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T Boog

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Everything posted by T Boog

  1. That's great to know. Yeah, it seemed like a tool that could hurt me as much as help me. Cheers bud!
  2. Thanks Scook. I only had a few mins to try the offset mode but I was sad to see it affected all the tracks and zeroed out the pan knobs visually. I thought there would be a simple toggle per track(like a pre/post kinda thing) that allows u to adjust an individual track slider independent of it's volume automation. Although I don't fully grasp the envelope/offset thing yet, it seems to be kinda all or nothing. The gain vst is a great idea but I can't imagine having to add it on every track I automate volume on. John suggest using the gain knob but I find that changes the quality of the tone too much. I guess I'll spend some time in offset mode and see how it works out. I'm just hoping it doesn't cause more mishaps for a noob like me. (I'm still traumatized from the Ripple All setting ?)
  3. Hi guys. I know there's a way to use volume automation yet still use the track slider to control the tracks overall volume. Someone showed how to do it in a video months ago but I can't rem how. Thanks a lot!
  4. Thanks Dave. Yeah, it may have been something I did on accident. Btw, I'm still fairly green. Can u please explain a bit more on how "save as" is different than just saving the current project as it is? And is it ok to save it under "Cakewalk Projects" or should I choose a diff location? Thanks!
  5. Hi. I was editing on my song and noticed a whole section of my SI Strings was gone. No more midi notes or sound. It's as if I deleted it but I def didn't. This has happened to me a few times in the past as well. What could be causing this and any tips to avoid it? Thanks!
  6. Wow, never knew that was called the Transport. Well that's easy enough. Thanks Scook!
  7. Thanks Mettelus but I don't know what u mean by "start and stop the transport". Can you please explain exactly how to do this?
  8. Hi. Lately when I try to save a backup Cakewalk Bundle to my external SS Drive, which has LOTS of free space , it says "out of memory". I end up having to close and reopen the project a couple times and then it finally lets me save it. Any clue what's causing it to show that I'm out of memory?And anything I can do to fix it? Thanks!
  9. Thanks Tim. I started to think Satan was picking on me alone. It's good to know I have lots of company ?.
  10. Hi, I can't find anywhere to access my forum notifications on my phone. Is this site still being worked on or am I missing something? Thanks!
  11. That did it Larioso. I didn't see anywhere to enter "1" but I switched it to "TRUE" and that fixed it. No more effects bleed. Thanks a lot my friend. Cheers!
  12. Cheers guys. Just when I thought I was starting to figure out this routing stuff, this one has me scratching my head. I have all of my track outputs assigned to the master bus. The guitar track send is routed to an effects bus and that effects bus is routed to the master bus. When I solo any track, I hear the delay effect of the guitar as well. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
  13. Thanks. I managed to delete one of them. Somehow I ended up with sustain info between the other two but I'm fine with that. I'll hopefully be rendering the track before too long anyway. Thanks for all the advice guys!
  14. I don't know what "select - by filter" means. I tried right clicking and dragging on the sustain info(I'm guessing this is what u call the "events"?) in the controller pane but it doesn't let me highlight it. I also don't know how to assign/reassign events to diff midi tracks. I appreciate the help but I'm afraid you'll have to dumb it down some more for me too navigate thru it. Thanks!
  15. Hi, for my piano vst I'm showing 3 sustain pedals in the Controller Pane. I only need one. I don't know how to delete the other two. When I click the little "-" symbol to the left of CC: 64, it disappears but when I save and reopen the project all 3 sustain pedals are back. How do I permanently delete them? Thanks!
  16. Oh, I didn't know it was being redesigned. And yes, I'm on my mobile. Thanks
  17. Hi, when I clicked on the Cakewalk forum today I noticed the bell icon was gone. I don't even see where to access my account. Any tips?
  18. Australia, wow. Well I def appreciate the help my friend. Cheers from south Louisiana and good luck with the new album ✌️
  19. Thanks Tim, it works perfect! Btw, I'm starting to think ur a vampire like me(Up all night). ...Unless ur in China. In which case, have a great evening ?
  20. Hi guys. I know how to move a section of a track to another track by pressing control and dragging the waveform down or up to the other track. Using the control key keeps it in precise time. But how do I COPY a section of a track to another track and keep it in precise time with the song? (I do know how to copy and paste to another track but it's never in time with the original track. I have to zoom in and adjust the timing which is a big pain of course). Thanks!
  21. Great to know man. Well, since I really just use TTS-1 for one piano sound, I think it may be time for me to get a stand alone piano vst. Thanks a lot Tim!
  22. I think u may have something Tim. After all, the TTS-1 was the first thing I started tracking the project with. I still been editing the midi on it but I'll be freezing that track soon. In the meantime, I'll just restart the project when I make those type of edits. Btw Tim, does the ocassional crash like that pose any risk to my project file or to my system?
  23. Hi Tim. I have a lot of effects. Like TTS-1, VX64, Sonitus delays, etc. But it did this even when I only had a few tracks with little effects. I just got it to crash again then I looked in the Events Viewer and it showed the Cakewalk crash error. However, all the info and code stuff is over my head. I just read it could be driver related(?). I def hear a click/pop when it crashes. I had the buffer set very fast when it just crashed. Maybe that has something to do with it?
  24. Hi guys. Whenever I duplicate a track then press play, the project crashes. So instead, I have to save it and reopen the project then press play. The same thing happens with certain other procedures, like when I open a bundle as a project. I have to immediately save & restart it. If not, it crashes. Is this normal?
  25. 1972, very cool. I'm sure you'll get it up & running again. I like the gain mod & v30 too. (I get the feeling that amp is a screamer)
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