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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. Got thus plugin, but gotta say... It's not as accurate as I would have liked.
  2. Sounds like a virus you'd get on a one night adventure out in town.
  3. https://ddmf.eu/metaplugin-chainer-vst-au-rtas-aax-wrapper/ https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PatchWork/ The lowest price I've found Patchworks for is $79. I've not done any hard searching for Metaplugin, but it's retail price is $59.00 and possibly can get for less? Blue Cat Audio Patchworks $79 https://store.dontcrack.com/product_info.php?products_id=1451 Can't seem to find Metaplugin for less than $59. I've seen forums state it used to be $34, but can't find that Anyhow, besides the cost. Which one do you prefer and why?
  4. The sale is at Sweetwater https://www.sweetwater.com/store/manufacturer/Klevgrand
  5. LOL. I figured as much, that's why I spent $500 on Yamaha HS5 + cables + Tax yesterday at my local Guitar Center.
  6. I guess duplicates are getting either boring or forgotten.
  7. This is a great plugin. I've used it in my recent song and I've got several other songs that use this plugin!
  8. Let's say a certain company or plugin gets posted. You can't possibly watch 24/7, but if you can create a alert, then you'll know if it gets posted immediately. Is that possible?
  9. He wants the MODERATORS to Delete then Duplicate...LOL
  10. Since I live with people that don't want to hear me banging out music, and I wish for low volume listening, I plan to get a small pair. Guitar Center has a sell on Sterling Audio MX3 for $69.99 (pair) and a Sterling Audio MX5 for $79.99 (single). Or get two KRK Classic 5 G3 for $200 ($99 each). Or I could just buy a single $200 speaker like Yamaha HS5 and play music on mono. Those speakers are available right now near me, I don't have to wait on shipping.
  11. The Duplicate Master is back!
  12. I had something like that... instacomposer which left a bad taste in my mouth for those kinds of arps. So, unsure about it. I'll look at some videos on YouTube.
  13. I can't wait till they allow it for Reaper or if Sonar will have it?
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