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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. It couldn't of been me as I have a cellar ?
  2. If you live by a Microcenter they usually have great deals on refurbished systems too.
  3. Neat idea. Dave's son doesn't realize how lucky he is at that age to have access to all of those toys, I mean instruments
  4. Wow Simeon I was gong to watch and just realized how long this video is. Have to check it out tonight
  5. ........and then you come back to our abuse, I mean our love. ?
  6. Finally playing with his stash of plug-ins!
  7. Now if you said we are a very weird bunch you would of got plenty of likes Really I think Studio One has its merits especially if you get one of there controllers. Presonus being a hardware company first has done a great job with how their controllers work with SO IMO. Reason why I'm looking into buying one.
  8. Is that what ET used to "Phone Home"
  9. Bill use some soap this time?
  10. Quick copyright that and you can make money from IK on royalties
  11. Just sayin Your take on saving Christmas by Assassins is well........ Nevermind
  12. Well Bill we all know you have an amble supply of Beer ?
  13. No I won't! She has become my mischievous buddy. I was just stupid for not placing it into the file cabinet ( the USB-HD not the cat ? )
  14. Better ye,t just go down there and recorded live!
  15. I could be upset to about the reactivation fee of $10.00 but I'm glad I will be able to download my purchases. As I had them on a USB hard drive that was on the top shelf and not so little kitty ( sweetheart ) ended up having the HD take a tumble and looks like it is a goner. My fault for leaving it up there. I'm the one who wanted the cat and I know now not to leave the HD out like an idiot. Especially leaving it on the top shelf of a tall bookcase My wife even said at least it was the cat that did it. ? She knows me too well. So the cost will be a new 2TB hard drive, activation fee and time to download the products.
  16. No it is the solar farms not the windmills. ?
  17. I agree with you and I found I got almost all my IK stuff on a sale. I just wait it out and I'm usually rewarded. It is IK's model of operation and as a hobbyist mainly I can wait. For me I like their products but scratch my head on their pricing.
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