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T Boog

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Everything posted by T Boog

  1. No Matteo allowed here. He's too frickin good. I just might burn my guitar πŸ”₯🎸
  2. Johnny Cash, I Heard the Bells On Christmas It's that time dammit! Get in the spirit or I'll kick all ur a**es!
  3. That's ok Mr Scrooge, I bought a present for u anyway 🌲🎁
  4. U shouldve let me run with Xmas. Now u get Boy George πŸ€—
  5. Culture Club, Do you really want to hurt me? 😘
  6. Eagles, Please Come Home For Christmas
  7. Bing Crosby & David Bowie, Little Drummer Boy (Hey, it's that time πŸ₯πŸŒ²)
  8. Tomorrow's today Dont waste it away 4 years of Heaven Awaits God Bless 2024 😁
  9. Todd Rundgren, Tin Foil Hat πŸ€—
  10. Culture Club, Heaven's Children (This is what u get for teasing me about Hanson & Simply Red πŸ˜‰)
  11. Hanson, Teach Your Children(C, S & Nash cover) My daughters used to love Hanson. Although "MMMbop" made me wanna start a shooting spree, I did enjoy this cover. Their voices blend nicely here. (Please don't tell anyone I posted this πŸ˜„)
  12. Crosby, Stills & Nash, Southern Cross
  13. Paul McCartney & Wings, With A Little Luck
  14. Great idea Rain. Way to keep an open mind and try diff approaches. As usual, you're better than u think. That said, rem to give urself some props for every little step forward. That's what a good producer does. Positive reinforcement is a POWERFUL thing. It inspires us and builds confidence in us. Just keep setting small goals and allow urself more time to grow. With time, u'll get better at all these things incl mixing(which is an area I'm still growing at myself). Rock On My Friend πŸ˜‰
  15. I haven't been with the forum long but I see a bit of both sides. I'm a Christian person with good morals but I'm also an old school Rock musician who likes to cut up a bit. Without a little cutting up, life is very boring. I feel the Internet has been controlling speech way too much. So yeah, sometimes it's nice to cut up with ur online buddies. Esp since local music stores keep closing down. That's were we musicians used to gather and joke around. I really, really miss that. At the same time, there's diff between slightly inappropriate things and "really inappropriate things". But isnt that what the "warning points" is far? For those who have a habit of crossing that line? Note: To clarify, when I say "slightly inappropriate", I mean the occasional off handed PG-13 comment. Never Rated-R & never malicious. Just playful humor.
  16. Thanks bud. Coincidentally, I just hit the little back arrow at the bottom. I never knew it took u back to the original post. So now I know the rules, as per Norton's wishes... "Song Association Gο»Ώame.... One rule: Follow the song posted with an associated song. Explanation: You could use a word or more from either the Song title or the Artist's name. For example: Sherry - The Four Seasons could be followed by The Four Seasons - Vivaldi ... Or a related concept: Hot Rod Lincoln - Commander Cody could be followed by Highway Star - Deep Purple since they both are about fast cars. ... Or something in the lyrics (but please post the lyric line). Let's Go Get Stoned - Ray Charles could be followed by Rainy Day Women No 12 & 35 - Bob Dylan (lyrics = Everybody must get stoned) ... Or any other association. If the association isn't obvious, please explain it so we all can get it. Try not to post repeats, but it's OK if you do -- it's only a game and we aren't keeping score."
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