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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. You make a valid point. So how about a blog a few times a year Meng. I know the chance of the big man actually reading a post in the Coffee House are slim to none
  2. I always wonder if Meng takes the time to read these threads; he brought the company and has provided the funds to make the product way more stable and better for us folks. My only downer is that I know as the head of multiple companies I wish he would pop and converse or at least a blog every few months It would be nice to have an idea where he wants to take CbB in the future. Anyway thanks Meng for keeping this great software alive and giving us this Forum for us to have these silly conversations.
  3. So you are saying if you stop the data flow no more Cakewalk?
  4. I'm sorry for playing my part in having this go on and on and on
  5. We can't let it die that easy after three pages of our hard work!
  6. I didn't know they had Best in Show events for..............nevermind ?
  7. Yep that is my approach to. What I don't understand is why they let the prochannel die and not capitalize on them.
  8. I don't think it will get lost. Those that want to use the online part will be able to. At least that is what I hope/pray will happen. I'm coming from a place where more then half of the choir is retire folk and not tech savvy. So it was an interesting time having them record their part(s) at home. The lady that did most of the work was awesome but she had to pull stuff into her DAW and no it wasn't CbB
  9. You think folks would be more worried about Reaper. Justin sooner or later has to get tired of just coding "Reaper" or that the "Grim Reaper" gets him
  10. Wait you're saying Levels have a happy place? Is it vertical or horizontal
  11. True. But with the shut-down one of the choir members is a music school teacher and used another Web-based program to have choir members record simple pieces and she put it together. So I guess I was thinking out loud on how Bandlab could of also been used here between us musicians and the choir. I can't remember what she used but the school has an account so we were able to do limited stuff for free.
  12. I hope not now that Cakewalk has done so much work on stability. Really I think the payoff will be when there is the tie-in with Bandlab and it is seemless In a few months we shall see Now I don't understand the alarm and really IMHO we should all learn at least one more DAW as a back-up.
  13. I think the Pigs would disagree would you
  14. I think my cat is going to live on like the Becan has on the forum ?
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