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Jonathan Sasor

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Everything posted by Jonathan Sasor

  1. It's definitely not recommended to resave over the existing factory Workspaces as those can be overwritten as described.
  2. Do you have the docked control bar saved as a workspace? I'm not able to reproduce any change to the current workspace setting on updating.
  3. SONAR 8.5 was never available as a full download install. As mentioned there was an upgrade installer to take version 8.0 to 8.5, but the application as a whole was never available as a direct download. I'd suggest contacting support at help.cakewalk.com.
  4. You definitely want to use the Command Center installer version of Dimension Pro. That will install the latest version. As @mettelus mentioned, you might want to go the clean install route to remove the previous version and then load it clean directly to v1.5.
  5. The serial number and registration code will work on a new system. Bear in mind X3 predates Windows 11, so its not supported there.
  6. Sounds like you have the Scrub tool on. The "j" key is the shortcut for this.
  7. Easiest way to do this is just putting a volume envelope on the metronome bus (as set up in stock project templates).
  8. You can use the updated version of Command Center to reinstall SONAR Platinum with all of its related content (some of the additional plugin installers will require to see SONAR installed). After that re-run the Cakewalk by BandLab installer to make sure your shared components are up to date, and you'll have everything.
  9. Sometimes some MIDI data can cause certain synths to stop working. One thing you could do is open the Event List and remove the non-note entries prior to trying to play the project, then see if it works correctly. Aside from removing that MIDI data beforehand, another thing that could fix these kinds of problems would be to tell the synths not to intercept that data. You can do that in the plugin manger: A test for this could also be using TTS-1 or a similar GM player to see if that's outputting audio from that same MIDI data.
  10. Jonathan Sasor


    It's definitely a driver/audio device issue. It's likely something with the configuration for the Audient where you can assign things to the different driver inputs. If they have a mixer control panel, the solution is likely there.
  11. There's a pin button in the plugin toolbar you can click that will keep them visible when opening another plugin. Holding CTRL while clicking to open the plugin also overrides the current setting for Recycle Plug-In Windows, which basically will just apply the pin automatically when opening the plugin UI.
  12. Gobbler is no more. They switched from being a project backup service to a plugin marketplace a while before that.
  13. Yes, legacy products that were available as a download originally are still there on your account page at https://legacy.cakewalk.com/, or are otherwise available through the updated Command Center if downloaded there originally. Apple updates frequently break lots of things. Z3TA+ for iOS hasn't been in development for a number of years, so there haven't been any updates to fix issues introduced with new updates for iOS.
  14. By default Cakewalk shows the drivers as stereo pairs, and its showing how the driver reports the names. You should see Left 1 and Right 1 on your track input list. You can edit/show "Friendly Names" to make this clearer in the Preferences.
  15. Yeah, legacy products (at the time) were not added to the Command Center infrastructure. Anything else that was available as a download should still be there on your account page though. IIRC it was X1 that had the first option to download the app at all. Going beyond that requires having the physical media.
  16. Clip groups. The easiest way is to enable multitrack grouping in the Record tab of the Preferences as you start your session, but you can manually right-click and group all the clips you want to edit together as well.
  17. @mattplaysguitar So long as you make sure you used the updated version of Command Center, you'll be able to download and install any of your previously "connected" Cakewalk products. There was a basic version of Guitar Rig 4 that was included with SONAR X1
  18. Make sure you have the updated version of Command Center, the old versions won't connect anymore due to a back end change. Beyond that, as mentioned, the support folks will get you squared away.
  19. I tried the demo version for both the vst2 and vst3 version for the M1 plugin, and that worked fine, so as Noel said, this is likely something patch/project specific causing the plugin to crash. You can always load the project without the plugin via Safe Mode (holding shift when clicking open within Sonar). You can send us a copy of the project to see if we get the same results here. If its crashing internally to the plugin, there won't be anything we can do, but we can take a look.
  20. You can find support here: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us As for your install state, you might need to try doing a full clean install of the app: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013392/SONAR-2015-Clean-Install-Instructions
  21. Sonar is simply the next version the same way SONAR Platinum superceded X3. This thread ran its course in June, so I'm putting a lid on it. Thanks!
  22. So long as you have a valid BandLab Membership, you can either sign in through the app or use Cakewalk Product Center to do offline activation using files generated as Glenn has shown above.
  23. There shouldn't be any issues with installing SONAR Platinum and its content. If you're getting an error, please provide some specifics. Just be sure to use the updated version of Command Center.
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