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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. It has a swing slider though. I assume that will "un-quantize". And you can automate the velocity. And if everything fails, you can probably export the generated MIDI and use the tools that your DAW offers, like either adjusting the notes manually or in Ableton Live you could apply a Groove, for example. I don't know what this is called in other DAWs but I believe most have something equivalent. I'm quite happy with EON Arp though, which seems quite similar and was available for free once.
  2. I believe the only difference between Intro and the full version is that the full version has more presets. Intro has around 500 presets, Analog Lab around 2,000. So the only question is, do you want to pay 39€ for 1,500 presets? If you have Analog Lab Intro and Pigments, you might get the V Collection on Black Friday for 150€. That's the offer that I got last Black Friday. That includes Analog Lab and over 30 synths, with a total of more than 14,000 presets, if I remember it correctly.
  3. The issue might be your browser's autocomplete. Since the login for Izotope is now at https://auth.native-instruments.com, your browser might fill in your username and password from Native Instruments rather than Izotope.
  4. Again a coupon code that I won't use myself, so y'all can have it: D6T7GMSRW4CV As much as I'd love to buy it, but my bank account says "no".
  5. OMG, you're right. It's the walkthrough videos that are funny, not the release videos. There is hope, after all.
  6. Yes, I know, I focus on the wrong things. I studied design, that's probably why. But it's a reality that design does matter, that people judge books by their covers before they've read them, and that sometimes even in the audio world people sometimes don't buy software simply because it doesn't look appealing, no matter how good it sounds. I might have bought MSoundFactoryLE when it was on sale, for example, if I had liked the user interface. But I didn't, so that really held me back. I bet I'm not the only one. I love the Ujam videos and always look forward to the next one. Because they're funny. Usually. The one for Beatmaker Vice or Beatmaker Cozy or Virtual Pianist Score, for example. But as chris.r pointed out in the other thread, the walkthrough videos are the funny ones, so maybe there will be a funny video for Usynth Pixel too.
  7. That makes it even more tragic. When bad products have bad design, who cares? But when good products sell less because the design was off-putting: pure tragedy.
  8. The graphic design for the cover art and logo of this soundbank is hideous. When I saw it in my newsletter and thought it was made by Kilohearts themselves I was shocked. It was a relief to find out that it wasn't made by them, but that they're just promoting it because it's a soundbank for their synth. Still, if I was them, I wouldn't want to be associated with anything that's designed so poorly.
  9. I thought the same ... until I bought Total Studio 3.5 Max and realised just how much data it is. Being a web developer and familiar with hosting costs I can totally understand why they charge for downloading it again after a certain time. Now I just make sure to keep a backup, so it's fine with me.
  10. I don't need my code. In case anyone wants it, here it is: LOYAL5-YNXSZ49P
  11. I'm a little disappointed. Their promo video isn't funny at all. It's cool, it looks good, but it's just not funny. Unlike most of their other videos. ☹️
  12. Okay, that's awkward. How did you manage to post? I have to use one hell of a hack to comment. The forum seems to be broken. At least on my browser.
  13. One of my least fav synths. You can get it for free quite often.
  14. Ah, okay, I didn't realize that this is for subscriptions only.
  15. Plughub is run by Aaron from New Nation (nnaud.io). So I think it's trustworthy.
  16. I hate that. What if someday for some reason the online activation doesn't work anymore? Company doesn't exist anymore, for example.
  17. We're talking about a magazine subscription in this case though. That's a whole different thing. I don't see any risk. Subscribe for a year, pay it in one go, cancel it right after subscribing so that you don't forget to do so in a year. And you get a new freebie every month, a new Zampler expansion every month and a ton of free samples. You get to keep everything after the subscription: the magazine issues, the freebies, the samples.
  18. Perhaps. What can it do that Ableton racks can't do?
  19. Nope. Even though I own it, because it's free. But it seems that it's redundant if you use Ableton Live because it already has a rack system built in.
  20. I like how Loot Audio now have a Google Sheet to give an overview of the deals they currently run, as well as the ones that are yet to come. You can find it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Sn2OMc251V7mRpwKZ-Ipv1sAy_K2f0eShLfQT1rWKg/edit#gid=0 Today I bought the soundbank "Photon" for Pigments from Oblivion Sound Lab and got their Diva soundbank "Dischordant" for free with it, plus three MIDI packs, a Reaktor Instrument (Reaktor Lifeform) and a Kontakt library (Old Mandolin). All for a little more than 20€. Photon was the only paid product, all the others were free. I'm not terribly excited about the MIDI packs or Reaktor or Kontakt library, but 20€ for Photon is already a good price, and I love that I got Dischordant for free. I'm a big fan of Oblivion Sound Lab. I already have a few soundbanks from them and think they're great.
  21. Having to buy plugins you've already bought. Now that sounds attractive. Not ? It doesn't matter how many plugins you get for the money but how many of those plugins you actually want.
  22. The demo for Petite Sopran doesn't sound too bad for €2. Also, if you add it to the cart, you'll get the offer to buy Easy Theremin for €18. And when I was on the last page of the order process and aborted it, I got the offer to get 10% off.
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