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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I have to have the bar set low so I can reach the top shelf where all the good stuff is
  2. Hope the healing goes well Bill and you will be able to eat some of your favorite foods and beverages!
  3. @craigb next time tell us what you really think
  4. Now now let us not go down this road nevermind ? But yes when you are doing that number it can land you in the ER ?
  5. Don Adams certainly got her attention ?
  6. Wait Lar went to Kentucky so he is probably "Hunting Rabbits" We need to be quiet for him
  7. Hmm ? is this the reason the Beatles broke up
  8. I have to take a look at what Roland has to offer.
  9. Affinity stuff was such a no-brainer at $24.99 each module. I probable will still use Corel Draw for my silly greeting cards as I have the templates made. When my wife and I send out Hallmark cards my wife usually hears what happened, no home made one! She also makes her own using card stock and punches, stamps etc. Funny people expect the homemade ones all the time from us. Sorry not going to happen every single time!
  10. Little story: A friends brother has been a graphic artist/designer and is semi-retired after 40+ years. He was offered a nice contract but he had to use Adobe Suite and so he decided not to take the job. The person offering was offended that he would turn it down. He said I have enough work where the client(s) don't care what product I use as long as I make the dead-line. By the way this person was the one that got me to use Corel Draw for my simple projects decades ago. Now I'm learning Affinity for the heck of it to take care of my graphic/photo itch
  11. Careful there mate you could get yourself in trouble
  12. Heck I do have Office 365 subscription as it does make sense for me! Corel Draw went Sub and I realized I didn't use it enough to justify the price. I think Ed is right you have to decide for your own needs.
  13. If those Dongles make you happy who are we to judge ya ?
  14. Of course for me it wouldn't be as I don't have iPhone or iPad
  15. @Fleer Now those are the type of deals we like! Free!
  16. I think we will need to start a fund for Lar to get the Starlink Internet service when it becomes available in Kentucky! Truth be told we would really be doing it for us ?
  17. Hope all goes well Larry. We will miss you but are wallets will be fuller
  18. Next time show it some lovely soft romantic whispers.......
  19. "Cake......................................................................Walk"! There are you happy Ed?
  20. I shall assume and you know what that means Steve You most likely would lose because you are from the UK I did way years ago say I used Sonar and the reaction was really, why! My response was you liked what I did before you knew it was done in Sonar so now that you know you want to be all snobby about it
  21. What is that you said. I can barely see.
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