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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. I just can't believe it happens enough where they have documentation to solve it. It has to be because of Komplete 8 (which is outdated software) maybe?
  2. Issue resolved when i renamed NativeAccess.xml to NativeAccess.xml.bak in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center and restarted Native Access https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402377887121-My-Products-Are-Showing-As-DEMO-in-Native-Access
  3. SO ... BE WARNED!!! DON'T USE NATIVE ACCESS! I will update this when they resolve this issue!
  4. The "DEMO" products I OWN for Komplete 14 Standard, yet .... here's a snapshot of my account:
  5. The bad thing is ... I just bought this AND I can't use it ... Native Access update screwed me out of multiple products I own AND I can't download the product I just bought! I guess that's the "Watchmaker" product that I can't download ... 0.0.0 version?
  6. I've updated AND bought a product today, and I no longer can use Komplete 14 Standard, and several other products I own with Native Instruments! I am just putting this warning out there so you don't run Native Access and screw yourself out of products you own!
  7. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/nks-partners/sonokinetic/the-watchmaker/ While looking for watch sounds, I found this deal.
  8. Looks like I'm going to have to be choosy on such libraries to buy as I really want them all. I'll eventually get them all over time.
  9. Some of my older friends watched a lot of westerns when I visited them, I used to play Fistful of Frags (steam PC game), and I've watched Tom Brier and his ragtime videos ^^ even though that isn't Western, it's ragtime. Overall, I'm always searching for me ways to play music. Since I'm not smart enough to create a new genre, I'll start making new music for genres long lost. Western music seems to have faded into the distant background around my area... Time to bring it back ?
  10. Which one do you prefer most? p.s. I'm going to ignore Orange tree based on what PavlovsCat said about customer service issues.
  11. I hope I didn't offend you or anyone else. I really do appreciate advice and my words I thought I looked over twice before hitting submit, but If I did offend anyone, please let me know how I can adjust myself as my social abilities isn't the greatest.
  12. I've got Native Instruments Komplete, but from what I'm finding out, it's not really compete! They are missing tons of unusual instruments, or the instruments don't sound good enough. Sampletank seems to be along the same thing?
  13. I somehow over looked your suggested banjo. I'll have to look at it! Some recommended instruments like guitar and drums, I don't need as I have more than plenty. It's the really odd instruments that nobody really uses goes into the kind of Western type of music I'm working on. I'll let you listen to a shorten version of what I'm working on... it's a unlisted link. It's only 1 minute and 47 seconds. It's a Collab between me and Unfinished Songs. It's not listed yet, but I think it's okay for this forum. Try to keep it on the down low. https://youtu.be/MDDP8393rco?si=KutEaTmPvGMRi_Fk You can tell how it needs more instruments to build it up some more. I'll have to see about adding different instruments and I'll even give y'all a link of an update. I've added a church bell to my most recent version, but it doesn't sound right. I'm still looking for a great church bell (not bells); but a single strike of a large church bell (not bong). I think it would help this song. I plan to release my instrumental versions to the Unfinished Songs members only after I've completed the song. Please post your thoughts here and not on the YouTube
  14. Wow! You've scored me two great instruments That awesome Honky tonk harmonica! Thank you so much for showing that great find! That banjo, will have to add that too!
  15. Nice, Bucket bass and washboard! I didn't even think of those! Thanks!
  16. Loopcloud doesn't have Western genre based sounds I'm looking for.. I've checked their sound library online.
  17. Don't get Western mixed up with Country. It happens allot! You know, church bell, piano, trumpet, horse, whistling, harmonica, cow bell, ticking clock, whip, banjo, gravel being smashed, fist hitting wall, etc.
  18. If you've got Melodyne, you can already do this. Just put your audio file into Melodyne, export it as a midi file, drop the midi file into a instrument track, and there you go!
  19. Urmm... I'm waiting on the sale for Blue Cat's PatchWork or Blue Cat's Plug'n Script, but more leaning towards PatchWork. ?
  20. Oddly the most used plugin from Melda I use is MUtility and it's free
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