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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. Steps to reproduce: Unzip the CWBUG_InsMeasure_Simple.zip to extract the .cwp Open the .cwp in Cakewalk By Bandlab (2019.09.70) Place the Now time on bar 166 Observe: 7/8 time sig. change on bar 170 Select Project->Insert Time/Measures Insert 4 measures at bar 166 Observe: 7/8 time sig. change is now on bar 171 Expected: TimeSig change should be on bar 174 (4 bars later in timeline?) CWBUG_InsMeas_Simple.zip Note - I left some MIDI clips at various points in the timeline to make navigation easier but it does not represent meaningful musical content per se.
  2. Thanks for checking this out, @Promidi. I can reproduce the problem in my project. Here's an animated .gif showing the simplest example: Things to note: I have a time signature change from 4/4 to 7/8 at Bar 170. I'm inserting 2 bars (of 4/4 I hope) at Bar 166. After the insert, the 7/8 time signature change is at Bar 171, not Bar 172 as expected. The markers moved correctly. Comment: I'm an old-school guy who thought you needed to SELECT ALL TRACKS to make Insert Measures work. I've since found out that this is no longer true, so please excuse the extra steps in the movie above. The end-result is the same, even if you leave the tracks initially un-selected. Additional info: When I insert 4 measures, the 7/8 time sig change is still only advanced 1 bar. I'll work on reducing the complexity of this project but still reproducing the problem.
  3. At least for me, this is not the case. Just Focusrite Control, for either Mac or Win.
  4. Yeah, I did that. I'm offered the download for Focusrite Control 3.4.4. I'm sure that if I installed it, it would install the actual driver with the updated version number. Sorry for the confusion. In my case, at least, I'm getting very good performance with the older driver and no incentive to update it, although I probably will at some point.
  5. Yeah, so my simple project needed some actual content in it, after which, the Insert Measures action worked as expected. So, I can't reproduce the problem - yet. So this doesn't explain why my more complicated project did not work as expected when I inserted measures into the timeline. More investigation on my part is required.
  6. I'm only seeing 3.4.4 on the download page - but that's for "Focusrite Control". Is the driver a different versioning number? Appears so. I think the driver version I'm using is
  7. (Note: Ripple Editing is not relevant in this context) In my project, I selected all tracks and chose "Insert Measures" from the Project menu. I specified 8 measures, and checked ALL the options to slide Markers, Tempo and Time Signature changes. The markers to the right of the insert point moved appropriately, but the Time Signature change did NOT. I ended up with my 4/4 measures of recorded data sitting in a project location with 7/8 time signatures. Of course, I didn't immediately notice and carried on working. So my project is a bit of a mess now. I then tried to duplicate this in an empty project: This time, even though ALL the checkboxes were selected (see above) the Time Signature change was respected but the MARKERS to the right of the insert point did not move: I haven't noticed this problem in earlier builds and I'm currently running 2019.09. Anyone else experienced this?
  8. SONAR was shipped with a limited (or special edition) version of TruePianos that contained only the Amber module, if I recall correctly. I also had the "full" version from way before SONAR started bundling it. But if you have your installers and your password/activation code safe, you can re-install the full product. If you no longer have the full installers or your activation code, well, yeah, you might be out of luck. Personally, I'm using Pianoteq STAGE instead of Truepianos these days.
  9. It's a valid Use Case.... try submitting it to the Feedback forum and get it on the list of possible enhancements. The developers have been very good about adding minor workflow improvements in recent updates, it might make the cut.
  10. You mean, convert multiple tracks into a single track with take lanes per original track?
  11. @Chuck E Baby has already explained this as well as I could, but hopefully you will all forgive me for adding a link to my own post where I describe the process of changing meters of bars in the middle of a project timeline... Blog Post: Timeline Editing in Cakewalk, Reloaded It seems appropriate. Good luck, @Christian Jones !
  12. What is your version of Windows? What audio IO hardware are you using?
  13. I've taken a break from Polar Blue and I'm using Boston Flowers as my daily driver for a bit. It's real nice, thanks again for this.
  14. This exact thing happened to me.. I thought I'd unlocked TH3 to the "Post-Gibson Hiatus" version, and found tons of cool stuff in there. Some time later I went back to use them and found the "Unlocked Cakewalk" version was actually pretty limited, and no option to upgrade to the full TH3. The newer versions aren't the same, and, yes, are crazy expensive. I discovered I could upgrade my Guitar Rig 4 (can't remember which SONAR edition this came with) to the latest version 5 for not very much, and that's what I'm currently using. I agree, though... the full TH3 looked and sounded very nice.
  15. IT DEPENDS. Seriously, there is no "right way". I have used compressors before and after EQ before and after reverbs... it's all about the end result you are trying to get. I could think of a few critical takeaways from FX chain building: The most important thing to "get" is that compressors color the output differently depending on how hot their input is. So gain staging - setting the audio level at each step in the chain - becomes important. Try putting an EQ before a compressor and then compare with after - you'll get different results (let alone if you don't pay attention to gain staging). What is best for your particular application will depend on what you're trying to do.
  16. I added a second ruler to the timeline and found the extra space made a difference to my ability to click in the timeline area and get the expected results.
  17. I think all theme designers strive for this, but you might try this one:
  18. Cakewalk By Bandlab does need to check in with home base every couple of months or it will revert to demo mode.... That said, your problem might be different.
  19. This changed during the X-series rollouts. There was some forum noise about the changes at the time... >> Depending on where I you hovered over the clip would determine what state the tool was in. The bottom line, for me, is that if I use the "Smart" Tool, this is pretty much the case. Is it exactly the same as in 8.5? No, and to be honest, I don't recall how differently it used to work. Is there a specific function you're missing? Be comprehensive in your description and we'll see if we can describe how it works now in the latest release.
  20. An option to increase the font size of the text in the Time Ruler would be awesome. I run my 3840x2160 display at 125% and it's at the limit of tolerance, for me. I understand this would not be for everyone's taste, but us older folks would sure appreciate it. Thanks for your consideration.
  21. Try it and see... it's non-destructive, right? You still have the audio from each speaker even if they were all talking at the same time.
  22. I don't use lenses and I don't see why I should, just to get my backups to include my preferences. But I'll check them out.
  23. Where does Cakewalk store user configuration preferences? For example, command module customizations; display options; anything changed in the Edit-Preferences dialog; etc. The reason I ask is that when I back up my files, I'd like to include my customized Cakewalk settings. It doesn't seem to be in %APPDATA% or %HOMEPATH% or %LOCALAPPDATA%.
  24. Hi @Tez, I have aux tracks in some projects, but not currently in the one I've been working on these last few months. The Aux Track/Dropout saga has been very interesting to follow.
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