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charles kasler

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Everything posted by charles kasler

  1. Is there a way to make the FX bin larger on a channel strip? I think there was a way to scroll through the FX if some don't show but I forgot what that is. Thank you.
  2. It's great that each project has its own folder now compared to the old sonar. Sometimes I open up a project and find another one in the same folder, ie one project is in the wrong folder. Probably it's user error as I'm getting more used to CBB but is there something obvious that I'm doing wrong? Thanks
  3. RESOLVED In fact I wasn't placing the cursor in the right place, thanks for the reminder. I did see the cursor change but that may have been for resizing tracks. At any rate it's fixed and thank you.
  4. I think so, the cursor changes and it's the same thing I've always done.
  5. This is suddenly not working. I thought it was because they were in track folders, but I deleted the folder and they're still not responding. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  6. Auto track zoom doesn't seem to be working on tracks within a track folder. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
  7. RESOLVED: I think it had to do with 32/64 bit issues.
  8. I just downloaded a free plug-in, blue cat gain meter, scanned plugins but nothing shows up either in excluded or included plugins. I reinstalled, chose a different folder, specifically selected that folder to scan, and nothing. Am I missing something? Thank you!
  9. is there any difference between adjusting track volume with the gain control at the top of the channel strip as opposed to using clip gain automation? Thanks!
  10. Thanks jo Thanks John, I'm learning so much from this forum. I've always used the vx64 vocal strip as an insert. If I make my vocal track a mono input from here on, it should still work properly if the output is stereo. Or am I better off using the vx64 on a bus? By the way I can't find a link for many of your very helpful tutorials. Or they have been removed. I understand if you want to sell them or something because you put a lot of work into them. Is there one link still to access some of them? Thanks again
  11. Is it because I'm recording a mono vocal into a stereo track? I want the stereo track for fx that are added in stereo. Is there a better way to do this or doesn't it matter? Thanks.
  12. What is the best way to do this? I looked through old threads because I thought there was a way to right click and select peaks within a clip and lower the gain but I can't get it to work. I could do it by splitting portions of the clip but that's time consuming. I'm referring to leveling out a vocal track before further processing. Thanks!
  13. I think so Larry thank you. I wasn't sure if my samples were groove clips but from reading this it sounds like you can create groove clips from anything.
  14. I don't use these much so I've never been clear on groove clips or whatever they are called. I have a project at 80 BPM and I want to use some tabla drums. There's lots of them in my browser, not sure if they're loops or samples but the closest BPM is 90. What's the simplest way to get it to fit the project BPM? Also the tabla drums say they are in either the key of c or c sharp. Is there a way to change the key also? Please just point me to a link to read, I just wasn't sure how to pose this question into the manual. Thank you!
  15. John are yr custom shortcut keys part of Melodyne or CbB key bindings? I couldn't find a way to set them up. Thanks.
  16. Update... I copied the vocal clip to a new track, and was successful with region effects. All I can think of is that the original track was somehow corrupted. It's not unusual for me to find sends in old projects that no longer work. I have no idea why except for the same reason of the track being corrupted, whatever that means. Usually the fix is just to delete and create a new send. I admit there can be user error, it's really been a handful for me to go from sonar producer to the present CbB, as it continually evolves. I do like what we have now and it's not nearly as buggy as a recent posters experience, it's just frustrating for me to go from fairly fluent in sonar to somewhat incompetent in cbb. I will get it eventually. Thank you all for your suggestions and patience!
  17. Update, this is driving me nuts! Okay sorry, I've retested and still get the same result, no sound. I've tried just a short portion of the clip and I can't get anything to even register in region effects. It's likely to be user error and sooner or later I will get it. I've never been comfortable with region effects though, I used to have melodyne Uno and just imported and exported my tracks and it worked fine. It also may have to do with my lack of understanding of exclusive solo. I've always found that a little confusing, I click solo plus exclusive solo, select the track and get no sound. There's some part of that I just don't get. Thanks for further advice and sorry for the rant.
  18. I haven't gotten around to troubleshooting yet but I will keep that in mind. I used to be pretty good at melodyne and it's just taking me some time to get used to it again. Thanks.
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