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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Now you're asking too much. Plus you don't want to lose your job to a young whipper snapper do you Mark?
  2. Brings back days of how bad we sounded in elementary school choir. I need a drink now. Thanks Lar
  3. Dunk it in some Boston Coffee
  4. Okay I have to ask. What type of cookie are you talking about?
  5. Don't do it as you will be wasting time will all your sound choices and never get anything done. I know first hand
  6. My pure nature has sheltered me from ^ ?
  7. The new Muppet Movie? If that is the case then it is okay
  8. That too would be nice. My daughters say how many of the kids in High School don't know how to do basic research. Funny I don't blame the teachers as I blame more of the parents that didn't install learning in their children. We never gave our daughters the answers but would give little clues at times to lead them. I remember my younger one would get so pissed at me. My older daughter would tell her I told you dad wasn't going to give you the answer right away. She learned quickly that it was her responsibility to make a valid attempt at the work assigned. My younger daughter actually thanked me this past January for not giving into her and forcing her to buckle down. My wife and I told them we don't expect A's but we do expect them to do the best to there abilities.
  9. Now remember this drive is for music software not ******
  10. I have spent more time in Affinity software learning how to do stuff and I barely touched the tip of the iceberg as they say. Will I give up heck no as this software is great. The same way I feel about CbB. Of course I have been using Sonar and now CbB for a long long time I do think that every Junior High school student should now have to pass a basic course in coding in say Python. Just so they have an idea of what goes into programming an application. It would be good for them. I did some programming a long time ago and realized it was not for me but I still learned a great deal. I have to deal with the public and you are so right if they don't get an answer in 2 seconds they get upset ?
  11. I keep wondering is Apple new chip that great or is it partly because of TSMC 5nm process. Looking forward to how AMD next Ryzen mobile will perform on 5nm process from TSMC. We might finally get a X86 laptop with 20 hours of run-time and powerful too!
  12. I keep hearing Speed Racer music in the background playing. Go AAS Go AAS Go AAS Go I'll get my coat
  13. Really these new Motherboards with Three M2 slots seem to make a heck of a difference.
  14. Sure Larry we know you off in the Bahama's on a photo shoot. Time to spend some of that money ?
  15. When Sonar stopped and that is when I got Samplitude and would be fine going deeper into it. I got more use out of Spectral Layers and if they have a super sale later in the year maybe I will upgrade for that more then for Samplitude
  16. A DAW is not this processors intended market. But heck talk about bragging rights for a mixing machine
  17. If you use it professionally it isn't that bad but for us hobbyists I agree. I didn't upgrade to V5 as I didn't see the need. For me Studio One makes more sense keeping more current but I still didn't upgrade even at the last sale price.
  18. It is a powerful DAW but I realized CbB gets the job done for my needs.
  19. So true. If you want a more entry level DAW go try Mixcraft 9 https://acoustica.com/mixcraft Great program for the price. I'm not saying ditch CbB as it is great DAW but user friendliness is not its forte.
  20. Still am tempted by this. Don't know if I should thank you or curse you ?
  21. Is this a stand alone product or does it need Kontakt etc...
  22. Welcome back Lar. Now rest your fingers tonight you have a lot of typing to do tomorrow
  23. and when they do they shall chain him to his computer so he shall never leave again ? cue the sinister laughter................
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