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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. This just happened suddenly. It starts to load and then everything shuts down as if I hadn't even started up cbb. I can load it from the menu however. Is there a way to just delete it from the start screen? Or to fix it? Thank you.
  2. Thanks for making the effort! I think that's above my pay grade?. I'm just trying to get a decent mix.
  3. Another question, I have the Youlean meter as the very last plug on my master bus but that comes before the master bus fader. So it won't reflect raising or lowering the master bus gain? Am I missing something?
  4. Here's what I figured out thanks to all of your input, keep CBB routed to the audio interface. I then export an MP3, turn off the interface and just enable the laptop speakers and get a good Lo-Fi comparison. Before I was having to send the mp3 over to my tablet but that sounds about the same as the laptop speakers, i.e tinny which is what I want for the Lo-Fi comparison. Thank you to everyone I love this group.
  5. Sorry if this is a basic computer question but I just realized I could use my built-in laptop computer speakers for a Lo-Fi comparison on the final mix, but I can't figure out how to enable both interface and Lo-Fi and be able to switch between the two without going into settings each time. I'm on Windows 10 and my interface is a focusrite Scarlett i18 8. It looks like in Windows settings I either have to choose one or the other for the output. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks!
  6. That's what I thought, thanks but when I export to MP3, the MP3 says untitled?
  7. I've tried both the export module & file/export but I have to type in the project name each time. Isn't there a way it automatically names the export with the same name as the project? thanks
  8. Thanks! I thought about waiting until Insight goes on sale, mainly for the inter plug communication, but i read on another site that luffs is mainly for the final master buss & not for individual channel gain staging? So I just continue with rms & peek db for that?
  9. I'm trying to switch over to luffs for metering. It doesn't look like CbB shows luffs. I'm trying Youlean's meter. Just curious what other people are doing for gain staging & leaving headroom for mastering? Thanks.
  10. Thanks I think I got it. It looks like i have to do the edit on the take lane, if there is one, not the main track. i'm soo behind in take lanes.
  11. I'm trying to salvage an old project & there's a linear curve on a take lane (I think) I want to delete. i'm way behind in take lanes as they have changed so much since Sonar X1. thanks
  12. Wow, thanks. I'm just trying to get clarity in a spoken vocal w a background soundtrack.
  13. Is it possible or even useful to do both together on the same track? Thanks.
  14. Of course, it never even occurred to me to copy the track. Thank you!
  15. I drew one curve by hand but I want to see if I can get a better result riding the fader. Is there a way to do that without deleting the first automation curve? Thanks
  16. all good advice, I got it - thank you!!
  17. Okay thank you both, I'm away from my computer now but will check those out when I boot up again.
  18. The default nudge settings or shortcuts aren't working for me, maybe user error. Is there a best or most efficient way to use nudge or to set these up? Thanks!
  19. Thanks for yr help! That makes it more clear.
  20. I have been using the VC 64 as an insert, not sure why - because there are several different components & a send would be the same amount for all of them, if that makes sense. I use the PX 64 in a buss however. Any suggestions on best use? thanks. PS the "notify me of replies" check box never works, I have to remember to check the forum for responses.
  21. Hi - I know this is old...I wrote tech support for Melodyne & got this reply, FYI: You can manually switch the sibilant removal feature on or off, if you go to the algorithm inspector in the Note Assignment mode.
  22. Yr right! Thank you. PS Outrage Productions - what is LMB??
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