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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. How did you? It put *** on when I said it!
  2. To update my comment on "Red Room Audio". I reached out to them on thier YouTube channel, they told me the email to contact them. I sent an email, and it seems they are willing to work with me on my dislike of an installer. Red Room Audio support is great P.S. I did this before knowing what PavlovsCat said.
  3. Red Room Audio hates Speedify VPN! I guess Red Room Audio doesn't want my business!
  4. Do you have time to name a few big library companies that use that installer to make me feel better?
  5. The main thing I hate, is having to download another software installer... I don't know of any other libraries that uses https://pulsedownloader.com/ for downloading.
  6. Red Room Audio isn't free anymore... $5.00 https://redroomaudio.com/product/snaps-claps-slaps-stomps-shouts/
  7. There's a comedy stream I listen to "Phone Losers of America" where they call up ads to people selling stuff and tell them they don't want it. LoL. Kind of this same concept, except you didn't take it as a joke.
  8. REQUIRES YOU SETUP AN ACCOUNT. Just saying. Thought they would just let me put in an email, but nope... Requires an account. I guess I won't be getting this.
  9. Do they sound different?
  10. I'm just being blunt. But no, I wasn't tackful in my approach, sorry
  11. Are you required to use their software drivers?? Or is it plugin play?
  12. Why do I need that when I've got HorNet HA2A?
  13. Instead of companies telling us what to pay for a product, how about the reverse for a forum called "Pitch Perfect" or "Pitched Offers" or "Haggling"? Then, let's say you think the value of a product should actually be less than what the developer wants for the product, this is where you pitch your offer to the developer. It could go both ways, where you think the developer is asking way too low for a product, so you pitch to them why they should put more value into their product price. I thought this would be a great place where discussion of what the value of products should actually be. Just thinking outside the box ?
  14. I use a competitor product that I'm happy with and I have never tried Re-Head.
  15. Sorry, this got way off topic. It's just I realized that the OP creates posts for Blue Cat Audio mainly, so I'm thinking, he or she or it may have connections with the original developer... So just practically using this topic to discuss other blue cat products
  16. I really am not jumping on Shaperbox, because there seems to be a large learning curve if you want to create stuff yourself and not use the presets. Plus, it is a unusual demo where you can use it without any interruptions in sound, but the author says you can't save anything and your limited to one Shaperbox per instance. With Plugin Script, I was just hoping to create my own variant of Shaperbox while making it less complicated.
  17. However, JMG Sound Cryostasis, Expanse 3D, Hyperspace, Nanopulse, and Transmutator are awesome products!
  18. No offense, cclarry, but I wouldn't recommend that product myself. Even though it advertises as a shortcut to actually doing it yourself... your better off to do it yourself as this product was in a bundle of products I bought last year on a deal... and I played with it a bit, then tossed it away down the black hole where it will never come alive again!
  19. You can get them at those prices at DontCrack.com without having to prove that you have a crossgrade product! https://store.dontcrack.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=blue+cat+audio&x=0&y=0 The only issue is, PatchWork isn't worth $79 without a proper plugin browser in my opinion, and Plug-in Script needs to let me know if you can create complex LOFs like Shaperbox using the scripting feature of Plug-in Script.
  20. I've demo PatchWork, the only major issue I have with it... is no plugin browser! Instead, it requires you manually find the plugins in the folders for your .dll or .vst3 files... Waves Audio Bundles are hard to search thru because I've got over 10 of them and each has several plugins inside! It's a major pain to find plugins using PatchWork. The owner says once you do load it... just save it as a preset and you'll be able to find it faster later ----->>> and I'm thinking... I've gotta make over a million or so presets???
  21. Yeah... I don't know what users would do that aren't tech savvy... imagine how pissed off they are when they no longer can use their "bought" instruments?
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