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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. It does sound cool. Too many toys and not, I repeat, not enough time in the day
  2. Would you spend the $99 on this or Pigment 3?
  3. July 10th, 1987 on Friday night I know where I was ?
  4. Got to see them in the 80's! They put on a fantastic show!
  5. Now you have to make it to the next mile-stone
  6. The name that that are given along with the update number. YMMV if you're offended.
  7. @Esteban Villanova I didn't say I was replacing CbB. Just thought I should expand my knowledge. For my humble needs CbB has worked very well. I don't think I push the audio engine that much with my projects. Reaper and I have been the couple that you always see arguing and should separate but don't never do. ? I guess that I started with Cakewalk in the Twelve-Tone days and found it fine for my needs.
  8. Cool! I didn't know that. I'm getting a new 2n1 laptop next month and plan to install Reaper on it and spend time with it every night for a month at least to finally see if I can get along with the beast LOL
  9. These really stand out from your list. I'm impressed on how Reaper is self contained.
  10. I hope you are following it to pick up the poop ?
  11. Is that what they are calling it now ?
  12. ask the surgeon if he/she can put in surround sound too
  13. Come on Larry this was updated last week. You're slipping
  14. and you haven't grown back your hair either ?
  15. Ha, first I have to get an updated phone. But I think this is going to be great!
  16. Man how do you all carry Bucks around with you. They are not very light I got my coat
  17. So he is not to go anywhere and just hover?
  18. He is our Alexa but for Cakewalk answers Thanks scook
  19. Now don't laugh at me. I have an old Windows phone that I'm going to be replacing with Android. Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent model that won't cost a fortune but will be able to run bandlab app on it.
  20. Nice that Bandlab's (Meng) vision for how CbB fits into the puzzle is starting to show itself. Yay! Oh and thanks Cakewalk and Meng for making this great DAW live-on.
  21. By the way it is going, I think we will all need more then the 2-shots I got my first shot 6 days ago. So I'm at not on edge as much. Also I have a scheduled appointment for my second dose. My wife is happy that I got the Pfizer one. As a nurse she says that one seems to have the least amount of side-effects.
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