket communications or a browser issue. If that happens try disabling AV's and restart the PC and try again after signing out and signing back in from within the Cakewalk app.
  18. @james rector its not clear which version of CbB you were running. Which version did you uninstall and which version was installed again?
  19. A full installer may be made available when it's released publicly.
  20. But depth is not retained between sessions. You have to save a preset if you want specific settings.
  21. All products from Cakewalk require activation. This has always been a requirement. In preparation for our new products there have been some changes on the back end, hence the previous statement that older versions won't work anymore.
  22. It is very unlikely that it is a general multiprocessing sync issue in the DAW. It has been extensively tested over decades and if there was even a tiny bug there there would be thousands of users running into it. The more common problem is with plugins. Do the same test completely disabling or removing all plugins and use that as a process of elimination. You can export audio and choose to not include plugins. Definitely eliminate hardware UAD plugins in your test. Though less common there may also be a disk throughput issue leading to inability to cache data in time. Some samplers have been known to have issues like this.
  23. That error is coming from TTS1 directly. I suspect you may have a registry permissions issue where something is blocking write access to the registry. Have you tried running as an administrator? EDIT: I see that a reinstall fixed it. Likely something blocked it from installing properly. (AV perhaps)
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