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T Boog

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Everything posted by T Boog

  1. Wow, Thanks bud! I've already started looking up reviews on it. Have u tried it out urself or heard any good feedback on it?
  2. Thanks for all the great advice guys. My biggest concern right now is just not hurting my ears again. I think, as Duncan mentioned, I mainly need to retrain myself to mixing at lower volume. And def taking more breaks. Btw, a few of u mentioned the dBs u mix at. I assume yall were referring to the monitor spkr level. I read online that u could also test the dBs of headphones by using a dB meter phone app and placing the mic of the phone inside the cup of the headphones. I'm sure it wont be the most accurate but maybe it'll give me a rough idea. I havent tried it yet cause Im still resting my ears but it'd be awesome to know what dBs I'm mixing at. Also, as much as I'd love a pair of modeling headphones, I'm just a poor guy. Eventually I'll try to get something with spkr modeling. For now, I see myself doing it the old school way and trying it on diff systems until I learn my headphones. If that doesn't work out, I'm just gonna email Bob Clearmountain and see if he does charity mixing for the financially challenged. (Hey, it might work ?)
  3. Wow, Thanks bud. I'll def check it out.
  4. Btw, from what Ive researched they call this, "Acoustic Trauma". I'd say trauma is the perfect word cause just the SIGHT of heaphones makes me wince. They said it usually last just a day or two(like after a loud concert) but can sometimes take a week a two. It's been about five days. Luckily, the ringing stopped after the first day, now my ears are just kinda sore and sensative. But I've been resting them completely and they're starting to get better. Fwiw, I've always been very protective of my hearing but this was a big reminder that it only takes one time to cause damage. So from now on, I refuse to mix any louder than -80 db. If no one else can hear my song, that's their frickin problem. ?
  5. Thanks. The day before I hurt my ears, I had a good mix when listening on my PC but then I exported it to Bandlab and used the free universal mastering and of course everything was different. The vocals were too loud, the piano was too quite, etc. Btw, I left out that I was using a reference song to A/B with. However, when I first imported it in, it came on super loud. But foolishly, I still didn't take a break. From now on I know that when one of those "ouch!" moments happens to my ears, I need to immediately take a break.
  6. Hi. Ive been a musician for decades but I'm pretty new to mixing. My biggest issue is mixing at lower volume levels. The music just sounds better turned up a decent bit. However, the other night I overdid it to the point where my ears were ringing. I've since downloaded a break reminder app to remind me to take more breaks. Btw, I do have Rockit 5 monitors but my room is not treated and I have to watch to not disturb my neighbors. I know some pro mixers mix with cans so I'm just fishing for any advice that might help me get good mixes without hurting my ears. One lesson I'm learning is that lots of compression on the low end will punch the crap out of ur eardrums. Man, my ears are still sore ?
  7. Thanks. Mine does show "ASIO compatible".
  8. Cheers Dave. I have a Behringer UMC204 interface. How can u tell if it's using an asio4all driver? In preferences it list "UMC ASIO Driver" as in & outs. Also, this subject came up a couple months ago and Krupa me that the Behringer does have it's own asio driver. Im still wet behind the ears here. How can u tell if it's true asio or asio4all?
  9. Hi. When I'm done editing in Melodyne, is there any diff between using 'render region fx' or just using bounce to clip(s)? Aside from 'bounce to clips' having the advantage of rendering multiple clips at once, aren't they doing the exact same thing?
  10. Hi. About a year ago I watched a youtube vid showing how to play a song at half speed in Cakewalk. I thought it was a John Vere vid but I can't find it now. I also dont rem if it works for both audio and midi tracks. I was hoping to use it to slow down my song while still allowing me to nudge my midi and audio notes to get the right feel I'm after. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks!
  11. Cheers Max. So far I've only made buses for effects, never for grouping. I don't use a lot of tracks but my drums are on three diff tracks. I'll try to group those to a bus tom. That would make life a lil easier. Thanks ?
  12. Glad u enjoyed that Dave. Well in my defense, I did try the bus ouput vol before I asked the question. Prob was I forgot to turn on the Read button when I tried it ?. I think since it was my first time trying it, I was kinda anticipating a problem. Cakewalk has thrown a lot of learning curves at my 50 yr old brain. I'm actually getting pretty good at it but deep down I'm always waiting for the next prob that's over my head. Luckily I have u guys to help me(and laugh at me ?)
  13. Hi. I'm used to automating track volume, gain, etc. But for the first time today I tried to automate the master bus volume but when I clicked the drop down menu it only shows these options... How do I go about automating my song's overall volume/output level? Thanks ?
  14. I'm using the free Slate SSD 5.5 drums and I think they sound great. It comes with 3 kits. The Modo drums was my fave but it was giving me problems(the common theory was it was a graphics problem) but the Slate drums work great.
  15. +1 on the Kilohearts bundle. Before I had melodyne, I used it on vocals, harmonica, bass, even on rain & thunder samples and it sounds great. I still use it to quickly shift stuff. I've only tried a few of the effects but they've all run super smooth. If you can afford the free price tag, I say go for it ?
  16. He hasn't logged on since September I'm with Krupa on this one. I have a feeling Scook just jumped ship. While we're here worried about him, he's prob on the Pro Tools forum making fun of us ?
  17. Thanks so much bud! There were a lot of pearls of wisdom in ur message. Firstly, I downloaded the HWInfo64(Although still trying to understand it all) And I love the idea of upgrading to the i7. I had no idea I could do that. I'm fairly technically savvy but I've never worked on a computer in my life. I'll def research that more. Also, thanks for confirming that my system should be fine as long as I vet vsts. I've kinda leaned that by trial & error. I'm still surprised by what this little computer is capable of. Btw, I'm actually a very good guitarist but I've always used pretty humble gear. Back in the 80's, I got a kick out of blowing other guys off the stage using a partscaster and a cheap amp and watching them walk away defeated with their highend gear. (wow, I just reaIized I'm a little sadistic ?) But u know it's the Hustle & Flow thing... The size of the fight in the dog. Or like the Beatles only having 4 tracks. There's a beauty in that. Anyway, Thanks again!
  18. Hi Krupa. Intel core i5 2nd gen,16 gb ram, 3.10 ghz proc, 1 TB ssd drive. 2.0 usb ports, and Pamela Anderson Baywatch screensaver ? (Btw, can someone please tell me how to keep these specs listed at the bottom of my messages that way u guys don't have to keep asking me?) Ok, the prob with Modo drums vst was a CONSTANT static-y popping noise. Again, my cpu showed low usage. It did seem like more of an incompatibity issue. Btw, I did install the Hammersmith piano vst last night and it works perfectly, even with 3 other vsts running simultaneously. Man, I highly recommend downloading the Soniccouture Hammersmith. It's free and works with the free kontakt player. It has a similar response to the tts1 piano(immediate & consistent) and it's also chime-y and perfectly tuned like the tts-1. However, it's even richer and more realistic. It also has extensive eq adjustment, mic IRs, mechanical noises, and some great verbs. If u have 5gb of free space, try it out. (there's also demo vids on YouTube of course)
  19. I actually LOVE the TTS-1 piano. It's my go-to but whether I buy Sonar or not, it'll be gone right? Or would I still have access to it on the new Sonar if it's already in my pc?
  20. Cheers guys. I've been downloading a bunch of free piano vsts. I notice that pianos like Keyzone and neo piano 1 are only about half a gig. Well, I'm tempted to download the Soniccouture Hammersmith and because it has a small library of ambient effects it's about 5gb. Does the larger size of the file make it harder to run along side of other vsts? I ask because I'm using a pretty humble pc with a single ssd drive and I'm usually running about 3 vsts at all times(YES, I have commitment issues ?). I also ask because I think I've encountered this problem before. I once downloaded MODO drums free version which was a large file and it gave me bad problems(although my cpu showed fine). I then downloaded the free Slate ssd5 drums(a much smaller file) and it works perfectly. So is that the way it works guys... Are larger vsts more likely to cause problems while running with other vsts or should I be fine as long as I don't use the included ambient effects? Thanks a lot!
  21. Thanks. How do I set it up for on demand scans?
  22. Hi guys. My C drive is a 1 TB SSD. I'm currently using only 200 GB with 742 GB free. I'm wanting to stock up on a bunch of free vst's. Will it slow down my computer at all if I use another 200 GB of space for VST's. I've read that it only slows down when it gets near full. Is that accurate? Thanks
  23. Thanks. Knowing ur all suffering with me makes me feel a lot better. ???... ?
  24. Hi guys. I bought melodyne assistant a couple weeks ago and everything works fine except when I open it as a region effect. It usually opens up blank. I have to press "D" then double click the clip for the notes to appear in melodyne. Rarely do the notes show up the first time so I'm constantly pressing D and double clicking. Any idea what's causing this and how to fix it? Thanks!
  25. Wow John ur right. I haven't seen scook's name in a while. In the short time Ive been on this forum he's helped me out many times. I pray he's alright.
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