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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. https://www.synthmaster.com/index.aspx Currently all Synthmaster expansions are reduced to $6. Regardless if the regular price of the expansion pack is $19 or $39. On top of that you get 50% off if you buy five and use the code EXP5PACK or 60% off if you buy ten and apply the code EXP10PACK. And you get the SynthMaster 2 Player for free with those offers too, so you don't even need to own Synthmaster 2 to use its expansions. The player already comes with 2000 factory presets. Keep in mind that some expansion packs have more presets than others, so you might want to take that into consideration when selecting the expansion packs. It's usually the ones with a higher regular price that have 100+ presets. Since they're all $6 now, those are even a better bargain, if you like the presets of that expansion, that is. You can also buy the bundle, of course, but it wouldn't even be that much cheaper per expansion: The Synthmaster 2 expansion bundle has 38 expansions for $89, that makes it $2.34 per pack, whereas if you buy 10 you get them for $24 which is $2.4 per pack. The synths themselves are also on sale, but I've seen better prices for them. But $24 for 10 expansions - I believe that's rare.
  2. I like how they named all their plugins with the word "Ohm" in it ?
  3. Has anyone tried them yet? I can't at the moment. I have a bunch of Vicious Antelope presets for Pigments that I also got for free, but I wasn't very impressed by them. But to be fair, I didn't spend much time with them. If I remember it correctly, the sounds were mostly experimental and soundscape, drone and ambient presets, nothing that I would usually use that much, personally. Might be good for others, depending on the genres you're into. I didn't like that most presets had generic names, I think it was like Desert 1 to Desert 20 and such. By the way, I've also given a link to a free Dune preset pack in another thread, I'll post it here too, since it fits: I'm not making a post for it, since it's not a deal but a freebie that's free forever.
  4. I found this free synthwave preset pack for Dune 2 and 3 on YouTube, for anyone who's interested:
  5. Slight topic change: I bought Dune 3 now and I love how you can import MIDI files for the Arp. That reminded me that I once bought Synthmaster which has that feature too. But I just couldn't get it to work. Does anyone else have that problem with Synthmaster? (Sorry for hijacking the topic)
  6. Well, here I go again, spending more money than I should in order to "save money" on sales. ?
  7. I know that feeling. And I realize more and more that GAS is truly a bad addiction. I personally have so many plugins for everything. It's totally unproportional to the time I actually spend making music. Since today you can no longer resell Cherry Audio plugins, by the way.
  8. Awesome. Thanks! I didn't realize that your website could also be used to sort a shop's items by price. I now figured out how to get there. For anyone who's interested, here's the link: https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/?jsf=jet-engine:main&tax=source_websites:525&sort=orderby%3Ameta_value_num%3Border%3AASC%3Bmeta_key%3Aprice What I find really awkward is that ADSR's site itself (like many others) isn't even able to sort their products by price properly.
  9. Add this as a bookmark: javascript:function show(){$('.hoverBlock').each((a, b) => {b.style.opacity='1';});};show(); Clicking on that bookmark will make all prices visible on the page.
  10. I seldom find something good to buy there. Most prices are too high. Serum Preset Packs by Tonepusher cost around three times as much as they cost on tonepusher.com, for example. But I appreciate their freebies, like 20 designers for 2020 And while many are still upset about the Nectar Plus fail, where they sold it for $12.50 but then people didn't get their license, or couldn't keep it, because it was a mistake, I still love them for it, because I did get to keep it. And got my money back! Plus, they offered their ADSR Drum Machine - which really isn't bad, by the way - along with four expansions for $12.50 to make up for the mistake. I gladly accepted the offer. But then they made another mistake: The downloads didn't work at first. So gave me four more sample packs for free to make up for that mistake too. In the end I got Nectar Plus, ADSR Drum Machine, four ADSR Drum Machine expansions, four sample packs, all for $12.50. That's why they still have a place in my heart ?
  11. I don't know. Vinyl sounds. I've got them in every low-fi plugin already. Vybz, RC-20, Lo-Fi-Af, Needlepoint, Izotope Vinyl. Plus a ton of samples of vinyl-typical crackles, scratches, noise and dust. I don't see how yet another plugin like this could add anything new and exciting. I'm not going to buy something just to get this plugin for free.
  12. I like the idea of having a DI guitar on which I can slap AmpliTube or Guitar Rig to get various different types of electric guitar characters. That's why I bought Wedge Force Matcha. But I just couldn't get it to sound good. Looking at online comments I then realised that I'm not alone.
  13. The JULY50 coupon code is still valid, plus they have sales on a lot of sample packs. I just got the The Artist Series Loop Bundle for around 45€. It contains 43 sample packs, many of them by famous artists, Clyde Stubblefield, for example. Plus you can get the Multitrack Sessions 75% off with MT75. The Greybox Sessions are already reduced to 7.95€, so with the code it's around 2€ each. You get Ableton Live and Logic Pro session files with various instruments playing a different section per track, like intro, chorus, break, and so on.
  14. It seems so. The page still exists. I thought the deal was over because it's no longer promoted on their homepage. Here is the direct link: https://www.ghosthack.de/producer-bundle-madness
  15. They had a bundle recently, UPB2020 + UPB2021 for €54.94 with that coupon code.
  16. Wow. Thank you for pointing that out. Is it even royalty-free with a clause like that?
  17. Did they have sales for the Virtual Guitar upgrades last Black Friday? If yes, for how much did they sell the upgrades?
  18. Any big improvements? I already liked version 6 so much, I wouldn't even know what to improve.
  19. I can afford to buy audio software every now and then just for fun but it might be that the financial insecurity that comes with inflation has made me spend MORE money on it. For two reasons: 1. If I don't spend my savings, they'll just lose value anyway. So 10€ today might have a value of 2€ in a few years. 2. I got hooked by deals because I feel like I'm saving money even though I'm actually spending money on unnecessary things. Yes, I'm irrational like that sometimes. Even reflecting about it doesn't help. It's an addiction, I guess.
  20. "Have you ever wished you could capture the audio or MIDI that you just played or heard on your computer? Now you can with Rewind v2" Captures the last played MIDI notes. That's a built-in feature in Ableton Live. Does the plugin add any extra options or something? Like go back the last ten or so played MIDI phrases? And don't all popular DAWs have that feature?
  21. They also have Logik projects and Kontakt instruments. And their latest products also offer Bitwig versions.
  22. Very wise. Anyway, if you like their genres, such as house, nu disco, synthwave, don't forget about them. They're my absolute favorite vendor of Ableton Live templates and racks. High quality, low prices (the aforementioned products contain 5 to 7 project files each and 8 GB of sample-based instrument racks/Kontakt libraries). You can also get up to 30% with vouchers, like non-personalized loyalty-vouchers, newsletter-subscription vouchers, and so on. If you need one, write me a DM.
  23. If you're like me and like to buy project files, I can highly recommend the Trax products, such as Electric Disco II or Grid Trilogy. They contain all the Ableton Live project files that were used for creating the demo tracks, as well as multisampled instrument racks. F9 was founded by James Wiltshire, who you might know from The Freemasons. He also has a great YouTube channel where he gives tips for music production.
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