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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Italian Math what else can it be ?
  2. Come back here and fight!
  3. Knot going to go Downe that pathway. No Sir/Mam
  4. This ones easy. You have to buy one of these: https://www.newegg.com/p/2BK-002V-00002?Description=floppy usb&cm_re=floppy_usb-_-9SIA4RE7XZ3171-_-Product&quicklink=true
  5. And if you use closed back headphones you won't hear her ?
  6. Teach the little dude some patience
  7. That is only for the quick scan ?
  8. Except my wife and two daughter know I love kitchen gadgets ? Case in point they got an Instant Pot as an example.
  9. That is one thing I have to say living around the Chicagoland area is the diversity of great food. I was in Tempe, AZ to visit my Aunt and even she said the one thing I miss about Chicago area is the great food. My wife had almost 4 feet of her intestines removed 20 years ago. I know what you are talking about with the 4 lane expressway. Take care and visit down here more often to take a break from helping in the main CbB thread
  10. My dad was a commercial photographer and always said you want to get the picture as close as possible and not in post processing. Of course he made his living in the day of film. I think you have the right idea in music.
  11. If you do go the build it way for the first time. Get yourself a larger case as it is easier to work in. If you happen to located close to a Microcenter it could be worth the trip to check it out. They also have refurbished PC off of lease for great prices.
  12. @mdiemer I had a college text book from quite a few years ago, MIDI Orchestration I believe it was called, and went through building it up. You are right it was tedious but I did a few mock ups using some old church type music. It was actually fun slowly working on it. Now in my old age I don't if i have the patience anymore
  13. You are forgetting the sounds you make after having St. Patties day Cabbage or Taco Bell ?
  14. Cut Fleer some slack, he is probably in love on Valentine's Day ?
  15. I know the GPO sounds are not the best but I always thought his idea of building the orchestra instrument by instrument was great for educational purposes. I learnt a lot by experimenting with it.
  16. At least you didn't use the numbers six and the number three digits higher. I did and got in trouble
  17. I think the playing was actually Hot!
  18. Now you come up with that idea. Thanks for nothing. My kids are 18 and soon to be 17! Remember your post when you have kids of your own ?
  19. Came home just now to my daughter playing Fortnite on the desktop computer. She needed to blow off some steam. She was at school for Science Olympics setting up. They are going to do some virtual events and they were practicing. First event for her since the pandemic. She said I don't care if it is 20 below zero I'm going. I think she jinxed us with the weather as it is 0 degrees outside now! I think you can have the computer but you as the parent have to make sure your kids have balance and they don't need the fanciest one on the block. Peace
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