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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. The new scam is the calls are coming from your local exchange number with an automated call at first. I wait and say F & C which do you prefer? Please have your 16 digit credit card number handy. Only 2 so far have actually asked what the letters mean and when I told them one still didn't understand. The other called me disgusting. Use you imagination for the letters is all I will say Hey you called and are trying to solicit me!
  2. Well that is an idea but that sub-forum might have more posts then the regular forum
  3. Yes, you should be wearing a bow-tie instead of a neck-tie. Hard to make a noose with a bow-tie when you can't take the frustration with IK ?
  4. My wife's cousin came into town a couple years ago and I got her totally unflavored Almond milk. I finished the carton and now that is what I have most of the time. Can't have the sweetened milk as it is just to sweet!
  5. Hey just because I"m short doesn't mean you can make fun of me. Remember I can still reach your knee caps ?
  6. I had my yearly last fall and I was border-line diabetic. My wife being a nurse said you really need to start watching your sugar intake. So the first thing I did was only black coffee straight in the morning and gave up almost all my soda consumption. 3 months later and I'm 12lbs and striving for another 10lbs off. I can't believe how quickly I feel the same way. I don't miss most of the sugary foods. Also my wife and I went to low salt potato chips years ago and when we have regularly salted chips we complain how salty they taste.
  7. That is it I must report you to the Martian Alien Network. Hope they don't slime your house ?
  8. He was looking for "Beaver" I got my coat........................again
  9. Hey Bill do what you need to do. You have to get healthy as I'm still waiting for one of your famous "Pies"
  10. I can understand. My teenage daughters have been remote learning and the only way I can play is with headphones. Tuesdays use to be my day with the house to myself to blast away.
  11. Sorry to hear the bad news Bill. Hope you feel better soon and don't give up playing your love!
  12. Wow when you want your space Shane you want your space
  13. We all seem to want to be living some where else.... Hawaii was nice
  14. This I have to agree with. Learn how from others do the mix but you are right to have your own stamp on it.
  15. I would never hit a.........
  16. Keep telling yourself that Which begs the question why are you looking at men's chest hairs? ?
  17. like being illegal stopped him ?
  18. Yes, let us al hope for the best!
  19. Just because you don't have self-control doesn't mean everyone else is in the same boat. I have to go now and see what new deals Lar just posted ?
  20. I see from the winnings you stocked up your liquor supply ?
  21. Glad you got it up and running. Now remember school comes before gaming
  22. With out a yabba dabba doo? Keep this up and we will storm the SO site and Bam Bam Bam you. Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet
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