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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. I have Melodyne 5 Studio, I didn't realize they have that function?
  2. Right.. I hate to constantly owe a company money for updates.
  3. You think they'll be able to lower the loyalty pricing before December?
  4. I thought, in the rules, we weren't suppose to have sells by Pirate people?
  5. Yeah.. I've got all their free plugins, decided it's time to give them a little something
  6. I steer clear of anything Apple. I'm a Linux/Windows Fan
  7. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/profile/791-cclarry/ Usually posts every day... Stop posting for ten days now.
  8. Good thing we have 11 days to get it
  9. LoL... I still have the "demo" version from when they first started... it's practically "free" because it was a never ending demo... you can "mute" the ocean noises by muting the audio part of the track and still use the midi. I was thinking of buying it, but they've gotta really lower the price to $9 for me to consider any updates.
  10. is this the lowest it's been seen?
  11. Why would you need this if you have Smart Limiter?
  12. I get with two different browsers. Error 15 Access denied Error 15 www.waves.com 2023-10-28 17:43:07 UTC What happened? This request was blocked by our security service. IP: PROXY:
  13. I got a error message: Access denied Error 15 www.waves.com What happened? This request was blocked by our security service Your IP: Proxy IP: Incident ID: I didn't know I had a proxy ip??
  14. Had anyone installed in on Windows, yet? If so, does it have a valid Microsoft Certification? You know, does Windows Smart Screen validate the software or is there a yellow screen warning you of a potential problems that the author couldn't be validated? Also... no where on the website does it say off it's standalone, VST, or ???
  15. My new SHORT song using it: https://youtu.be/PoBVpPQkmqk?si=YelCIxdQBFMaUuyx
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