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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. Supposedly we should be allowed to continue to use this freeware version of Cakewalk, right? Hell, I still have Sonar Producer 8.5.3! I've been debating if using Blue Cat Audio Patchwork to allow it to use VST3, but in the end, the freeware version is much better than the 8.5.3 version! Edit: I have Reaper... Cakewalk's dithering "Pwr-3" is much better than any of Reaper's sound. Cakewalk Sonar just sounds better when using Pwr-3!
  2. I didn't even think about Melda until you mentioned them. Then I googled them and what I read looking for... they have a free plugin called MUtility that allows you to collapse stereo to mono by enabling coder, then Left+Right -> Mono. https://www.meldaproduction.com/MUtility https://vi-control.net/community/threads/plugin-for-collapsing-stereo-to-mono.129159/post-5169703 I still would like to figure out how Cakewalk would do this so I don't have to use a plugin.
  3. I've got BBC Symphony Orchestra that seems to have no settings on disabling the panning they instilled into the samples they created. Yes you can manually pan, but I'd rather have a plugin force it to center instead of me guessing if I'm center.
  4. OMG.. it won't let me say @ss ??
  5. I looked up the name on YouTube. It says Pavlovs Kittens and not Pavlovs Cat.. I figured it the same? I made a ***** out of U and ME...lol
  6. I'd be weary myself with PavlovsCat, teaching cats to ring a bell for food. How horrible would it be that your house cat needs to ring a bell for food for the entertainment of humans?
  7. I think I understand. Thank you!
  8. My song must have used all the key words required to require a moderator before it would be allowed to be posted?
  9. Link to comment: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/67112-spammer-still-inside-coffee-house/&do=findComment&comment=477817
  10. Are we not allowed to create poetry/ songs and post the lyrics here?
  11. I have two posts in this area that require a moderator?? Why?
  12. I created a post in the "Spammer in the coffee house" and posted my song... and it says waiting for moderator??
  13. GTsongwriter


    Somehow my posts are being moderated?
  14. New Song: "Spammer in the coffee house"..lol ... There's a spammer in the coffee house, They didn't have a name, Everyone wanted them oust, Before they went insane. A phon e num ber in a post, Di al it right now, They aren't but a ghost, A scammer some how, They hope your an idiot, A person with no sense, They're most likely a affiliate, Making money at your expense! There's a scammer in the coffee house, They didn't have a name, Everyone wanted them oust, Before they went insane! Etc,etc,etc... Several key words blocking
  15. They only issue about that, would the already created tempo map follow this measure move?
  16. Understand that the beginning of the song does not have any beats. So, I need to set 1 on the ruler where the music has beats starting. How do I do this?
  17. WOOOOOOOOE There! I've just dropped $500 on Yamaha HS5s / cables / taxes. That's not happening! I'm NOT dropping those dollars right now. ...LOL
  18. Maybe they are making fun of my YouTube channel... yep 50 subscribers. Maybe one person comments that it's good. Maybe 2-5 thumbs up. My singing not so great.. yep . Still working on that part. Thinking of getting a vocoder. Overall, been creating new songs on my YouTube channel for over 3 years now and only got 50 subscribers and if I'm lucky 200 views. LoL. I do this for fun, but lately I've been thinking about getting back into programming and start making plugins instead. I've got several plugins I've been bugging people to create, but nobody wants to do it. p.s. https://youtube.com/@ElDiabloSongwriter
  19. He's still yet to create me a auto PDC plugin which would be Sender / receiver type plugin that lets plugins sit in-between and would create a new PDC based on the plugins running in-between. The only plugin I've found to do that is TBProAudio ABLM2.
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