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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. I've given this a quick test... The great news is that it is indeed latency free. The CPU usage is increased only very slightly, but my projects play exactly as before and are still happily working with a buffer of 64 (1.5ms). I didn't try recording, but playing a piano VSTi through it showed absolutely no change in latency. The bad news is that you can only select one "real" ASIO interface, so additional interfaces have to be selected as WDM and routed to the ASIOLink ASIO driver like ASIO4ALL does. I've not worked out how to select WASAPI instead yet, but it does claim to support it. It's not really a big deal though for recording whole bands, and it does mean you don't need to swap drivers/modes all the time. And unlike ASIO4ALL, you can save & recall your routing configurations. What I've not tried yet is using other interfaces with ASIO on another PC and using the network interface. I'm only set up for WiFi in my studio at the moment, so I don't think that would be a fair test. If/when I get the chance to try it out, I'll post my findings...
  2. I've resurrected projects from as far back as Pro Audio 7 & 9 & Sonar 1XL by first loading it into Sonar X3 & saving it again. For the odd problem project, I've had to resort to X1 or Sonar 8.5, but X3 seems to work for most. However, the OP hasn't really given much details regarding customisation. If it's some binary hack, maybe even Sonar 2.2 XL might not work, and Sonar 2.2 standard is his only choice. In saying that, I can't remember if the XL version was actually a different program, or just had extra content. If it's a studioware panel, then anything from Sonar 3 to Sonar 8.5 should work.
  3. I'm not sure if people are aware of this being available again... I've only just become aware of it myself. @cclarry mentioned the product on the old forum back in 2015: http://forum.cakewalk.com/O-Deus-Audio-releases-ASIO-Link-Pro-v24-m3283843.aspx, however when I tried to purchase it about a year ago, I found that I couldn't because the original developer had sadly passed away... and now the original website has gone. "This ASIO driver extends your audio interface ASIO driver and adds windows audio with no additional latency. It also allows you to use your ASIO driver from more than one application with the inbuilt multi-client support, and you can even send ASIO audio over the network. The driver is great value for money for people who need to monitor or record from windows audio or just want to jam with their favourite tunes. Features: Extremely high performance for Pro Audio apps. Zero added ASIO latency. 64 IN + 64 OUT virtual ASIO channels. 32 IN + 32 OUT WDM audio channels. 16 IN + 16 OUT network audio channels. Multi-client mode means ASIO for up to 25 apps. Works without internal WDM or ASIO audio resampling. Record lossless 8 channel audio to FLAC file. Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Route audio to/from WDM/MME/DirectSound/WASAPI and LAN/NET." This effectively allows you to use more than one ASIO interface at the same time in CbB (even ones on an external networked PC), allowing up to 64 input/output channels. At the moment I've no idea how this affects latency, but I guess if it's lots of inputs you need then it's likely it's a whole band you're recording and this will be less of a concern. I can also see it being really useful for making tutorial videos. The good news is, it now looks like the developer's nephew has authorised it to be released for free with a patch to remove the registration/authorisation: https://give.academy/posts/2018/03/02/AsioLinkPro/ You can download it here: https://give.academy/downloads/2018/03/03/ODeusASIOLinkPro/
  4. msmcleod

    Upgrading RAM question

    Yes, according to Crucial they are compatible with the XPS 8910. They'll work fine, but don't install them alongside the existing ones as a mismatch in speed will almost certainly give you problems (like random crashes / BSOD). If they're going to be installed on their own, it'll be fine.
  5. I'm using the 1st gen 18i20 and have no complaints whatsoever. Latency for me is no problem. I normally use a buffer size of 64, which gives me a latency of 1.5sec @44.1Khz (less than half that for 96Khz). I can go with a buffer size of 32, giving me a latency of 0.7ms @44.1Khz but this can cause clicks/pops with some more CPU intensive synths. I'm still running a 3rd gen i5 @ 3.4Ghz, so it'd probably cope much better with a buffer size of 32 on a faster CPU. The best thing for me however is the sound of the mic pre-amps. The sound is almost identical to my GA Pre-73's (Neve 1073 clones), until I start driving it to distortion...that's when my Pre73's sound better. The Focusrite pre's are extremely musical compared to my other interfaces. My Yamaha mic pre's (i88x, 01X and DS2416) are very clean, but perhaps a tad clinical. Great if you want no colour whatsoever though. My Behringer mic pre-amps are just plain harsh, but the line inputs are spot on. But I digress. I really wouldn't worry about latency on the 18i20. They've apparently improved latency on the 2nd gen, and of course it'll do 192Khz as well.
  6. Actually, I've just tried it and it does work without having to cut first. So just select the area with the selection tool, then Process->Apply Effect. I'd still recommend the bounce to clip(s) afterwards though. It's recommended after any edit.
  7. Generally 6/8 is considered to be in "2" time, e.g. ONE, two, three, TWO, two three. For 6/4 however, it can be either a slow version of 6/8 (so still 2 triplet beats) or literally 6 straight beats. So the correct time signature largely depends on the feel. If it feels like a bar of four, followed by a bar of two, then you should write it like that: e.g. 4/4 , 2/4... but if the phrase sounds like it "belongs" together as 6 notes then 6/4 is fine. However, if it's constantly going between 4/4 to 2/4, it's probably much better to write it as 6/4 simply because it's far easier to read.
  8. The way I would do this is to 1. Split the clip around the area you want to affect 2. Use Process->Apply Effect, and apply your effect on that clip 3. Select all the clips and right click->"Bounce to clip(s)" to combine them again
  9. I find shifting the whole arrangement over so it starts on bar 2 cures this for me in most cases.
  10. Yamaha do have an office in Norway ( https://no.yamaha.com/index.html ) so you should be ok.
  11. Given that it's the shared plugins that are giving the problem, it may be that you need an earlier VS redistributable. Some of the shared components haven't been recompiled for years - long before VS2015 was around. Try installing VS2013 redist: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=40784 You could even try the VS2012 redist: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=30679 I doubt if you'll need it, but here's the VS2010 redist https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=5555
  12. Exit code 3 means could not LoadLibrary. This normally means that the DLL file is corrupt. It could be a security thing, but running as Admin should negate this. Have you got any virus scanners running? Try disabling them. Failing that, try deleting the download files and re-installing (you can find the Download Path by pressing CCC's settings button on the top right, and clicking on the paths tab).
  13. Another one available 2nd hand: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/801547765-USE/cakewalk_10cwsr20010c_sonar_2_2_software.html
  14. You should check the manual for your motherboard. You should be able to download it somewhere. It normally recommends what configurations work the best, and what slots to use if you're using 2 sticks vs 4.
  15. Some plugins are just heavy on CPU, so you can try increasing your ASIO buffer size. However, some other's just don't play well with Cakewalk. I usually use the "Load with JBridge wrapper" option on the plugin (you'll need JBridge though). If it still clicks & pops with this option, then it's genuinely just CPU hungry and you'll need to up your ASIO buffer size. If it is a CPU thing, up the buffer size then freeze the track - you can then put your ASIO buffer back to normal.
  16. X2 is VERY different from Sonar 2.2, Sonar 2.2 came on CD not DVD, and it needs a Serial Number as well as a CD Key to install.
  17. Sorry, I made the jump straight to Sonar 3 from Sonar 1XL. There's one on eBay at the moment - it's the Japanese version though. Maybe someone at Cakewalk can confirm whether it has the option to install in English or not. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Cakewalk-SONAR-2-0-Japanese-DAW-Sequencer-Cakewalk-2-0-DAW/273824412366?hash=item3fc134f2ce:g:h3MAAOSw19dcjaSO
  18. FWIW I use SSD's for everything nowadays, using my old HDD's for storing backup images. The only issue I had was with a SanDisk Plus, which died during the warranty period. SanDisk replaced it with a SanDisk Ultra II (free of charge) which is running great. Most of my other SSD's are Crucial MX300's / MX500's. Personally, I can't see you having any issues using them for casual tracking. For really heavy tracking, an SSD is still fine, but you'd maybe want to look into getting a SLC (Single Level Cell) based SSD which will cope with far more writes than the other types. For most uses the standard MLC (Multi Level Cell) technology is fine. I personally wouldn't use the TLC (Triple Level Cell) SSD's, but I guess they would be fine for your OS (assuming your swap file / hibernation file is on another disk), or a disk full of samples.
  19. Yamaha are usually excellent for spares, regardless of how old your equipment is. It might be worth ringing them and getting a quote first, so you can compare to eBay prices.
  20. Following on from my previous post, it's worth mentioning that I tried various combinations of using VST2 & VST3 versions of SoundSpot Kickbox (both with "Replace if Possible on Project Load" on and off) to try to reproduce this issue. I figured if anything would do it, something with a different list of parameters would. All the tests were done in their own projects, and I restarted Cakewalk before each save / load. However, all the VST settings were restored properly. Also, with the VST3 "Replace if Possible on Project Load" setting checked, the VST2 version is still present - presumably because Cakewalk knows that it can't apply the VST2 settings to a VST3 plugin due to the parameter differences. So at least for me, everything is working and no matter what I do I can't reproduce this issue.
  21. Have you got your projects directory / picture directory & global audio directory excluded from the your virus scans? If it's not excluded, I've seen it crash Cakewalk, but it's conceivable that it could just be interfering with the recording process.
  22. You could try grouping your tracks together and switching off the metering group by group, leaving on only the meters you're currently concerned with. Not saying this will fix it, but it's worth a try.
  23. Yes, there's a big difference between them when stopping and restarting recording. This accounts for half of my 144 combinations - i.e. whether you're loop recording, or stopping/starting. The combinations I'm looking at for Comping / Sound on Sound / Overwrite are: Loop Record / Record+Stop+Record+Stop Auto Punch On / Off (Auto Punch On only) Auto Punch Mute Previous Takes On/Off Store Takes in a Single Track / Store Takes in Separate Tracks Create New Lanes of Overlap On/Off New Takes on Top On/Off There's 48 combinations of the list above for each of the 3 recording modes. So 144 in total. I'm now questioning how useful documenting such a list would be... it's a bit overwhelming.
  24. This further supports the VST2/VST3 theory... here's SoundSpot KickBox. Notice the extra bypass parameter between "ratio" and "bypass warmth" (parameter 1): This is not the only example - loads of the Waves plugins have this difference between VST2/VST3, except in the Waves case it's usually the first parameter that is the extra "bypass" for VST3.
  25. Maybe the instruments and/or samples don't match the sample rate you have in Cakewalk?
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