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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I have a story on that one. Not a nurse but an ultrasound tech had to do ultrasound of my private area where my wife worked. The Ultrasound tech didn't know me from Adam until the X-Ray tech told her who I was. She was trying to talk about politics, music anything to make it less awkward. My wife asked how it went when I came home and told her about X-Ray tech big mouth and she just busted out laughing.
  2. As Benny HIll would say Bill, "You dirty old man!" Hope you're feel better soon.
  3. I figured as much. You just wait to our King comes back and puts you back in your place ?
  4. Bill I had a triple serving of Becan. So don't worry I will take up the slack ?
  5. So that is why the staff view improvements have been taking so long to make them Whole Sorry Jonathan I couldn't resist
  6. I confess I also check too. ?
  7. So if it isn't in bold text you won't download it ?
  8. Noel said last month that in the near future Cakewalk and Bandlab site will be more linked for those that want to take advantage of it. Plus the Bakers asked what we wanted for a chord track. Don't know if that is also being worked on short term or long term. Patience Grasshopper
  9. Those Tibetan Bowls sound interesting as does the Crystal Glasses.
  10. Hey at least we got in before the Prime-Time Rates take effect
  11. Yep Grandpa gets this one!
  12. That is truly a Tower of Power as it is lit with no Power Supply
  13. Sorry I can't help you on this request
  14. It will make Bill stronger. He can handle it Hey I could of mentioned that they also make Bacon Flavored Smoke, but I thought that would of gone too far and pushed Bill over the edge ?
  15. How about some Beer Aroma Therapy or a model train layout with smoking steam locomotive. They make beer flavored smoke ?
  16. I Hear he is more into cucumbers ?
  17. Hey Bill is recovering and from the South. We need to be gentle on him ? What the heck Bill can take it
  18. My wife and I asked our kids 5 years ago if they wanted a new Playstation or XBox and they actually told us no. Even with this pandemic lock-down they found other things to do. My younger daughter hounded the AP English teacher lat Spring for next years book list in advance as she wanted to read them and do the papers in advance if possible. The AP teacher said that wouldn't be fair. My daughter said I didn't say only for me. You can post it as a Google Doc since we are on lock-down. The teacher did and plenty of students took to reading. The AP teacher now says that was a great idea as the majority of the students did and the discussions are more in-depth. I wouldn't mind an XBox, but I know better to get into PC-gaming. Sometimes it is nice to shoot things up and not go to jail ?
  19. G is for Glenn Miller
  20. I have to add to the above that I'm really, really glad my teenagers haven't got into gaming too much. The older one has a little but the younger one has no interest in gaming.
  21. I'm sort of glad I never got into gaming.
  22. So you got almost a week to finish your new Album ?
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