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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Simeon is always so upbeat and fun to watch/listen to.
  2. Ha Ha ! She has "ADHD" and wants to get into most things. But the kicker is for some reason she doesn't go on the desktop. At least not yet ? She is my buddy when I'm home. She usually hunts me down for her evening brushing. Yes she has me trained as my wife would say
  3. Yes but I left it up there instead of putting in back in the drawer where I usually keep it Funny thing if I left it on the desktop it would of been fine.
  4. It wasn't me I have a Columbo type alibi
  5. Having too much time on your hands/fingers today
  6. I did and I still had a HD mishap of my own doing. So I know in a few weeks I will be redownloading my IK stuff. So I could be upset but to me the $9.99 it will cost me is okay. I'll use my jam-points too which will make it less. I think the fee should give you at least a year worth of access not 180 days.
  7. I tossed out some old computer magazines last year. I kept them for the heck of it because I liked to look and see what the prices were. We really have come a long way and we still will find a reason to complain ?
  8. Hey this site is rated "G" Or is this site rated "H" for Humor
  9. I can see that you are still up to your silly self ?
  10. Really depends on how much CbB would be. I most likely would move to Studio One and buy Notion for my needs. But I would keep using CbB until it stopped working.
  11. @Shane_B. I think you are more of an old fart
  12. Especially now? really cheap
  13. Wow Bapu that sure looks like it will be a killer system.
  14. Noel you do realize that Hell did freeze over. The Cubs won the world series ?
  15. I only have a small stash of hardware and when I started to add it up, you are so right Dave. Do you have any samples/first taste that you would like to share with the rest of us
  16. @Noel Borthwick Since you ran out of time with Vin how about doing another podcast with him and convince Meng to join in. Would love to hear both of your perspective on Bandlab/Cakewalk going forward. Pretty please with low calorie sugar on top
  17. @TAFKAT Wow it takes a Podcast with Noel for you to join our lovely forum Hope you stop by regularly and not just on gearslutz I have been enjoying your podcast. Keep up the good work.
  18. I'm really interested in this. I haven't really used BandLab part yet but have been looking more at it. Glad to see the Cakewalk user base has grown.
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