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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. It's still listed with 49.92€ in my browser: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/nks-partners/u-he/hive-2/
  2. I bought it right now, for 49€. Along with Repro, so around 99€ for both together.
  3. The autocompletion of my browser entered the credentials for Native Instruments because it's now hosted on their site and that didn't work, but when I replaced them with the ones that my browser had saved for Izotope.com, I was able to log in.
  4. Beat Magazine offers Chordjam Lite from Audiomodern for free with the latest issue. The English issue isn't out yet but I have the German one already. If you're a subscriber you'll find it at www.plugins-samples.com/downloads. I couldn't find a comparison chart of Chordjam and Chordjam Lite but when I compared the Lite version to the trial version of the full product, the only difference that I could find was that the Lite version doesn't have a sequencer. But you still have all the options for configuring the chord generation, like scale, chord type, inversions, number of notes, randomization, arpeggios and so on.
  5. Last year around the same time they had it for $5. I still had some virtual cash on PB and got it for €2.14. I hardly use it. It's okay, but nothing great. Instead of buying it for $10 one should save the money for a better and more expensive synth, imo.
  6. How is Synth Anthology in comparison to Syntronik 2? Are they very similar? Is one better than the other in some way?
  7. I'm so excited. It's got more than 400% content! Already at over 700% now. Much Sounds! Such wow!
  8. Depends on the plugin, of course. Many are cheaper in bundles. Like, I got Renaissance Maxx for 40$, that's 4$ per plugin. I could've upgraded to Platinum for around 70$ or so, that would've been less than 2$ per plugin.
  9. In the end I did buy Tape Piano 2. Haven't spent much time with it yet, so I can't say much about it. I think you can get some nice sounds of it. But in the end it's still just a rompler. So, for 5$ I think it's okay. You can hardly get a soundbank for that money and if you have enough space on your hard drive, it can't hurt to get it.
  10. I've just watched some YouTube demos and I wasn't really convinced. I probably won't get it.
  11. I find it awkward how the so-called industry standard DAW is also the "works-in-all-DAWs-except-this-one" DAW.
  12. I can recommend Tawus. It's like Bells, Brass and Black in one plugin. It's a rompler with up to four layers and the way you can change the layers by dragging around on an XY pad is fun. You never know what to expect but quite often it sounds good. The presets have terrible naming. That's the only drawback that I can think of. I'm thinking about getting Tape Piano 2. Does anyone have it? Is it good?
  13. If you use the coupon to get the 8 for 8 pack, don't forget to throw two 1$/€ packs in
  14. Oh. I think when he wrote "It will only appear if you own Acid V" he meant that the new feature "Integration of Acid V" will only appear inside Analog Lab if you own it.
  15. You see Acid V in Analog Lab even though you don't own it? Maybe you've installed a trial version? I don't have it in my list of instruments,
  16. You came too late https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/65673-gforce-imposcar2-free-for-adam-audio/
  17. Why would you consider them freeware when you need an active Splice plan to use them? It doesn't matter how many have a Splice plan, you still have to pay for it. And when you quit, you lose it again. I don't have a Splice plan btw.
  18. Does Virtual Pianist allow to drag and drop MIDI patterns, so that I can edit them or use them with an instrument of my choice, like Beatmaker does?
  19. Their product videos are the best! ?
  20. Sometimes you can use coupon codes while there's an official sale, so you get like 70% off while it's already 70% off. That's how I got ThirtyOne MK2 and Total EQ for 2,04 € each, for example (so 4,08€ for both of them). THAT feels like stealing. In my defense. I don't even use them much, I just bought them because they were cheap. In fact, I don't even know how to use some of them. I think they rarely have a manual, just a YouTube video or so.
  21. No joke. I saw this TikTok by maximilian.iv where he uses Virharmonic's Bohemian Violin: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJsUHSuK/ It really does sound amazing. It's beyond my budget unfortunately ?
  22. I need more plugins with happy interfaces like that in my life.
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