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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. The confusion for me, is that some of the options seem to be functionally equivalent, or at least only very subtly different, depending on what recording mode/options you use. So I'm never totally confident that I've picked the right one. Take Sound on Sound vs Overwrite for instance. If I'm set to loop, and I've Auto Punch to the same selection with "Mute Previous Takes" on, and Store as separate lanes: Sound on Sound - Records each take in a different lane, previous takes cannot be heard during recording, but all lanes are active and will play together once recording stops. Overwrite - Records each take in a different lane, previous takes cannot be heard during recording, only the last lane is active and only this will play once recording stops. However, in both cases using the smart comp tool (i.e. clicking the lower half of a clip), will result in only that clip being the active one. So the end result in this case is exactly the same. But if I didn't use the smart comp tool, in either case, right clicking on Clip Mute/Unmute can obtain the same results in both cases, so: Takes recorded in Overwrite - Clip Mute/Unmute can be used to make all lanes playable, just as if they were recorded in Sound on Sound mode. Takes recorded in SoS - Clip Mute/Unmute can be used to make all but the last lane silent, just as if they were recorded in overwrite mode. So the differences are subtle, but knowing what each one does can speed up your workflow depending on what state you want your clip lanes to be in after recording. This is good in a way, because in most cases you're only a few clicks away from getting exactly the same result regardless of what recording mode you selected. I've identified 48 different option combinations for each recording mode (that's ignoring Multi-track grouping & Allowing Arm Changes), so that's 144 different combinations in total.... a lot to go through!
  2. Most likely Windows has made your Roland device it's default device, and it won't share it with Cakewalk. I normally have Windows set to use my on-board realtek sound device, so it leaves my audio interface alone.
  3. I normally assign "A" to aim assist within Keyboard Shortcuts. Just type aim into the search area, and it'll come up. You can then bind it to the A key. Pressing A will then toggle it on/off.
  4. I get this notification on some of my projects when using Jamstix. Quite often, I'll stick the audioM8 plugin on its own bus, so I can control the level of audio sent to it from each track. As audioM8 doesn't have an audio output, the bus is always silent, hence the notification. Maybe I could get around it by using Aux tracks, but the bus works fine for me.
  5. I've seen a number of track related issues when using Lenses. I suspect things get confused if you're adding/deleting tracks (or moving to & from folders) and you've got the "Track View Control Order" setting checked within the Lens Manager. Does it still cause issues if this option is unchecked?
  6. I've had similar thoughts about the AIR package - it's a fantastic set of instruments, even if it's a bit dated now - and it was good enough for ProTools for a long time. The effects package is pretty good too.
  7. Yeah, I've noticed that if you save a project where some VSTi's UI is open, it will tell Cakewalk it's changed. This is certainly true for VG-SILK, which I have loaded via JBridge (otherwise it crackles & pops at any sensible buffer size). If the UI isn't showing on project load, it's fine.
  8. I feel the same to be honest. Thankfully, for the most part I do things in one take, or if I don't like it I CTRL+Z and do it again. But I do get confused with it. Sometimes I think I've nailed it, then it confuses me again. I must spend some more time with it and document it so I'll remember! If I do get around to writing something up, I'll share it with everyone.
  9. Having seen this myself, I've come to the conclusion that @scook is more than likely right on this one. When a VST get's its settings restored by Cakewalk, depending on the VST and what settings have been set, it could result in the VST sending a notification back to Cakewalk saying that it's settings have been changed. The type of thing I'm talking about is, say a particular option wasn't enabled unless some other setting was set. Setting said option would then enable the other option and set it to its default value, before Cakewalk then sets it to the one you'd originally saved it with... so it thinks it has changed. This would result in Cakewalk marking the project as changed (as it's been told it has by the VST), hence the *. I suspect you could probably narrow it down to a particular VST / setting combination that would have the same result every time, but I don't think its anything to worry about.
  10. I think the issue arises is when mixing VST2 & VST3 of exactly the same plugin. A couple of things to check: 1. Look at the track inspector for the track that the contains the Roland Cloud synth, and switch to the MIDI tab. Check that no program change or bank change is selected, and that everything is set to None: 2. Try Unchecking "Zero Controllers When Play Stops", setting the correct patch and re-save/reload your project: 3. Check you've not got any stray MIDI tracks that are set to output to the Roland Cloud synth.
  11. If it's the Chorus/Flanger FX chain preset (Chorus-Flanger.fxc), under the ProChannel folder, it uses the Cakewalk MultiVoice Chorus/Flanger: AFAIK This is a DX effect... I'll check to confirm. [Edit] - Yes, it's a Cakewalk DX effect. Not sure if this is a SONAR only plugin or whether it comes with CbB as well. [Edit 2] - The location of this plugin on my system is: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins\multivoicechorusflanger.dll If you go to a command prompt, and type: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins\multivoicechorusflanger.dll" It should make sure it's installed. Don't know why it shouldn't be though.
  12. Look in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces - there's a MackieControl.chm help file there. The main manual is vague about models of control surfaces (see the External Devices section), and only mentions the Roland A-Pro as an example - presumably because that part was written when Roland were in charge, and didn't want other manufacturer's names mentioned. It does say that you should pick your device from the list though within the "Setting up control surfaces" section.
  13. This was a known issue in 2019.01 build 24. Build 2019.01 27 fixed it. The current version is (2019.03)
  14. I hope you do manage to reproduce it. For the M1 though, I doubt it's a VST2/VST3 / "Replace if Possible on Project Load" thing as the M1 is VST2 only, I've got a few projects using the M1 and they all work fine for me. I'm using Instrument tracks with it, rather than separate audio/midi tracks with the synth rack... I wonder if that's the difference?
  15. If you open up Task Manager whilst Cakewalk is running, right click on Cakewalk Application and select "Create Dump File" it will dump a snapshot of your current state of Cakewalk. I'm not sure if this is the same format as a minidump file though... but maybe the guys at Cakewalk can do something with it.
  16. I've seen this before... is it because it's replaced a VST2 plugin with a VST3 one? - i.e. you've got "Replace if Possible on Project Load" checked within the VST 3 Migration section under Preferences/VST Settings?
  17. That's a really good point actually, especially if "Replace if Possible on Project Load" is checked and the Mix snapshots were created using the VST2 version before the project was saved. When developing the C4Mapper, I noticed quite a few Waves plugins had a different ordering of parameters between VST2 / VST3.
  18. ...or a Roland VG88/VG99 or Line 6 Variax
  19. When I had cats, I played a sample of a lion roar in earshot of them. Their reaction was hilarious, until they realised it was coming from my laptop. Then they just gave me a dirty look and wandered off with their tails flicking.
  20. Here's a current thread with some people experiencing it. The problem is, that no-one can reproduce the issue reliably. I use the same plugins as some of the ones mentioned in the thread and can't reproduce the problem either. Even the people who are experiencing the issue say it only happens sometimes.
  21. 700 tracks is a lot to display, never mind manage. I would recommend putting some in folders and hiding them - you can always unhide them if need be. The less tracks in the console view, the faster it'll be.
  22. Some synths (e.g. Roland) would allow you to use CC 11 (Expression) for this purpose. I'm not entirely sure this is what you want though.
  23. Are you sure this is the case? From my experience, Waves Central seems to use the serial number of my system drive. As long as that drive is present, then it'll work fine. So for me, it's my WIN10 OS partition. Even dual booting into Windows 7 works fine, because the WIN10 OS disk is still present.
  24. Just build some sound generator pumping out random sounds at 25Khz-30KHz - you won't hear it, but the cat will stay well clear.
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