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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. It's a possibility, but if it is it would probably happen every time you closed Cakewalk. The last time this happened to me (with TH-U), I took a project that this happened with, took a note of the plugins, and created a new project inserting each of the plugins one at a time, saving, quitting until I found the plugin that made it hang.
  2. For me I can have it happen on a brand new project, or older projects. It's pretty random. It doesn't happen often enough for me to be more than slight annoyance. It maybe happens once or twice a month, and switching the audio engine off/on fixes it immediately. The last time it happened to me was on 5th May, while I was recording the demo for this post: If you look closely at when it's recording, no waveform is drawn during recording. This is when the random "buzz" happened.
  3. I like this one. I agree with all the comments above... especially the open hi-hat level, and the timing. As far as the timing goes, I think you might get away with just concentrating on humanising the Shreddage part. The three things I'd do are: 1. Slightly adjust the timing of power chords. In most cases, I think coming in slightly early would work - but sometimes they want to be slightly late. 2. The gaps between the chords are just a tad too long. Try making the chords last a bit longer - even if it's just some of note in the chord (e.g. the highest note by a very small amount). 3. Experiment with the velocity of the notes within the chords. Think about whether the guitarist is picking down or up, and give the first note picked a slightly higher velocity than the others. As a user of Shreddage myself, I find bypassing the effects whilst doing this can help. If it sounds like a typical GM MIDI, you've still got work to do... but if it sounds like a guitarist jamming along on his acoustic, or his unplugged electric then you're there. But a great sounding tune.
  4. The most common causes for this are: 1. A 32 bit plugin that doesn't behave properly when bridged. The best solution to this (apart from not using them) is to use the "Load with JBridge wrapper" option within plugin options, and have the "Dirty Close" option selected in the plugin's JBridge settings. You'll need JBridge installed of course. 2. Out of date plugins. I had this issue with Overloud TH-U recently - upgrading TH-U to the latest fixed it. One other thing, (which may just be speculation), but I've found leaving a plugin's GUI showing when you save a project or quit can sometimes (actually very rarely) cause issues. It certainly increases the load time significantly. I've not seen it hang Cakewalk on closing, but I *have* seen it hang on load if a problem plugin's GUI was showing when the project was saved. [Edit] - You shouldn't need to reboot. Go to task manager (right click on task bar), and just kill off the Cakewalk process.
  5. scook is correct, you can't do this. When you use a template, it simply copies the details of template into your project as if you'd done it manually. There's no reference to how the track(s) were created, so updating your template will have absolutely no effect on other projects.
  6. I've had a good play around with the new release. @Noel Borthwick, you've a right to be proud of this one - a great set of new features, and some significant fixes. I'm particularly grateful for the Gain/Volume/Pan changes for Instrument tracks, and the whole Melodyne experience is so much better. A big thanks to you and your team
  7. Normally, you can't share ASIO devices, or WDM/WASAPI devices that have been opened in exclusive mode. If you are using ASIO, you could try WASAPI or WDM, and make sure that you're opening it in shared rather than exclusive mode: If ASIO is your only option, then consider using ASIOLink: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/3519-odeus-asio-link-now-available-free/ This wraps up your existing ASIO driver, and creates a new one that can be shared between other applications. It also creates virtual WDM drivers that you can route your ASIO output to, that you could use as an input in Zoom. The only thing you'd need to do in Cakewalk is make sure you're using the ASIOLink ASIO driver rather than your TASCAM driver; then make ASIOLink is using the TASCAM ASIO driver as it's ASIO source.
  8. Did you bounce to clip(s) after you did your original deletes? I've found bounce to clip(s) is pretty much required after any series of edits in order for clips to behave as they should. Since you've got your original project back, right click on each clip individually and select bounce to clip(s). This in effect "commits" the previous edits (although you can still undo). You should find that the copy/paste works after doing this.
  9. msmcleod

    Ascension vsti

    You should make an exception for SynthMaster - it rocks.
  10. Avid have their own overall company Facebook page, and then separate ones for their individual products (e.g. Pro Tools, Media Composer etc)/
  11. Perhaps its worth trying the MackieControl surface again? I had a similar problem with jerky / slow / unresponsive faders with my Mackie MCU until I upgraded the firmware. The other thing to look at is your MIDI buffer settings: Control surfaces are VERY chatty over MIDI, so there's a possibility that it could be losing MIDI messages if this is set to too small a value. I've got mine set at 750, which works well for me. Also avoid having your surface connected to a USB hub - have it connected to a dedicated USB port if possible.
  12. Actually just found this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013438/Control-Surface-Installers This should install everything for you, so long as you have SONAR platinum installed.
  13. When you ran the command prompt section, did you get a dialog box confirming that the DLL had been registered? You might have to run it as administrator if you're not getting the confirmation box. Also, double check that the DLL is unblocked: Also, are you running Sonar 64 bit? If you're running 32 bit, you'll need the 32 bit version instead: https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/blob/master/Bin/x86/VS700.dll If you're on a 32 bit Windows machine, then the instructions are the same, just using the 32 bit DLL instead. If you're running 32 bit SONAR on a 64 bit Windows, then the directory is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\"
  14. In some ways it makes total sense for businesses to offer subscriptions to other businesses, especially if it's cloud based. For one thing, it lowers the cost of ownership in the sense that you don't actually own the software. This has favourable tax implications, as it is seen as an expense which is tax deductible, rather than an owned asset (which you may have to pay tax on, depending on where your company is based and what you've bought). If it's cloud based, it's really easy to expand storage, CPU's, RAM etc on the fly as you need it without having to buy hardware (same argument as above) and without having to redeploy your software. The plugin subscription plans make total sense for small commercial studios. For the average consumer though, it's may or may not make sense. Having the choice between buying it outright and a subscription is best, but forcing people to take a subscription and/or forcing upgrades on people without any guarantee that it will be backward compatible is really bad IMO.
  15. I've definitely found this. Something even more strange was when I started using the TC Helicon VoicePrism to add a small bit of rasp to my voice. After a while, I found I was doing the rasp myself even though I thought my voice was incapable of it.
  16. It's there already isn't it? I thought Studio One 4 was one of the first DAW's to use ARA 2... AFAIK that's what the chord track uses to do its magic.
  17. Depending on what deals are going on, it's sometimes cheaper to upgrade to the full Studio One. But I must admit, having to buy an extra module to get a DAW to support VST's does suck.
  18. There is always the workaround of putting your synth in the track's effects bin. This was the legacy way of doing things though, and I'm not sure how long this will be supported in CbB.
  19. You can download it from Cakewalk's github site: https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/blob/master/Bin/x64/VS700.dll You'll need to: 1. Copy it to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\ 2. If running Windows 10, it may block it since you downloaded it from the internet. Right click->properties on the DLL and select "Unblock" at the bottom 3. Open up a command prompt, and type: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\VS700.dll"
  20. One thing I'd love to see is an "Add Instrument" option to synths on the synth-rack. So say you've got Kontakt added as an instrument track. Currently you're fixed to 2 outputs. What would be great would be able to right click on the synth, and add another instrument track which would be assigned to outputs 3 & 4. Doing it again, would assign to 5 + 6 etc... until you've run out of outputs, at which point the option would be greyed out. I find its very convenient having the MIDI / Audio combined into one track, but it would be great to do this with multiple outputs without having to have loads of separate MIDI / Audio tracks just to make use of the extra outputs.
  21. You can kind of do this already by selecting the folder, then using groups: Now moving any of the faders or pans, will move the others relative to your movement. If you want to adjust one in isolation, just hold down the CTRL key while your doing it.
  22. There was a post on the old forum related to the QCON, which I suspect has a similar handshaking protocol: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Custom-Version-of-Mackie-Control-Surface-Plugin-to-use-the-QCON-m3092979.aspx#3092979 It mentions needing to send a SYSEX message to the control surface to kick off the handshake. Unfortunately, the download link on the post no longer works, else I'd have incorporated the fix into my version of the MackieControl. You may want to try out my version anyhow, which has a "disable handshake" option on it: http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/MMcLMackieControlSetup.zip Please let me know if enabling the "disable handshake" works or not - if it doesn't, I'll try to do a bit more digging to get the relevant SYSEX messages added to my version. [Edit] - After a bit more research, it looks like the sysex is not being returned from the Icon to cakewalk during the handshake. Apparently, the Mackie Control protocol was updated at some point to remove this from the handshake, and Cakewalk's DLL was never updated. So using the disable handshake option should actually work.
  23. You're better setting up Platform-M as a Mackie Control rather than using ACT, unless you're using it for something other than transport/fader etc control?
  24. For me the 6 minute time limit is a major restriction... @Starise, @Blades - how are you finding this restriction for prog rock? Is it an issue, or do you split parts over different songs?
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