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Jonathan Sasor

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Everything posted by Jonathan Sasor

  1. You should have no problem opening the projects from SONAR 7 in either the new version of Sonar or Cakewalk by BandLab. The only "gotchas" would be with any plugins with 32-bit on XP, but all the audio and project data will load fine.
  2. @Jim Stamper If you check the site, it lists Sonar as "Available Now Via BandLab Membership". We're perpetually working on more and more improvements, but Sonar is going strong as is. You can always download it and try for yourself. Demo mode just prevents save/export.
  3. You can also do it with AudioSnap by editing the Clip Map and using set project from clip.
  4. Make sure you're saving the file as a MIDI file, and you can always test the file by opening it back up in Cakewalk after saving to verify that it retains the desired settings.
  5. Your best bet for questions about the actual purchase point would be to contact support directly through https://help.cakewalk.com/ You'll be able to use both Sonar and CbB if you're a subscriber and Sonar will work fine on both of your machines.
  6. It could possibly be a sample rate issue with the audio card. Nothing that's changed in Sonar would readily change a key in your entire project, but if your audio card is running a 44.1 KHz project at 48, it'll definitely sound pitched up. If there's no audio at all in the project, something externally could be switching the sample rate on you.
  7. No, there is nothing that would prevent you from continuing to keep using Cakewalk by BandLab during a session. It sounds like something is causing the app to crash. If you can get us a dump file from the crash, we'll take a look.
  8. CbB is no longer tied to BandLab Assistant, so you would either need to sign into the app directly or use Cakewalk Product Center to do offline authorization
  9. It'll be back in an updated Product Center soon.
  10. Is it the sign in itself that's not working, or are you signing in and not seeing the app authorize?
  11. It's not that we're not open to criticism, but its very much as @Magic Russ put it. This is a topic in particular that people have strong opinions about, but when a thread starts about a promo opportunity, and all the responses are "i hate subs!" Its one, off topic, and two a point that's already been made- to excess.
  12. That definitely sounds like an issue with being able to open the audio driver. Disconnecting the device will likely allow Sonar to be able to launch, and you can try swapping to a different driver, then close the app, reconnect the device, and restart. As mentioned above though, this is definitely something support can give you further assistance with.
  13. If I seem like my patience has been run down in some replies, that's because we've offered plenty of opportunities for people to voice opinions about subscription since Sonar was initially announced a year ago. There was a 20ish page thread where we let people speak their minds right out of the gate. There have been innumerable threads and comments since. I'm just on here doing my best to support the community, and when I'm constantly having to respond to people retreading the same things over and over, and frequently being indignant about it towards the dev team... I was not trying to make any comment about you personally in my initial reply there. My only goal here is to try and make this forum a constructive place for the people who want to learn about the application, or who need help. I get PMs from other members asking us to put a lid on a lot of the subscription threads because it makes the forum feel like a hostile place. Ashwin graciously posted a place where people direct their opinions in a way where people outside of the Cakewalk team can keep track of. Those of us involved with development will continue to try and deliver the best possible experience with the app that we can, and we do our best to support our users.
  14. What is your display configuration? Resolution, display scaling, multiple monitors, etc.
  15. The current version of Cakewalk Product Center does not have an option to download the new version of Sonar. It is available to download here. Your issue with Next sounds like there might be issues with your audio driver. You would need to provide more details on your device and configuration to be adequately troubleshoot that. There's also the new Next section of this forum where you can discuss Next-specific topics. You can always contact Support too for additional help troubleshooting.
  16. Likely not necessary for the case of the OP, but we've got clean install instructions in our knowledge base. This version of the instructions is specific to CbB, but the same rules apply for Sonar if you wanted to do the full clean install: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  17. Resizing the window will show the missing buttons, we're looking into a better way to handle displaying those buttons to accommodate narrower plugins. The PRV scroll issue is logged and in the fix queue for when we can get to it. Thanks!
  18. As @DeeringAmps said, the app itself isn't very large to leave in place, but the Add/Remove Programs in Windows launches our uninstaller. This leaves user personalized settings intact if you want to reinstall later (as it has for all previous SONAR or Cakewalk by BandLab installers). You'd just want to say no if prompted to remove shared files during the uninstall process.
  19. It's the features through the forthcoming update, which as Noel said will be very soon.
  20. Apologies Alexey, but TH-U Cakewalk has not been released yet. It will be in the forthcoming Sonar update. Please note that TH-U Cakewalk is locked to Sonar and Next and will not load in other hosts (including Cakewalk by BandLab). It won't impact anyone with a full license from Overloud. Thanks!
  21. Save and export are disabled when the app isn't authorized.
  22. This. This topic has been beaten to death. We're aware some people do not like subscriptions. Having someone stand on a soapbox and then complain when we try and move on gets old real fast and changes nothing. We've given people plenty of opportunity to discuss it over the past year. It starts getting disrespectful, which in turn becomes a violation of terms on this forum.
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